Professor Edward Rhodes
School of Geography and Planning
Professor of Physical Geography

+44 114 222 7910
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School of Geography and Planning
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
Ed Rhodes graduated in Geology from the University of Oxford (University College), followed by a DPhil from the same institution studying the optical dating of quartz from sediments in 1990. After 6 months as a post-doc in Oxford, he then held a NERC fellowship in the Sub-department of Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge, until taking up a position as Lecturer in Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London in 1992.
Following this, Ed was director of the Luminescence Dating Laboratory, RLAHA (Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art), University of Oxford (1998-2003), before taking up a fellowship at the Australian National University. From 2007 he held the positions of Senior Lecturer and subsequently Reader at Manchester Metropolitan University, before taking up a position of Full Professor, University of California, Los Angeles in 2009. Ed held a joint position as Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester 2013-14, before being appointed as Professor of Physical Geography at Sheffield, starting July 2014. He also holds the position of Adjunct Professor of Geology at UCLA.
- Research interests
Palaeoseismology and fault slip-rate studies, Luminescence technical developments, Low temperature thermochronology, Grain tracing and transport rate, Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, Fluvial and aeolian geomorphology, Grain mixing, surface processes and natural carbon sequestration.
Current Research
Active tectonics, including fault slip rate studies and palaeoseismology – dating ancient earthquake events
Projects are active in the following areas:
New Zealand Marlborough Fault Zone (South Island), with James Dolan (USC, Los Angeles, USA), and Russ Van Dissen and Rob Langridge (GNS, Wellington, NZ). We are determining multiple slip rates and timed slip event magnitudes using innovation post-IR IRSL single grain K-feldspar dating and radiocarbon applied to high resolution geomorphic datasets based on LiDAR. See Zinke et al., (2015, 2016). New collaboration with Barry Parsons and Dave MacKenzie (Oxford, UK), John Elliot (Leeds) and Simon Lamb (Victoria University, Wellington, NZ) is underway looking at the geomorphic effects of the Mw 7.8 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake.
Kazakhstan and China, with Rich Walker, Austin Elliot, Dave MacKenzie, Barry Parsons and Phil England (Oxford, UK), Christoph Gruetzner (Cambridge, UK), James Hollingsworth (Grenoble, France) and Ed Nissen (U of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), in several related projects. I am also involved in three separate projects in China with Jean-Philippe Avouac (Caltech, Pasadena, USA), with John Shaw (Harvard, USA), and with Gilles Peltzer (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA).
Garlock fault, California, with James Dolan (USC, Los Angeles, USA), and Sally McGill (CSUSB, San Bernardino, USA). After several successful SCEC (Southern California Earthquake Center) projects, Ed is collaborating with the same team in new research funded by the NSF.
San Andreas fault, California, with Kate Scharer (USGS, Pasadena), Ray Weldon (U. of Oregon, Eugene, USA), Sean Beamis (U.of Kentucky, USA), Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU, Tempe, USA), Sinan Akciz (CSUF, Fullerton, USA), Doug Yule (CSUN, Northridge, USA), and others, in several projects.
Southern California seismic hazard assessment from blind thrusts is being investigated by dating sediments that relate to developing anticlines in downtown Los Angeles and Ventura, with James Dolan (USC, Los Angeles, USA), John Shaw (Harvard, USA), Lewis Own (U. of Cincinnati).
Denali, Alaska, with Sean Beamis (U. of Kentucky, USA).
Czech Republic history of Quaternary faulting is being investigated in collaboration with Petra Stepancikova (IRSM, Prague) and Tom Rockwell (CSUSD, San Diego, USA).
SE Spain active tectonics are being explored by a team led by Eulalia Marsana (U. of Barcelona, Spain), including work on the Alhama de Murcia Fault and the Carboneras Fault.
Current areas of collaborative development include: Italy, Turkey, India and Morocco. Please contact Ed if you are interested in collaborating, or would like advice about developing chronological control for active tectonics.
Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, low temperature thermochonometry, grain mixing and tracing
- Publications
Journal articles
- Single grain K-feldspar MET-IRSL sediment transport determination: Bleaching patterns and rates. Quaternary Geochronology, 85, 101626-101626.
