Dr Catherine Wong

Digital Humanities Institute

Research Associate

Photo of Catherine Wong smiling
Profile picture of Photo of Catherine Wong smiling

Full contact details

Dr Catherine Wong
Digital Humanities Institute
Humanities Research Institute
Upper Hanover Street
S3 7QY

I am a Research Associate in the Digital Humanities Institute (DHI) responsible for supporting the development of the Linguistic DNA project and other DH research projects. I worked in Hong Kong prior to joining the University of Sheffield.

I am interested in applying digital methods to language studies. While my training was primarily on postcolonial studies and anglophone writings,  I have now combined it with my digital skills. The use of computational methods enables me to conduct research on a larger scale of data with objective, evidence-based results. Currently, I am working on a few DH projects which include: 1. quantitative stylistic approach to the study of suspense in Sherlock Holmes, 2. a corpus study on the representation of Hong Kong identity in Cantopop lyrics from 1980s to mid 2010s, and 3. A case study on digital arts and the democratisation of creativity and production in Hong Kong pop culture.