RIP Dr Bob Adams Hon DLitt

One of our distinguished honorary graduates, Bob Adams, has died aged 99.

Bob Adams (centre) with Sir Keith Burnett VC (left) and Tony Crook on the occasion of the congregation for his Hon DLitt
Bob Adams (centre) with Sir Keith Burnett VC (left) and Tony Crook on the occasion of the congregation for his Hon DLitt

George Robert Adams has passed away this week aged 99. Bob was both a chartered architect and chartered planner and lectured in both the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (USP) (now the School of Geography and Planning) and the School of Architecture (now the School of Architecture and Landscape), and was instrumental in the founding of USP whilst being lead partner at Hadfield Cawkell Davidson & Ptnrs.

He served on both RIBA (as Hon Treasurer) and RTPI Councils and also on ARCUK (as it was).

Emeritus Professor of Town & Regional Planning Tony Crook delivered an oration when the University conferred an Hon DlItt on Bob in January 2016. The full text of Tony's oration can be downloaded here [.docx, 21.6 KB].

Bob Adams, our honorary graduand, has made major contributions to ‘the making of place and the mediation of space’ and to championing ‘better buildings, communities and the environment’, to quote from the straplines of the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Professor Tony Crook

Degree Congregation, 14 January 2016

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