"My work is mainly concerned with constructing graph algorithms and determining the computational complexity of computing them"

Black and white head shot of Chris Knapp
Chris Knapp
PhD student, Brunel University London
MMath Mathematics
Chris' MMath at Sheffield was what inspired him to go on to do a PhD in combinatorics.

I studied for an MMath at the University of Sheffield and was inspired to continue my studies into doing a PhD. Studying for a PhD is challenging; if it wasn't, I'm sure most people would do it. However, the feeling you get when you discover a new result that nobody else in the world knows is indescribable.

I'm what they call a combinatorist: I count things, whether it be the number of Euromillions lottery combinations or the unique rearrangements of the words in this sentence (139,838,160 and over 10 quadrillion respectively, if you're interested).

I have been lucky enough to present my work at a combinatorics conference in Maratea, a small town in the province of Potenza in Italy.

Chris Knapp

MMath Mathematics

My work is mainly concerned with constructing graph algorithms and determining the computational complexity of computing them. My thesis relies heavily on the research of Alan Turing, whose life you may have seen portrayed in the film 'The Imitation Game'.

The University of Sheffield prepared me well for the high standards of knowledge and professionalism that are expected at PhD level. Whilst doing a PhD, you may be invited to present your findings at conferences around the world -  I've been lucky enough to present my work at a combinatorics conference in Maratea, a small town in the province of Potenza in Italy. These are great opportunities to network with other researchers in your field.

The University of Sheffield's Students' Union is by far the best in the country – check out all of the awards if you don't believe me. The city of Sheffield itself is full of life and character. Being in close proximity to the Peak District, it's easy to have a quick, short getaway.

I am proud to say that I studied at the University of Sheffield. It's a well-respected university in many respects and I hope one day to return.

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