Philosophy offer holder days

As part of your offer holder day at Sheffield, you'll be spending some quality time getting to know the Department of Philosophy and your chosen course.

An image of two student ambassadors holding up signs in front of the Arts Tower which say "I'm here to help."

Arriving at the department

You will have booked to visit us 10am to 12.30pm or 2pm to 4.30pm on your offer holder day. Please arrive in good time for the start of your booked session, as we'll need to scan the QR code from your booking to register you.

Your arrival location is: The Diamond, Lecture Theatre 2. You can view this on our interactive campus map, and there will also be lots of open day staff and ambassadors around campus to assist you.

If you arrive late for your booked session, please report to the general information stand on the Students’ Union concourse, where event staff will be able to help.

When booking, you'll be able to reserve a place for yourself and one guest at the department activities. To ensure safe venue capacities, the department will be unable to accommodate any additional unbooked visitors.

However, you're welcome to bring additional guests to accompany you on the day, and we would encourage these guests to take part in our range of central exhibitions and tours while the department activities are running.

Philosophy offer holder timetable

You will have booked to visit the department 10am to 12.30pm or 2pm to 4.30pm on your offer holder day. Here's what to expect from your time with us. Timings are approximate and are subject to change, and so we recommend checking back prior to the event.



30 minutes

Welcome talk

40 minutes

Research presentation / Taster lecture

30 minutes

Refreshment break

35 minutes Student life talk and Q&A with current students
15 minutes Careers and employability talk

For the rest of the day, you'll have time to take part in the central tours and exhibitions detailed in our offer holder day guide.  


You'll take part in a number of activities related to your chosen course to give you a real taste of what it's like to be a student at Sheffield.

Welcome Talk

In this introductory activity, we will tell you about the Department of Philosophy and give you an overview of our courses, the modules available to you, what you will learn and how we approach our teaching.  

Taster lecture

Experience a lecture by a member of academic staff in the Department of Philosophy, based on some of their cutting-edge research. Our teaching is research-led, which means that our staff’s expertise and research findings feed directly into our curriculum.  

Student life

Hear directly from some of our current students about what it is like to live in Sheffield and study with us in the Department of Philosophy. This activity is designed to be interactive, to allow you to ask our students any questions you might have about student life.

Careers and employability

The transferable skills you will develop on one of our Philosophy degrees will set you up for a wide range of career options after graduation. Hear from our staff about the options open to you and where some of our recent graduates have taken their careers.

Also, drop-in to chat to our student employability interns between 12pm - 2pm on the ground floor foyer area of Jessop West. Find out where your degree could take you and about opportunities such as yearlong placements and part-time jobs to skills development and virtual internships.

How to book

Please book your place on the offer holder day via the link in your invitation email.

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