Studying abroad
Many of our students choose to spend part of their degree studying, working or volunteering in another country.
During your degree with us you can chose to study abroad at one of our partner universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong India, New Zealand or Singapore. Alternatively, you can apply to spend 1 – 8 weeks at one of our partner university Summer Schools in Europe or further afield.
You can also organise your own volunteering or work placement in another country and our Careers and Employability Service can support you to find the right opportunity for you.
Department study abroad co-ordinator
If you are interested in finding out about the opportunities available, contact our Study Abroad Coordinator: Jules Holroyd (
Philosophy with languages
If you study Philosophy and Modern Languages and Cultures, you will spend a year studying or working in a country appropriate to your chosen language. Find out more about the year abroad programme offered by the School of Languages and Cultures here.
You can also take a foreign language module as a choice within your Philosophy degree programme.
Volunteering abroad opportunities
We offer a number of scholarships to UK students who need additional funding to help them attend a volunteering activity abroad during the summer. These awards have been funded with the support of alumni donations.