- A comparison of the effects of two cooking methods on arsenic species and nutrient elements in rice. Science of The Total Environment, 914, 169653-169653.
- One tune, many tempos: Faults trade off slip in time and space to accommodate relative plate motions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 625, 118484-118484.
- Seismotectonic aspects of the Ms 7.3 1948 October 5 Aşgabat (Ashgabat) earthquake, Türkmenistan: right-lateral rupture across multiple fault segments, and continuing urban hazard. Geophysical Journal International, 237(1), 315-338.
- Probing the upper end of intracontinental earthquake magnitude: a prehistoric example from the Dzhungarian and Lepsy faults of Kazakhstan. Tectonics, 41(10).
- Acceleration of Late Pleistocene activity of a Central European fault driven by ice loading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 591.
- A method to evaluate the degree of bleaching of IRSL signals in feldspar: The 3ET method. Quaternary Geochronology, 72.
- MET-IRSL used to track pre-depositional sediment transport history. Quaternary Geochronology, 70.
- Developing an internally consistent methodology for K-feldspar MAAD TL thermochronology. Radiation Measurements, 153.
- Early Middle Stone Age personal ornaments from Bizmoune Cave, Essaouira, Morocco.. Sci Adv, 7(39), eabi8620.
- Slip-rate on the Main Köpetdag (Kopeh Dagh) strike-slip fault, Turkmenistan, and the active tectonics of the South Caspian. Tectonics, 40(8).
- Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management. Quaternary Science Reviews, 260.
- Constant slip‐rate on the Doruneh strike‐slip fault, Iran, averaged over Late Pleistocene, Holocene, and decadal timescales. Tectonics.
- Holocene to latest Pleistocene incremental slip rates from the east-central Hope fault (Conway segment) at Hossack Station, Marlborough fault system, South Island, New Zealand: Towards a dated path of earthquake slip along a plate boundary fault. Geosphere, 16.
- Improved rice cooking approach to maximise arsenic removal while preserving nutrient elements. Science of The Total Environment, 143341-143341.
- A 50,000-year record of lake-level variations and overflow from Owens Lake, eastern California, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 238. View this article in WRRO
- Stable rate of slip along the Karakax section of the Altyn Tagh Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. View this article in WRRO
- A 2000 yr paleoearthquake record along the Conway segment of the Hope fault : implications for patterns of earthquake occurrence in northern South Island and southern North Island, New Zealand. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. View this article in WRRO
- Dose-rate dependence of natural TL signals from feldspars extracted from bedrock samples. Radiation Measurements. View this article in WRRO
- Relict periglacial soils on Quaternary terraces in the central Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. View this article in WRRO
- Late Holocene paleohydrology of Walker Lake and the Carson Sink in the western Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Quaternary Research. View this article in WRRO
- Geomorphological controls on fluvial carbon storage in headwater peatlands. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. View this article in WRRO
- Late Pleistocene to present lake-level fluctuations at Pyramid and Winnemucca lakes, Nevada, USA. Quaternary Research. View this article in WRRO
- Multimillennial Incremental Slip Rate Variability of the Clarence Fault at the Tophouse Road Site, Marlborough Fault System, New Zealand. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(2), 717-725. View this article in WRRO
- Age of Obsidian Butte in Imperial County, California, Through Infrared Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Potassium Feldspar from Tuffaceous Sediment. California Archaeology, 11(1), 5-20. View this article in WRRO
- Storage and weathering of landslide debris in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA: Implications for mountain solute flux. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(13), 2724-2737. View this article in WRRO
- Lag and mixing during sediment transfer across the Tian Shan piedmont caused by climate-driven aggradation-incision cycles. Basin Research, 30(4), 613-635. View this article in WRRO
- A continuous 4000-year lake-level record of Owens Lake, south-central Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Quaternary Research. View this article in WRRO
- Late Pleistocene acceleration of deformation across the northern Tianshan piedmont (China) evidenced from the morpho-tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline. Tectonophysics, 730, 132-140. View this article in WRRO
- Can glacial shearing of sediment reset the signal used for luminescence dating?. Geomorphology, 306, 90-101. View this article in WRRO
- Glaciolacustrine deposits formed in an ice-dammed tributary valley in the south-central Pyrenees: New evidence for late Pleistocene climate. Sedimentary Geology, 366, 47-66. View this article in WRRO
