Our Publications



Conrad LJ, Grandi FC, Carlton AJ, Jeng JY, De Tomasi L, Zarecki P, Marcotti W, Johnson SL, Mustapha M (2024) The upregulation of K+ and HCN channels in developing spiral ganglion neurons is mediated by cochlear inner hair cellsJ Physiol

Carlton AJ, Jeng JY, Grandi FC, De Faveri F, Amariutei AE, De Tomasi L, O’Connor A, Johnson SL, Furness DN, Brown SDM, Ceriani F, Bowl MR, Mustapha M, Marcotti W (2024) BAI1 localizes AMPA receptors at the cochlear afferent post-synaptic density and is essential for hearing. Cell Rep


Hool SA, Jeng JY, Jagger DJ, Marcotti W, Ceriani F (2023) Age-related changes in P2Y receptor signalling in mouse cochlear supporting cells. J Physiol

Amariutei AE, Jeng JY, Safieddine S, Marcotti W (2023) Recent advances and future challenges in gene therapy for hearing loss. R Soc Open Sci

Carlton AJ, Jeng JY, Grandi FC, De Faveri F, Ceriani F, De Tomasi L, Underhill A, Johnson SL, Legan KR, Kros CJ, Richardson GP, Mustapha M, Marcotti W (2023) A critical period of prehearing spontaneous Ca2+ spiking is required for hair‐bundle maintenance in inner hair cells. EMBO J


Jeng JY, Carlton AJ, Goodyear R, Chinowsky C, Ceriani F, Johnson SL, Sung T-C, Dayn Y, Richardson GP, Bowl MR, Brown SDM, Manor U, Marcotti W (2022) AAV-mediated rescue of Eps8 expression in vivo restores hair-cell function in a mouse model of recessive deafness. Molecular Therapy, Methods & Clinical Development

Murtha KE, Yang Y, Ceriani F, Jeng JY, Climer LK, Jones F, Charles J, Devana SK, Hornak AJ, Marcotti W, Simmons DD (2022). Oncomodulin (OCM) uniquely regulates calcium signaling in neonatal cochlear outer hair cells. Cell Calcium

Lorente-Cánovas B, Eckrich S, Lewis MA, Johnson SL, Marcotti W, Steel KP (2022) Grxcr1 regulates hair bundle morphogenesis and is required for normal mechanoelectrical transduction in mouse cochlear hair cellsPLoS ONE

Newton S, Kong F, Carlton AJ, Aguilar C, Parker A, Codner GF, Teboul L, Wells S, Brown SDM, Marcotti W, Michael R Bowl (2022) Neuroplastin genetically interacts with Cadherin 23 and the encoded isoform Np55 is sufficient for cochlear hair cell function and hearingPLoS Genetics


Manca M, Yen P, Spaiardi P, Russo G, Giunta R, Johnson SL, Marcotti W, Masetto S (2021) Current Response in CaV1.3–/– Mouse Vestibular and Cochlear Hair CellsFront in Neuro

Hardy K, Amariutei AE, De Faveri F, Hendry A, Marcotti W, Ceriani F (2021) Functional development and regeneration of hair cells in the zebrafish lateral lineJ Physiol.

De Faveri F, Marcotti W, Ceriani F (2021) Sensory adaptation at ribbon synapses in the zebrafish lateral lineJ Physiol

Jeng JY, Harasztosi C, Carlton AJ, Corns LF, Marchetta P, Johnson SL, Goodyear RJ, Legan KP, Rüttiger L, Richardson GP, Marcotti W (2021) MET currents and otoacoustic emissions from mice with a detached tectorial membrane indicate the extracellular matrix regulates Ca2+ near stereociliaJ Physiol

Carlton AJ, Halford J, Underhill A, Jeng JY, Avenarius MR, Gilbert ML, Ceriani F, Ebisine K, Brown SDM, Bowl MR, Barr‐Gillespie PG, Marcotti W (2021) Loss of Baiap2l2 destabilizes the transducing stereocilia of cochlear hair cells and leads to deafnessJ Physiol

