Year 5 science resource packs

These five resource packs have been developed by Science Communication MSc students and address key topics in the Y5 curriculum and also show the exciting research being done here in Sheffield by university scientists.

Children using a microscope

There are videos, presentations, stop motion animations, experiments and worksheets to get Y5 students thinking about forces, space, materials, animals and living things. 

Materials: Foam-grown vegetables!

We always imagine plants growing in soil. But do other materials have similar properties to soil?  How about your mattress? What if you could grow vegetables on your bed... sounds impossible, but Sheffield scientists have made it reality! Investigate different properties like porosity and permeability and test these in your own experiments to find out about innovative ways to grow more food.

Resource pack

 Animals including humans: How do birds grow up?

Find out how birds develop from an egg to a chick. See how a robin grows inside an egg day by day, and turn a chicken egg into a bouncy ball to investigate the properties of eggs. We’ll also look at the similarities and differences between chicken and human development and find out what Sheffield scientists have discovered about birds and their eggs.

Resource pack

Earth and space: Astronomy

Join us to learn about the amazing discoveries that scientists have made using innovative telescopes.   Get to know Galileo, take an interactive tour of the night sky and discover the ingenious way that Sheffield scientists are able to find distant planets with our fun practical activity.  Explore the wonders of space as we bring the night sky to you!

Resource pack

Forces: Friction and shark skin

Follow in the footsteps of Sheffield scientists to discover how a shark's skin allows it to speed through the water. Learn about the force of friction through fun activities, a shark race and doing a scientific experiment of your own! Find out how nature inspires us to create designs that help us transform our everyday lives.

Resource pack

Living things and their habitats: Butterflies and genes

We all love butterflies and their beautiful colours... but why do they look the way they do? Join Zach the zoologist, a butterfly expert, as he explains the butterfly life cycle, investigates how butterflies get the colours of their wings, and learns why this is so important for their survival. This pack includes videos, an interactive game, and fun drawing activities.

Resource pack

A global reputation

Sheffield is a world top-100 research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.