- A late Wisconsin (32–10k cal a BP) history of pluvials, droughts and vegetation in the Pacific south-west United States (Lake Elsinore, CA). Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(2), 238-254. View this article in WRRO
- Highly Variable Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Incremental Slip Rates on the Awatere Fault at Saxton River, South Island, New Zealand, Revealed by Lidar Mapping and Luminescence Dating. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(22), 11301-11310. View this article in WRRO
- Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening in the eastern Tianshan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 479, 179-191. View this article in WRRO
- Using thermoluminescence signals from feldspars for low-temperature thermochronology. Quaternary Geochronology, 42, 31-41. View this article in WRRO
- Post-tectonic landscape evolution in NE Iberia using staircase terraces: Combined effects of uplift and climate. Geomorphology, 292, 85-103. View this article in WRRO
- Evidence for orbital and North Atlantic climate forcing in alpine Southern California between 125 and 10 ka from multi-proxy analyses of Baldwin Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews, 167, 47-62. View this article in WRRO
- Active thrust sheet deformation over multiple rupture cycles: A quantitative basis for relating terrace folds to fault slip rates. Geological Society of America bulletin, 129(9-10), 1337-1356. View this article in WRRO
- On extracting sediment transport information from measurements of luminescence in river sediment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(3), 654-677. View this article in WRRO
- Extension rates across the northern Shanxi Grabens, China, from Quaternary geology, seismicity and geodesy. Geophysical Journal International, 209(2), 535-558. View this article in WRRO
- Accelerating slip rates on the Puente Hills blind thrust fault system beneath metropolitan Los Angeles, California, USA. Geology. View this article in WRRO
- Thermoluminescence measurements of trap depth in alkali feldspars extracted from bedrock samples. Radiation Measurements, 96, 53-61. View this article in WRRO
- The tectonics of the western Ordos Plateau, Ningxia, China: Slip rates on the Luoshan and East Helanshan Faults. Tectonics, 35(11), 2754-2777. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the activity of faults in continental interiors: Palaeoseismic insights from SE Kazakhstan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. View this article in WRRO
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial stratigraphy of southern Baja California, Mexico. Quaternary Science Reviews, 146, 161-181. View this article in WRRO
- Evolution and progressive geomorphic manifestation of surface faulting: A comparison of the Wairau and Awatere faults, South Island, New Zealand: REPLY. Geology, 44(8), e392-e393. View this article in WRRO
- Extreme multi-millennial slip rate variations on the Garlock fault, California: Strain super-cycles, potentially time-variable fault strength, and implications for system-level earthquake occurrence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 446, 123-136. View this article in WRRO
- Climate-change versus landslide origin of fill terraces in a rapidly eroding bedrock landscape: San Gabriel River, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128(7-8), 1228-1248. View this article in WRRO
- Refining seismic parameters in low seismicity areas by 3D trenching: The Alhama de Murcia fault, SE Iberia. Tectonophysics, 680, 122-128. View this article in WRRO
- Reconsidering precolumbian human colonization in the Galápagos Islands, Republic of Ecuador. Latin American Antiquity, 27(2), 169-183. View this article in WRRO
- Surface faulting during the August 24, 2016, central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0): Preliminary results. Annals of Geophysics, 59(FASTTRACK5). View this article in WRRO
- Geomorphological study of the Cafayate dune field (Northwest Argentina) during the last millennium. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 438, 352-363.
- Evolution and progressive geomorphic manifestation of surface faulting: A comparison of the Wairau and Awatere faults, South Island, New Zealand. Geology, 43(11), 1019-1022. View this article in WRRO
- Paleoseismologic evidence for large-magnitude (M w 7.5–8.0) earthquakes on the Ventura blind thrust fault: Implications for multifault ruptures in the Transverse Ranges of southern California. Geosphere, 11(5), 1629-1650. View this article in WRRO
- The origin of centennial- to millennial-scale chronological gaps in storm emplaced beach ridge plains. Marine Geology, 367, 83-93. View this article in WRRO
- OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423, 232-243. View this article in WRRO
- The 9th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop: Aim of the community and scope of the conference proceedings. Quaternary International, 362, 1-2.