Jeng JY, Carlton AJ, Johnson SL, Brown SDM, Holley MC, Bowl MR, Marcotti W (2021) Biophysical and morphological changes in inner hair cells and their efferent innervation in the ageing mouse cochleaJ Physiol


Jeng JY, Ceriani F, Olt J, Brown SDM, Holley MC, Bowl MR, Johnson SL, Marcotti W (2020) Pathophysiological changes in inner hair cell ribbon synapses in the ageing mammalian cochleaJ Physiol

Jeng JY, Johnson SL, Carlton AJ, De Tomasi L, Goodyear RJ, De Faveri F, Furness DN, Wells S,  Brown SDM, Holley MC, Richardson GP, Mustapha M, Bowl MR, Marcotti W (2020) Age-related changes in the biophysical and morphological characteristics of mouse cochlear outer hair cellsJ Physiol

Spaiardi P, Marcotti W, Masetto S, Johnson SL (2020) Exocytosis in mouse vestibular Type II hair cells shows a high-order Ca2+ dependence that is independent of synaptotagmin-4Physiol Reports

Boddy SL, Romero-Guevara R, Ji A, Unger C, Corns LF, Marcotti W, Rivolta MN (2020) Generation of Otic Lineages from Integration-Free Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reprogrammed by mRNAsStem Cells Inter

Spaiardi P, Tavazzani E, Manca M, Russo G, Prigioni I, Biella G, Giunta R, Johnson SL, Marcotti W, Masetto S (2020) K+ Accumulation and Clearance in the Calyx Synaptic Cleft of Type I Mouse Vestibular Hair CellsNeuroscience

Martelletti E, Ingham NJ, Houston O, Pass JC, Chen J, Marcotti W, Steel KP (2020) Synaptojanin2 Mutation Causes Progressive High-frequency Hearing Loss in MiceFront Cell Neuro

Jeng JY, Ceriani F, Hendry A, Johnson SL, Yen P, Simmons DD, Kros CJ, Marcotti W (2020) Hair cell maturation is differentially regulated along the tonotopic axis of the mammalian cochleaJ Physiol


Ceriani F, Hendry A, Jeng JY, Johnson SL, Olt J, Holley MC, Mammano F, Kros CJ, Simmons DD, Marcotti W (2019) Coordinated Ca2+ activity of cochlear sensory and non-sensory cells refines OHC afferent innervation. EMBO J

Johnson SL, Safieddine S, Mustapha M, Marcotti W (2019) Hair Cell Afferent Synapses: Function and Dysfunction. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med

Groot SC, Sliedregt K, Benthem PPG, Rivolta MN, Huisman MA (2019) Building an Artificial Stem Cell Niche: Prerequisites for Future 3D‐Formation of Inner Ear Structures ‐ Towards 3D Inner Ear Biotechnology The Anatomical Record

Abbas L & Rivolta MN (2019) The use of animal models to study cell transplantation in neuropathic hearing loss. Hear Res

Smeriglio P, Leu R and Mustapha M (2019) TSP1 and TSP2 have unique and overlapping roles in protecting against noise-induced auditory synaptopathy. Neuroscience


Corns LF, Johnson SL, Roberts T, Ranatunga K, Hendry A, Ceriani F, Safieddine S, Steel K, Forge A, Petit C, Furness D, Kros C, Marcotti W (2018) Mechanotransduction is required for establishing and maintaining mature inner hair cells and regulating efferent innervation. Nature Comm

Chessum et al (17 authors) Marcotti W, Brown SDM, Elkon R, Bowl MR, Hertzano R (2018) Ikzf2/helios is a key transcriptional regulator of outer hair cell maturation. Nature

