How we’re keeping our community safe

We're closely following the latest government guidelines to keep our community safe.


What to expect on campus

Here are the measures in place to keep our community safe.


We strongly encourage all staff and students who are able to, to take up the offer of both doses of the vaccine and any booster doses.

You should get your vaccination as soon as you are able.

How to book a COVID-19 vaccineNHS England has published a document containing FAQs about student COVID-19 vaccinations in England, including questions about international student vaccinations.  

Face coverings

You are not legally required to wear a face covering. Please respect others' choices to wear face coverings.

Faculty of Health: Guidelines on the wearing of face masks will continue to be led by departments, in discussion with clinical colleagues.

What to do if you feel unwell 

While you’re no longer required to self-isolate if you have COVID-19, you should try to stay away from others if you have symptoms or if you test positive.

Please continue to stay at home if you feel unwell, and do not come to campus. Try to follow this advice until you feel well enough to resume normal activities and you no longer have a high temperature if you had one.

What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19 (NHS website)


The EFM Engineering team has undertaken an assessment of all the spaces where mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation is located. Mechanical ventilation is maintained throughout the University to current national standards.

Thanks to the changes that have been programmed for air handling units across campus, ventilation systems are now supplying the maximum amount of fresh air possible to the buildings.

Where windows can be opened, we encourage staff and students to do so to enable natural ventilation. Doors can also be held open to facilitate natural ventilation. The exception to this is fire doors, which must remain closed, unless they have proprietary hold-open devices, to enable them to automatically close in the event of a fire alarm activation.

Signage and guidance documents

Some perspex screens and signage will remain in place on campus where beneficial.

Support – get in touch

Our extensive range of support services for students are all available online.