- Fluvial tufa evidence of Late Pleistocene wet intervals from Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 422, 36-45.
- Single-grain post-IR IRSL signals of K-feldspars from alluvial fan deposits in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Quaternary International, 362, 132-138. View this article in WRRO
- OSL-thermochronometry using bedrock quartz: A note of caution. Quaternary Geochronology, 25, 37-48.
- Assessing Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal contamination within small aliquots and single grain measurements utilizing the composition test. Quaternary International, 362, 34-41.
- Downstream MET-IRSL single-grain distributions in the Mojave River, southern California: Testing assumptions of a virtual velocity model. Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 239-244. View this article in WRRO
- Dating sediments using potassium feldspar single-grain IRSL: Initial methodological considerations. Quaternary International, 362, 14-22. View this article in WRRO
- Determining fluvial sediment virtual velocity on the Mojave River using K-feldspar IRSL: Initial assessment. Quaternary International, 362, 124-131. View this article in WRRO
- Late persistence of the Acheulian in southern Britain in an MIS 8 interstadial: evidence from Harnham, Wiltshire. Quaternary Science Reviews, 101, 159-176.
- Effective closure temperature in leaky and/or saturating thermochronometers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 384, 209-218.
- Geomorphology of the Anthropocene: Time-transgressive discontinuities of human-induced alluviation. Anthropocene, 1, 3-13.
- Environmental response of a fragile, semiarid landscape (Bardenas Reales Natural Park, NE Spain) to Early Holocene climate variability: A paleo- and environmental-magnetic approach. CATENA, 103, 30-43.
- Glacial and fluvial deposits in the aragón valley, central‐western pyrenees: chronology of the pyrenean late pleistocene glaciers. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 95(1), 15-32.
- An enhanced record of MIS 9 environments, geochronology and geoarchaeology: data from construction of the High Speed 1 (London–Channel Tunnel) rail-link and other recent investigations at Purfleet, Essex, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124(3), 417-476.
- Assessing the potential of luminescence dating for fault slip rate studies on the Garlock fault, Mojave Desert, California, USA. Quaternary Geochronology, 10, 285-290.
- Assessing soil mixing processes and rates using a portable OSL-IRSL reader: Preliminary determinations. Quaternary Geochronology, 10, 314-319.
- Contextes et âge des nouveaux restes dentaires humains du Pléistocène moyen de la carrière Thomas I à Casablanca (Maroc). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 108(4), 645-669.
- Is climate change affecting rates of dune migration in Antarctica?. Geology, 39(9), 831-834.
- Holocene channel changes and geoarchaeology of the Exe River, Devon, UK, and the floodplain paradox.
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Sediments over the Past 200,000 Years. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 39(1), 461-488.
- ‘Of droughts and flooding rains’: an alluvial loess record from central South Australia spanning the last glacial cycle. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 346(1), 185-223.
- The integration of chronological and archaeological information to date building construction: an example from Shetland, Scotland, UK. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(11), 2821-2830.
- Hominid Cave at Thomas Quarry I (Casablanca, Morocco): Recent findings and their context. Quaternary International, 223-224, 369-382.
- Large-scale karst subsidence and accelerated fluvial aggradation during MIS6 in NE Spain: climatic and paleohydrological implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(19-20), 2694-2704.
- Uniform erosion rates and relief amplitude during glacial cycles in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, as revealed from OSL-thermochronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297(1-2), 183-189.
- Human response to Palaeoenvironmental change and the question of temporal scale. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 292(1-2), 192-200.
- Developments in optically stimulated luminescence age control for geoarchaeological sediments and hearths in western New South Wales, Australia. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(2-3), 348-352.
- OSL dating of southeast Australian quartz: A preliminary assessment of luminescence characteristics and behaviour. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(2-3), 91-95.
- Episodic fluvial activity of inland rivers in southeastern Australia: Palaeochannel systems and terraces of the Lachlan River. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(5-6), 732-752.
