In this section you can find all our previous headline news stories.
Joint lab meeting in Leicester - November 2023
The Hearing Research Group took the opportunity to share the cutting-edge research happening at Sheffield with other research groups from Kings College London, Swansea University, Sussex University and the University of Leicester at the biannual joint hearing research lab meeting.
Paper published - June 2023
This review from the Hearing Research Group discusses the application of gene therapy to treat hearing loss.
Dr Johnson has been awarded funding from RNID and BBSRC both for a postdoc to investigate the role of noise exposure on the progression of hearing loss.
We hired a new PhD student to work in Professor Walter Marcotti's lab. This exciting project is looking into treating progressive hearing loss with AAV mediated gene therapy!
3-Year Research Assistant Position Filled
We hired a new 3-year Research Assistant in the Marcotti lab. The candidate will be involved in overseeing daily operations and providing technical support.