Sheffield Live - Alumni Panels
Advise and guide the next generation of Sheffield students. Talk about your career after graduation and inspire international offer holders and enquirers to choose a degree at Sheffield.

What is Sheffield Live?
Sheffield Live Sessions are an opportunity for prospective students to engage with the University; to find out more about different aspects of University life, to help in their research and in decision making. The sessions are open to students of all levels and nationalities.
The Sheffield Live Alumni Panels are a volunteering programme at the University of Sheffield that supports international student recruitment. The programme involves a series of online panel events featuring international alumni.
You’ll remember that choosing your university was a big step, especially if you didn’t have the chance to visit the city and campus in person. Sheffield Live Alumni Panels gives prospective students the opportunity to hear from international alumni with the aim of inspiring them to choose the University of Sheffield for their degree.
Alumni Panels are an excellent opportunity to share your experience with a new generation of students. It’s great to learn so much from hearing the stories of other alumni as well, and I highly recommend taking part in these kinds of activities.
Bent Bunge
Alumni Panels Volunteer 2023
What’s involved?
The programme will run between May - July 2024. You’ll take part in one of the online panel events with 3-5 other alumni, where you'll talk about your experiences at Sheffield and your career to date. This virtual event will allow many prospective students to attend and get their questions answered by you and the other panel members.
What we need from you:
- You'll volunteer approximately 1.5 hours of your time between May - July 2024 to join one of the virtual panel events with other alumni.
- Attend a briefing session (approx. 15 minutes)
- Provide us with a short career profile and photo which we'll share with the prospective students attending the event.
- Provide us with feedback on your participation in the Sheffield Live Alumni Panels.
How to register as a volunteer
If you're interested in volunteering on the Sheffield Live Alumni Panels 2023/24 cycle, then please fill in the form below
Register your interest in Alumni Panels
If you are having difficulty accessing the above form, please email Owen Jones at
Conflicts of interest?
If any of the following statements apply, unfortunately we are not able to accept you as an Alumni Panels Volunteer within this cycle (2023-2024):
- I have a relative (e.g. child, grandchild, sibling, cousin, niece, nephew) who will be applying to The University of Sheffield this cycle.
- I will also be volunteering for a similar programme for another college or university's international admissions office.
- I work as a paid university counsellor or postgraduate admissions officer.
If you need to discuss special circumstances please contact Owen Jones at