Razlivanov I, Liew T, Moore EW, Al-Kathiri A, Bartram T, Kuvshinov D & Nikolaev A (2018) Long-term imaging of calcium dynamics using genetically encoded calcium indicators and automatic tracking of cultured cells. BioTechniques

Bergmann K, Meza Santoscoy P, Lygdas K, Nikolaeva Y, MacDonald R, Cunliffe V & Nikolaev A (2018) Imaging Neuronal Activity in the Optic Tectum of Late Stage Larval Zebrafish. J Dev Biol

Iannitti T, Scarrott J, Likhite S, Coldicott IRP, Lewis KE, Heath PR, Higginbottom A, Myszczynska MA, Milo M, Hautbergue GM, Meyer K et al (2018) Translating SOD1 Gene Silencing toward the Clinic: A Highly Efficacious, Off-Target-free, and Biomarker-Supported Strategy for fALS. Mol Ther: Nucleic Acids

García-Alcántara F, Murillo-Costa S, Pulido S, Bermúdez-Muñoz JM, Martínez-Vega R, Milo M, Varela-Nieto I, Rivera T (2018) The expression of oxidative stress response genes is modulated by a combination of resveratrol and N-acetylcysteine to ameliorate ototoxicity in the rat cochlea. Hear Res

Stacey G, Andrews P, Asante C, Barbaric I, Barry J, Bisset L, Braybrook J, Buckle R, Chandra A, Coffey P , Crouch S et al (2018) Science-based assessment of source materials for cell-based medicines: report of a stakeholders workshop. Reg Med


Johnson SL, Olt J, Cho S, von Gersdorff H, Marcotti W (2017) The coupling between Ca2+ channels and the exocytotic Ca2+ sensor at hair cell ribbon synapses varies tonotopically along the mature cochlea. J Neurosci

Johnson SL, Ceriani F, Houston O, Polishchuk R, Polishchuk E, Crispino G, Zorzi V, Mammano F, Marcotti W (2017) Connexin-Mediated Signaling in Nonsensory Cells Is Crucial for the Development of Sensory Inner Hair Cells in the Mouse Cochlea. J Neurosci

Corns LF, Jeng JY, Richardson GP, Kros CJ, Marcotti W (2017) TMC2 modifies permeation properties of the mechanoelectrical transducer channel in early postnatal mouse cochlear outer hair cells. Front Mol Neurosci

Erickson T, Morgan CP, Olt J, Hardy K, Busch-Nentwich E, Maeda R, Clemens R, Krey JF, Nechiporuk A, Barr-Gillespie PG, Marcotti W, Nicolson T (2017) Integration of Tmc1/2 into the mechanotransduction complex in zebrafish hair cells is regulated by Transmembrane O-methyltransferase (Tomt). Elife

Sheets L, He XJ, Olt J, Schreck M, Petralia RS, Wang YX, Zhang Q, Beirl A, Nicolson T, Marcotti W, Trapani JG, Kindt KS (2017) Enlargement of Ribbons in Zebrafish Hair Cells Increases Calcium Currents But Disrupts Afferent Spontaneous Activity and Timing of Stimulus Onset. J Neurosci

Waller R, Goodall EF, Milo M, Cooper-Knock J, Da Costa M, Hobson E, Kazoka M, Wollff H, Heath PR, Shaw P & Kirby J (2017) Serum miRNAs miR-206, 143-3p and 374b-5p as potential biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Neurobiol of Aging

Schomann T, Mezzanotte L, De Groot JCMJ, Rivolta MN, Hendriks SH, Frijns JHM, Huisman MA (2017) Neuronal differentiation of hair-follicle-bulge-derived stem cells co-cultured with mouse cochlear modiolus explants. PLoS ONE

Heimsath, EG Jr., Yim YI, Mustapha M, Hammer JA, and Cheney RE (2017) Myosin-X knockout is semi-lethal and demonstrates that myosin-X functions in neural tube closure, pigmentation, hyaloid vasculature regression, and filopodia formation. Scientific Reports

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