- A new chronological framework for Middle and Upper Pleistocene landscape evolution in the Sussex/Hampshire Coastal Corridor, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(4), 369-392.
- Investigation of the age and migration of reversing dunes in Antarctica using GPR and OSL, with implications for GPR on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(1-2), 30-42.
- Australian desert dune fields initiated with Pliocene–Pleistocene global climatic shift. Geology, 37(1), 51-54.
- Sand beach ridges record 6000 year history of extreme tropical cyclone activity in northeastern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(15-16), 1511-1520.
- Climatic implications of correlated Upper Pleistocene glacial and fluvial deposits on the Cinca and Gállego Rivers (NE Spain) based on OSL dating and soil stratigraphy. Global and Planetary Change, 67(3-4), 141-152.
- Holocene book review: Luminescence dating: guidelines on using luminescence dating in archaeology. The Holocene, 19(4), 680-681.
- New dates and palaeoenvironmental evidence for the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic occupation of Higueral de Valleja Cave, southern Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(9-10), 830-839.
- The surface archaeological record in arid Australia: Geomorphic controls on preservation, exposure, and visibility. Geoarchaeology, 24(2), 121-146.
- Roman mining on Exmoor: a geomorphological approach at Anstey's Combe, Dulverton. Environmental Archaeology, 14(1), 50-61.
- Human Burial Evidence from Hattab II Cave and the Question of Continuity in Late Pleistocene–Holocene Mortuary Practices in Northwest Africa. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 18(2), 195-214.
- A new geoarchaeology of Aboriginal artefact deposits in western NSW, Australia: establishing spatial and temporal geomorphic controls on the surface archaeological record. Geomorphology, 101(3), 524-532.
- Neanderthal exploitation of marine mammals in Gibraltar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(38), 14319-14324.
- Geomorphological evolution of the Tilcara alluvial fan (Jujuy Province, NW Argentina): Tectonic implications and palaeoenvironmental considerations. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 26(1), 68-77.
- Holocene alluvial morphopedosedimentary record and environmental changes in the Bardenas Reales Natural Park (NE Spain). CATENA, 73(3), 225-238.
- Challenging intensification: human—environment interactions in the Holocene geoarchaeological record from western New South Wales, Australia. The Holocene, 18(3), 403-412.
- Electron spin resonance dating of South Australian megafauna sites. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55(6-7), 917-935.
- The timing of linear dune activity in the Strzelecki and Tirari Deserts, Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(19-21), 2598-2616.
- A geomorphic framework for understanding the surface archaeological record in arid environments. Geodinamica Acta, 20(4), 275-286.
- Relationships between desert dunes during the late Quaternary in the Lake Frome region, Strzelecki Desert, Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22(5), 549-558.
- 82,000-year-old shell beads from North Africa and implications for the origins of modern human behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(24), 9964-9969.
- Terrestrial environments during MIS 11: evidence from the Palaeolithic site at West Stow, Suffolk, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(9-10), 1236-1300.
- The age of the palaeodunefield of the northern Murray Basin in South Australia: Preliminary results. Quaternary International, 166(1), 42-48.
- The storage of bed material in mountain stream channels as assessed using Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating. Geomorphology, 83(3-4), 307-321.
- Quartz Single Grain Osl Sensitivity Distributions: Implications for Multiple Grain Single Aliquot Dating. Geochronometria, 26(-1), 19-29.
- Luminescence dating of late Quaternary fluvial sediments in the Rapti Basin, north-central Gangetic plains. Quaternary International, 159(1), 47-56.
- Late Pleistocene megafauna site at Black Creek Swamp, Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 30(sup1), 367-387.
- New age estimates for the Palaeolithic assemblages and Pleistocene succession of Casablanca, Morocco. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(19-20), 2569-2585.
- Luminescence dating of sand deposits related to late Pleistocene human occupation at the Cactus Hill Site, Virginia, USA. Quaternary Geochronology, 1(3), 167-187.
- A cautionary tale from down under: Dating the BlackCreek Swamp megafauna site on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Quaternary Geochronology, 1(2), 142-150.
