Professor Tony Crook
CBE, BA, MPhil, PhD, Hon DLitt, FAcSS, FRTP,I FRSA.
School of Geography and Planning
Professor Emeritus of Town and Regional Planning
- Profile
I am Emeritus Professor of Town & Regional Planning and the former Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University when, for a nine year term, I was responsible for academic planning, HR and capital projects, a position to which I was appointed after serving as Head of Town & Regional planning (the department's former name) and also as the Head of the Department of Landscape.
Over the last four decades I have had a large research programme on the supply side of the private rented housing sector and the use of the planning obligations to secure affordable housing, infrastructure and capture land value. My work has received research grants of over £3.5m and I have over 250 publications including books, research reports, journal articles and other output.
My latest book, co-authored with the late Professor John Henneberry and Professor Christine Whitehead (LSE), Planning Gain, was published in 2016 and won the RTPI Award for Research Excellence. A recent paper co-authored with Professor Christine Whitehead 'Capturing development value, principles and practice: why is it so difficult?' (in Town Planning Review, 90(4), 2019) won the Sir Peter Hall award for research with an impact on public policy.
I am also very active in the world of policy and practice which brings me into close contact with policy makers in the public, private and not for profit sectors in housing and planning. I am currently a member of: the Royal Town Planning Institute’s (RTPI) Trustee Board and Chair of its Education and Life Long Learning Committee; a member of the board of the Architects Registration Board; Chair of the Construction Industry Council’s Housing Panel and a council member of the Academy of Social Sciences.
In past years I have been Chair of The Conservation Volunteers (one of UK’s major green charities); Deputy Chair of the Orbit Housing Group (one of the UK's largest not for profit provider of affordable homes), a director of Orbit Homes Ltd, of the Board of Trustees of Shelter ( the national housing and homelessness charity), independent chair of the review of governance of Rotherham council (appointed by the Commissioners on behalf of the Secretary of State), Trustee of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (which is funded by the UK governments to secure economic and social regeneration of the former coalfields), Chair of Sheffield Homes Ltd, an independent member of the board of the National Tenant Voice, Chair of the RTPI Accreditation Board, a member of the National Housing Federation’s National Council, Chair of South Yorkshire Housing Association, Chair of the RTPI Housing Panel, a member of the RTPI Research Committee, and Chair of ConneXions South Yorkshire.
My overseas experience includes research, teaching, and expert advice in China, South East Asia, and North America. I also helped establish the South East Europe Research Centre (a joint initiative of the University of Sheffield and CITY College Thessaloniki) and chaired its Steering Group.
I was appointed CBE in the 2014 New Year's Honours List for services to housing and the governance of charities. I was elected a Fellow of the RTPI in 2001 in recognition of my distinguished contribution to planning research. In 2004 I was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in recognition of my standing as a social scientist and my contribution to public policy. The RTPI honoured me with its Distinguished Service Award in 2021. The University of Sheffield conferred the honorary degree of DLitt on me in 2013 in recognition of my research and public service.
- Research interests
My current research covers two areas:
- monitoring and evaluating government initiatives to create more corporate landlords and attract more institutional funding to the private rented housing sector,
- the use of planning obligations to secure infrastructure for new developments including land and private finance for new affordable housing.
- Publications
- Transforming private landlords: housing, markets and public policy. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
- Tax incentives and the revival of private renting. York: Cloister Press.
Edited books
- Planning Gain: Providing Infrastructure and Affordable Housing. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
- Private rental housing: comparative perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Low cost home ownership: an evaluation of housing policy under the Conservatives. Aldershot: Gower Press.
- Low cost home ownership: an evaluation of housing policy under the Conservatives.. Aldershot: Gower Press.
Journal articles
- How we became effective tax gatherers. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 93(4), 296-298.
- Britain desperately needs more family homes – a tax cut might help encourage older people to downsize. The Conversation.
- Building more homes is not the only answer to the housing crisis. The Planner.
- View this article in WRRO Planning reform in England - a proposal. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 92(4), 234-242.
- View this article in WRRO Developer contributions for affordable homes and infrastructure — Anglo-Scottish comparisons and lessons, part two: Scotland and England compared — a three-stage story?. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 91(2), 104-109.
- View this article in WRRO Developer contributions for affordable homes and infrastructure — Anglo-Scottish comparisons and lessons, part two: Scotland and England compared — a three-stage story?. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 91(2), 104-109.
- Professor John Henneberry FAcSS FRTPI MRICS, 1952-2021. Town Planning Review: Volume 93, Issue 1, 93(1), 1-3.
