Working for equality, diversity and inclusion

The Department of Urban Studies and Planning is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

Our department building on the edge of Western Park

We have agreed a set of EDI Principles to guide all aspects of our work, including teaching and research. These principles are designed to ensure that we become a more equal, diverse and inclusive place to study and work. They support our commitment to train the next generation of urban professionals whose diversity of background and experience reflects life in the 21st century city and whose knowledge and skills are attuned to contemporary urban and planning challenges. 

We have begun by recognising ways in which we need to do more to create an equal, diverse and inclusive environment. We are implementing these principles in our work and relationships within the Department. Here are some examples of how we are doing this:

We are working to improve the diversity of our learning environment, for example by:

  • Actively seeking to employ teaching staff from a diverse range of backgrounds
  • Actively seeking to recruit students from a diverse range of backgrounds and to providing tailored support throughout their time in the Department
  • Creating an inclusive and accessible learning experience by considering what and how we teach and by supporting all students to progress, develop and flourish

We are working towards greater equality, diversity and inclusion in our research, for example by:

  • Informing public understandings of equality, diversity and inclusion and helping to deliver positive change through the focus of our research and how we work with our partners
  • Ensuring diversity in Department research seminars and other research events we organise 
  • Actively seeking to employ research staff from a diversity of backgrounds
  • Actively seeking to collaborate with diverse organisations and colleagues
  • Offering tailored support for early career researchers through the Urban Studies Network
  • Having a positive impact on people and places through research and teaching undertaken in partnership with the diverse communities of South Yorkshire and beyond

All staff and students are involved in our work towards greater equality, diversity and inclusion:

  • We are all responsible for supporting efforts to foster a Department culture that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion
  • We ensure that all staff and students are familiar with our EDI Principles by embedding them into our meetings, committees and working practices, and by providing training to explain them and raise awareness
  • We welcome a diverse range of staff by making workplace alterations and adjustments, ranging from flexible working to increasing the accessibility of workspaces for people with disabilities     
  • We ensure that job recruitment processes are non-exclusionary and encourage a diversity of applicants
  • Every member of staff identifies an EDI objective as part of their annual appraisal 
  • We regularly review progress against the Department’s EDI priorities and actions so that we know where we need to refocus our efforts     
  • Our commitment to the advancement of gender equality has been recognised by gaining the Athena Swan Bronze award. Read more about the award here. Download our Athena Swan Bronze Award application here
  • We are working more widely with the University to advance EDI for students and staff. For example, the University is a Stonewall Top 100 Employer recognising our work to tackle discrimination and create an inclusive workplace for lesbian, gay, bi and trans employees

We work with professional associations and networks such as the Royal Town Planning Institute, the BAME Planners Network and Women in Planning to advance our EDI principles across the disciplines of urban studies and planning.

Athena Swan bronze award