- Large floods during late Oxygen Isotope Stage 3, southern Negev desert, Israel. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(7-8), 704-719.
- Tectonic, eustatic and climatic significance of raised beaches of Val de Saire, Cotentin, Normandy, France. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(5-6), 595-611.
- Discontinuités dans l'enregistrement des cycles interglaciaire-glaciaire sur un littoral en contexte intraplaque. Exemple du Val de Saire (Normandie, France). Quaternaire(vol. 16/3), 217-227.
- The Late Upper Palaeolithic Occupation of the Moroccan Northwest Maghreb During the Last Glacial Maximum. African Archaeological Review, 22(2), 77-100.
- Pleistocene colonisation of the Bismarck Archipelago: new evidence from West New Britain. Archaeology in Oceania, 39(3), 101-130.
- Aeolian activity in northern Amazonia: optical dating of Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeodunes. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19(1), 49-54.
- A Middle Palaeolithic Site at Lynford Quarry, Mundford, Norfolk: Interim Statement. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 69, 315-324.
- Quaternary reactivation of Tertiary faults in the southeastern Korean Peninsula: Age constraint by optically stimulated luminescence dating. The Island Arc, 12(1), 1-12.
- Bunger Hills, East Antarctica: Ice free at the Last Glacial Maximum. Geology, 29(12), 1103-1103.
- Observed and Predicted Ratios of the Horizontal and Vertical Components of the Solarp‐Mode Velocity Eigenfunctions. The Astrophysical Journal, 561(2), 1127-1143.
- Asynchronous glaciation at Nanga Parbat, northwestern Himalaya Mountains, Pakistan: Comment. Geology, 29(3), 287-287.
- Potential of the slow component of quartz OSL for age determination of sedimentary samples. Radiation Measurements, 32(5-6), 873-880.
- OSL properties of NaCl relative to dating and dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 32(5-6), 717-723.
- Observations of thermal transfer OSL signals in glacigenic quartz. Radiation Measurements, 32(5-6), 595-602.
- Timing of late Quaternary glaciations south of Mount Everest in the Khumbu Himal, Nepal. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 112(10), 1621-1632.
- Late Quaternary aeolian sedimentation in central and south-eastern Tibet. Quaternary International, 68-71, 117-132.
- Timing of Late Quaternary glaciations in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan. Journal of Quaternary Science, 15(3), 283-297.
- Dating of Quaternary Sediments from Western Borneo, Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 20(2), 181-192.
- Timing of formation of forebergs in the northeastern Gobi Altai, Mongolia: implications for estimating mountain uplift rates and earthquake recurrence intervals. Journal of the Geological Society, 156(3), 457-464.
- Sand-drift and Soil Formation Along an Exposed North Atlantic Coastline: 14,000 Years of Diverse Geomorphological, Climatic and Human Impacts. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(4), 439-469.
- Relic permafrost structures in the Gobi of Mongolia: age and significance. Journal of Quaternary Science, 13(6), 539-547.
- Book Review: Dating in Exposed and Surface Contexts, edited by Charlotte Beck, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1995. No. of pages: xiii + 239. Price $45.00. ISBN 0-8263-1523-2.. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 22(5), 511-511.
- Partial bleaching and the decay form characteristics of quartz OSL. Radiation Measurements, 27(2), 123-136.
- Style and timing of glaciation in the Lahul Himalaya, northern India: a framework for reconstructing late Quaternary palaeoclimatic change in the western Himalayas. Journal of Quaternary Science, 12(2), 83-109.
- Thermoluminescence from igneous and natural hydrothermal vein quartz: Dose response after optical bleaching. Radiation Measurements, 23(1), 159-173.
- Optical dating of fluvial sediments from Tattershall, U.K.. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13(5-7), 517-520.
- Zeroing of the OSL signal in quartz from young glaciofluvial sediments. Radiation Measurements, 23(2-3), 581-585.
- Charge movements in quartz and their relevance to optical dating. Radiation Measurements, 23(2-3), 329-333.
- Helioseismology on the Moon. Advances in Space Research, 14(6), 21-31.
- Luminescence dating of zircon using an imaging photon detector. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 18(1-2), 273-278.