- View this article in WRRO Developer contributions for affordable homes and infrastructure — Anglo-Scottish comparisons and lessons. Part one: Scotland.. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 91(1), 14-19.
- View this article in WRRO An appreciation. Professor John Henneberry.. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 90(11/12), 418-419.
- View this article in WRRO Funding affordable homes and new infrastructure: improving S106 or moving to an infrastructure levy?,. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 90(3/4), 88-94.
- View this article in WRRO Capturing development value via compulsory purchase at existing use value: we need to remember our history. Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association, 88(11), 442-445.
- Capturing development value, principles and practice: why is it so difficult?. Town Planning Review, 90(4), 359-381.
- In search of profit: housing association investment in private rental housing. Housing Studies, 34(4), 666-687.
- New housing association development and its potential to reduce concentrations of deprivation: An English case study. Urban Studies, 53(16), 3388-3404. View this article in WRRO
- Housing and the financial crisis. Housing Studies, 31(3), 358-359.
- View this article in WRRO Gain worth the pain: Do planning obligations work?. The Planner(December), 22-25.
- Institutional investment in the private rented sector in the UK. HQN Evidence, 8-9.
- Knowing the Area: The Management of Market and Business Risks by Private Landlords in Scotland. Urban Studies, 49(15), 3347-3363.
- Planning Gains, Providing Homes. Housing Studies, 26(7-8), 997-1018.
- Are financial institutions finally ready to back private landlords?. Inside Housing(6), 8-8.
- Stopping the flow. Planning, 1877, 14-15.
- Institutional investment in the private rented housing sector. About Banking: the Journal of the Irish Banking Federation, 5, 22-23.
- Levy raises complexity fear. Planning, 19(1), 16-16.
- Planning gain and the supply of new affordable housing in England: Understanding the numbers. Town Planning Review, 77(3).
- North fear southern siphon: a centralised planning gain levy could see funds redircted towards growth areas. Planning(July), 20-20.
- Current deals find favour in homes arena. Planning(June 2006), 16-16.
- Delivering affordable housing through Section 106: outputs and outcomes J. Joseph Rowntree Foundation Findings, 146.
- Supply solution still sought. Planning, 17-17.
- Housing investment trusts: A new structure of rental housing provision?. Housing Studies, 17(5), 741-753.
- Social housing and planning gain: Is this an appropriate way of providing affordable housing?. Environment and Planning A, 34(7), 1259-1279.
- Planning gain and affordable housing. Joseph Rowntree Findings, 42.
- Planning gain and affordable housing: bringing land supply and funding togethe. Planning(December 2002).
- Social housing figures do not tell whole story. Planning(October).
- Book Reviews. Urban Studies, 38(9), 1605-1623.
- Market signals and disrepair in privately rented housing. Journal of Property Research, 18(1), 21-50.
- Housing associations and housing policy: A historical perspective. URBAN STUDIES, 38(9), 1611-1614.
- Private rented housing and financial institutions. Housing Finance, 44, 35-42.
- Private rented housing, financial institutions, and registered social landlords. Housing Today, 154, 18-19.
- Financial institutions and Private rented housing. Joseph Rowntree Findings, 89.
- Who rents under BES?. Roof(May/June), 8-8.
- Footing the bill for affordable homes. Planning(1320), 20-21.
- Planning education is in very good health: and that’s official!. Planning, 1314, 20-21.
- Towards a new Institute policy statement on housing. Planning(1300), 17-17.
- VIEWPOINT: Fiscal austerity, affordable housing and the planning system: betterment tax and hypothecation. Town Planning Review, 69(4), 3-3.
- The supply of private rented housing in Canada. Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 13(3), 327-352.
- Housing investment trusts and the returns from residential lettings. Journal of Property Research, 15(3), 229-248.
- An apparent paradox: no need, but lots of demand? Is there a requirement for new social housing in the ‘North’ of England?. Housing Agenda, 2(5), 13-15.
- Comparing private landlords. Housing Research Review, 12, 13-17.
- The revival of private rented housing in Britain. Housing Studies, 11(1), 51-68.
- Affordable housing and planning gain, linkage fees and the rational nexus: Using the land use planning system in England and the USA to deliver housing subsidies. International Planning Studies, 1(1), 49-71.
- First HITs will face lack of confidence from funders. Housing Agenda, 1(3), 4-6.
- Housing associations, private finance and risk avoidance: the impact on urban renewal and inner cities. Environment & Planning A, 27(11), 1695-1712.
- The supply of privately rented housing. Housing Research Findings(139).
- Great expectations? The impact of the property slump on BES‐assured tenancies in 1990/91. Journal of Property Finance, 4(1).
- Review: Geographic Information Systems: Developments and Applications, Landlords and Property: Social Relations in the Private Rented Sector, Reducing Regional Inequalities, Imagined Country: Society, Culture, and Environment, Planning and Urban Growth in Nordic Countries, towards a Green Architecture: Six Practical Case Studies, Handling Geographical Information: Methodology and Potential Applications, Urban Goods Movement: A Guide to Policy Planning. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 19(3), 359-370.
- The impact of the property slump on business expansion scheme assured tenancies,. Housing Research Findings, 65.
- Subsidies and private rented housing : lessons from the Business Expansion Scheme. The Property Journal, 26(4), 12-15.
- Who rents under BES?. Roof -London-, 16(3).
- The impact of the Business Expansion Scheme on the provision of rented housing. Housing Research Findings, 29.
- Book reviews : Hamnett, C. and Randolph, B. 1988: Cities, housing and profits. Flat break-up and the decline of private renting. London: Hutchinson Education. v + 297 pp. £25.00 cloth. Progress in Human Geography, 14(4), 607-609.
- Housing Finance in Sheffield. Housing Research Findings, 21.
- Multi-occupied housing standards: the application of discretionary powers by local authorities. Policy & Politics, 17(1), 41-58.
- Deregulation of private rented housing in Britain: investors' responses to government housing policy in the 1980s. Built Environment, 14(3-4), 155-167.
- Book Reviews. Housing Studies, 2(3), 213-219.
- The crisis in housing investment.. Planner, 72(6), 13-16.
- Privatisation of housing and the impact of the Conservative Government's initiatives on low-cost homeownership and private renting between 1979 and 1984 in England and Wales: 2. Implementation of low-cost homeownership policy.. Environment & Planning A, 18(6), 827-835.
- Privatisation of housing and the impact of the Conservative Government's initiatives on low-cost homeownership and private renting between 1979 and 1984 in England and Wales: 3. Impact and evaluation of low-cost homeownership policy.. Environment & Planning A, 18(7), 901-911.
- Privatisation of housing and the impact of the Conservative Government's initiatives on low-cost homeownership and private renting between 1979 and 1984 in England and Wales: 1. The privatisation policies.. Environment & Planning A, 18(5), 639-659.
- Privatisation of housing and the impact of the Conservative Government's initiatives on low-cost homeownership and private renting between 1979 and 1984 in England and Wales: 4. Private renting.. Environment & Planning A, 18(8), 1029-1037.
- The crisis in housing investment. The Planner, 72(6), 13-16.
- Improvements in the private rented sector. Estates Gazette, 275, 771-775.
- Committees and their members. Voulntary Housing, 17(6), 29-33.
- The Generalised Needs Index. What do the Statistics Show?. Voluntary Housing, 19(9), 47-48.
- Private landlords and the improvement of the housing stock.. Housing Review, 35(3).
- Urban renewal in the 1980s. An enhanced role for the private sector?. The Planner, 70(4), 19-21.
- What kind of housing is rented by housing association households? Some more results from the 1981 census.. Voluntary Housing, 16(1), 18-19.
- Houses in multiple occupation and local authority powers: discretionary or mandatory?. Housing Review, 6, 196-201.
- Banishing dark divisive clouds: welfare and the Conservative Government 1979-1983. Critical Social Policy, 8, 24-25.
- Who rents from Housing Associations and where do they live?. Voluntary Housing, 15(4), 34-36.
- The future of private renting in inner cities.. Architectural Psychology Newsletter, 12(1), 6-7.
- Private Renting. Roof, 5, 21-23.
- Havelock: the case for HAA status. Faculty of Architectural Studies Newsletter(June), 3-5.
- The short run impact of Covid-19 on the private rented sector In Kemp PA (Ed.), Private Renting in the Advanced Economies. Growth and Change in a Financialised World (pp. 238-258). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Private renting in England: growth, change and contestation In Kemp PA (Ed.), Private Renting in the Advanced Economies. Growth and Change in a Financialised World, (pp. 91-116). Bristol: Policy Press.
- A GIS Analysis of Rent Formation in the Private Rented Housing Sector in England, The Private Rented Housing Market: Regulation or Deregulation? (pp. 15-36).