- Depth and latitude dependence of the solar internal angular velocity. The Astrophysical Journal, 351, 687-687.
- Methodological considerations in the optical dating of quartz. Quaternary Science Reviews, 7(3-4), 395-400.
- Optical Dating: Methodological Aspects. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 17(1-4), 229-233.
- Speed of sound in the solar interior. Nature, 315(6018), 378-382.
- Refined Holocene Slip Rate for the Western and Central Segments of the Garlock Fault: Record of Alternating Millennial-Scale Periods of Fast and Slow Fault Slip. Seismica, 3(2).
- Channel Incision Ages to the Rescue: An Improved Age for the Penultimate Earthquake That Ruptured the Carrizo Section of the South-Central San Andreas Fault. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
- A Major Medieval Earthquake on the Main Köpetdag (Kopeh Dagh) Fault, Turkmenistan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
- Holocene depositional history inferred from single‐grain luminescence ages in southern California, North America. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Review of Quik and Wallinga.
- Review of Guerin et al. Bayesian R package "BayLum".
- East Tacheng (Qoqek) fault zone: Late Quaternary tectonics and slip rate of a left‐lateral strike‐slip fault zone north of the Tian Shan. Tectonics.
- Holocene depositional history inferred from single-grain luminescence ages in southern California, North America..
- Latest Pleistocene–Holocene incremental slip rates of the Wairau fault: Implications for long‐distance and long‐term coordination of faulting between North and South Island, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
- Sediment Transport and Depositional History from Nested Alluvial Fans to Flood Plains Using Single-grain Luminescence.
- Whaleback Dune, Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms (pp. 2306-2307). Springer New York
- Wadi, Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms (pp. 2287-2287). Springer New York
- Whaleback Dune, Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms (pp. 1-2). Springer New York
- Archaeological surfaces in western NSW: Stratigraphic contexts and preliminary OSL dating of hearths, New Directions in Archaeological Science ANU Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Palaeo-earthquake magnitudes on the Dzhungarian fault, N. Tien shan, and implications for the rupture processes of intraplate strike-slip faults. Proceedings of EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online. Online, 4 May 2020 - 8 May 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Improving the robustness of single grain K-feldspar IRSL sediment age estimates from active tectonic contexts. Proceedings of EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online. Online conference, 4 May 2020 - 8 May 2020. View this article in WRRO
- OSL and IRSL characteristics of quartz and feldspar from southern California, USA. Radiation Measurements, Vol. 47(9) (pp 830-836)
- New evidence for a grounded Irish Sea glaciation of the Isles of Scilly, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 25(3-4) (pp 299-309)
- Environmental dose rate heterogeneity of beta radiation and its implications for luminescence dating: Monte Carlo modelling and experimental validation. Radiation Measurements, Vol. 37(4-5) (pp 305-313)
- Bayesian methods applied to the interpretation of multiple OSL dates: high precision sediment ages from Old Scatness Broch excavations, Shetland Isles. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 22(10-13) (pp 1231-1244)
- ESR and mass-spectrometric uranium-series dating studies of a mammoth tooth from stanton harcourt, Oxfordshire, England. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 16(3-5) (pp 445-454)
- The effect of thermal transfer on the zeroing of the luminescence of quartz from recent glaciofluvial sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 16(3-5) (pp 291-298)
- The Optical Dating of Sediments Using Quartz. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 34(1-4) (pp 75-78)
- A One-Megapixel Image Acquisition And Processing System For Solar Oscillation Studies. Instrumentation in Astronomy VI
- Constructional and erosional geomorphic markers used to understand spatio-temporal variations in fault activity.
- Constraining erosion rates and patterns for glaciated basins in the European Alps using thermoluminescence thermochronology .
- ,000 years of hydrologic connectivity on the Australian dryland margins: the case of the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area.
- Using single-grain multiple elevated temperature luminescence to understand fluvial sediment transport at the system scale.
- New luminescence chronological tools for dating and tracing sediment movement.
- Tracing sediment movement using Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence.
- Single grain K-feldspar MET-IRSL sediment transport determination: Bleaching patterns and rates. Quaternary Geochronology, 85, 101626-101626.