- Introduction In Crook A, Henneberry J & Whitehead C (Ed.), Planning Gain Providing Infrastructure and Affordable Housing (pp. 1-19). Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
- Providing Infrastructure and Affordable Housing Preface, PLANNING GAIN: PROVIDING INFRASTRUCTURE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING (pp. XVII-XIX).
- Private Rental Housing Comparative Perspectives Introduction, PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES (pp. 1-26).
- Private Rental Housing Comparative Perspectives Foreword, PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES (pp. IX-X).
- A GIS analysis of rent formation in the private rented housing sector in England, The Private Rented Housing Market: Regulation or Deregulation? (pp. 15-36).
- Transforming Private Landlords Housing, Markets & Public Policy Preface, TRANSFORMING PRIVATE LANDLORDS: HOUSING, MARKETS & PUBLIC POLICY (pp. XII-+).
- Transforming Private Landlords Housing, Markets & Public Policy Introduction, TRANSFORMING PRIVATE LANDLORDS: HOUSING, MARKETS & PUBLIC POLICY (pp. XIII-XX).
- Transforming Private Landlords Housing, Markets & Public Policy Conclusions, TRANSFORMING PRIVATE LANDLORDS: HOUSING, MARKETS & PUBLIC POLICY (pp. 179-194).
- Getting institutional investment into private renting – the Holy Grail In Scanlon K & Kochan B (Ed.), Towards a sustainable private rented sector: the lessons from other countries (pp. 150-150). London: LSE.
- Intermediate housing and the planning systemn In Monk S & Whitehead C (Ed.), Making housing more affordable: the role of intermediate tenures (pp. 101-119). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
- A GIS Analysis of Rent Formation in the Residential Sector in England In Lowe S & Hughes D (Ed.), Regulating the Privately Rented Housing Market (pp. 15-35). Aldershot: Ashgate Press.
- The privately rented sector in the twenty-first century: lessons form the last decade of the twentieth century In Lowe S & Hughes D (Ed.), The privately rented sector in a new century (pp. 19-29). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Housing conditions in the privately rented sector within a market framework In Lowe S & Hughes D (Ed.), The privately rented sector in a new century (pp. 153-176). Bristol: Policy Press.
- The achievement of affordable housing policies through the planning system In Monk S & Whitehead C (Ed.), Restructuring housing systems: from social to affordable housing? (pp. 180-188). York: York Publishing Services.
- The policies required In Whitehead C (Ed.), Towards a viable private rented sector, (pp. 19-21). London: LSE and Nationwide Building Society.
- Déréglementation et dégrèvements fiscaux : l'impact a court terme des avantages fiscaux destinés a relancer la location privée en Grande-Bretagne. In Cutarello P (Ed.), Regards sur le logement une étrange marchandise (pp. 129-146). Paris: L'Harmattan.
- The revival of private renting in Britain: deregulation, tax incentives and private finance In Turner B & Whitehead C (Ed.), Housing Finance in the 1990s (pp. 273-287). Gavle: Swedish National Building Research Institute.
- Reviving the private rented sector? In Maclennan D & Gibb K (Ed.), UK Housing Finance and Subsidy (pp. 67-86). Aldershot: Avebury Press.
- Needs, standards and affordability: housing policy 1914-1992 In Binfield C (Ed.), The history of the City of Sheffield Volume 2, (pp. 76-99). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
- The revival of private rented housing: a comparison and commentary on recent proposals In Best R (Ed.), The future of private renting: consensus and action (pp. 58-76). York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Private rented housing and the impact of deregulation In Birchall J & Gibson M (Ed.), Housing Policy in the 1990s (pp. 91-112). London: Routledge.
- The regulation and financing of standards in private rented housing. In Satsangi M (Ed.), Changing Housing Finance Systems (pp. 146-218). Glsgow: The University of Glasgow.
- Deregulation of private rented housing in Britain In Van Vliet W & Van Wessep J (Ed.), Government and housing: developments in seven countries (pp. 185-201). Newbury Park: Sage.
- The balanced community In Oldman C (Ed.), Flexible Tenure London: National Federation of Hosing Associations.
- Investment in private rented housing in the 1980s: evidence from Sheffield. In Whitehead C & Cross D (Ed.), Planning and Development Yearbook (pp. 88-93). Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
- Property Speculation, local authority policy and the decline of private rented housing in the 1980s. In Kemp PA (Ed.), The private provision of rented housing. (pp. 40-77). Aldershot: Gower.
- The Development of Housing Policy In Marshall RJ (Ed.), Spatial Design and Planning in the UK (pp. 34-45). New York: Praeger.
- Housing policies in Great Britain In Marshall RJ (Ed.), Spatial Design and Planning in the U.K (pp. 46-60). New York: Praeger.
- Summary and Conclusions, Planning Gain (pp. 269-290). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Spatial Variation in the Incidence and Value of Planning Obligations, Planning Gain (pp. 175-200). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Development Viability, Planning Gain (pp. 115-139). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- International Experience, Planning Gain (pp. 227-268). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Planning Obligations Policy in England:de factoTaxation of Development Value, Planning Gain (pp. 63-114). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- The Incidence and Value of Planning Obligations, Planning Gain (pp. 140-174). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Introduction, Planning Gain (pp. 1-19). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Capturing Development Value Throughde jureNational Taxation: The English Experience, Planning Gain (pp. 37-62). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- The Buy-To-Let Boom, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 161-178). Wiley-Blackwell
- The Business Expansion Scheme, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 107-129). Wiley-Blackwell
- References, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 195-206). Wiley-Blackwell
- Private Renting Since 1979, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 53-70). Wiley-Blackwell
- Private Landlords in Historical Perspective, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 1-24). Wiley-Blackwell
- Private Landlords in Contemporary Britain, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 71-106). Wiley-Blackwell
- Index, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 207-215). Wiley-Blackwell
- Government Policy Since 1979, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 25-52). Wiley-Blackwell
- Financial Institutions and Rented Housing, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 130-160). Wiley-Blackwell
- Conclusions, Transforming Private Landlords (pp. 179-194). Wiley-Blackwell
- Intermediate Housing and the Planning System, Making Housing More Affordable (pp. 101-119). Wiley-Blackwell
Conference proceedings papers
- Ensuring compliance – the case of the private rented sector : some concluding reflections.. Ensuring compliance: the case of the private rented sector, Vol. 06(148). Bristol
- Policy about rented and owner occupied housing in the UK in the 1980s.. Proceedings of UK-China Seminar on Urban Planning. Beijing
- Deregulation and tax breaks: an assessment of policies to revive private rented housing in Britain.. Innovative Housing Practices. Proceedings of International Association of Housing Science 1989 World Congress.. Headington, Oxford
- The preparation and adoption of local plans in Britain: procedures and progress. Proceedings of UK-China Seminar on Urban Planning. Beijing
- The nature and development of state intervention in the UK housing market. Proceedings of UK-China Seminar on Urban Planning.. Beijing
- HMO Standards: the application of discretionary powers by local authorities.. Proceedings of Conference on Unhealthy Housing: prevention and remedies. London
- Private and voluntary sector implementation of housing policy under the Conservatives: an evaluation of initiatives for low cost home ownership and private renting since 1979.. Proceedings of the PTRC Annual Summer Meeting (pp 83-98). Sussex
- Acquisition, Improvement and Reletting by Private Landlords: a case study of Inner Sheffield,. Policy Analysis for housing and planning: Proceedings of the PTRC Annual Summer Meeting Warwick 1981 (pp 121-140). Warwick
- Front Matter (pp i-xx)
- Front Matter (pp i-xxiv)
- A road map to a coherent housing policy
- Response of Chartered Planners in Academic Practice Group to the CMA Housebuilding market study planning working paper
- Exploring the potential effects of the proposed Infrastructure Levy
- Why is Housing Policy in such a Mess? A Call for a More Strategic Approach
- Achieving and more consistent and coherent housing policy
- Evidence to Competition & Markets Authority Housebuilding Market Study
- Oral evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee:The finances and sustainability of the social housing sector, HC 1268
- Supplementary written evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee: The finances and sustainability of the social housing sector, HC 1268,
- CPiAP evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Homes and Communities Select Committee Inquiry on Reforms to national planning policy
- Global Compendium of Land Value Capture Policies
- Evidence to House of Lords Land Use Committee inquiry on ‘How should we respond to increasing demands on land? LUE0046
- CPiAP evidence to House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Levelling up & Regeneration Bill
- CIC evidence to House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill, October 2022.
- Evidence to the House of Commons Levelling Up, Homes and Communities Select Committee Inquiry on Rental Reform, August 2022, RSS 203
- The Value, Impact, and Incidence of Developer Contributions in Scotland: Report for the Scottish Government
- Evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Housing Communities and Local Government Inquiry into permitted development rights. PDR 072
- Evidence to the House of Lords Built Environment Committee on Meeting Housing Demand. UKH0062
- Construction Industry Council submission Evidence to the House of Lords Built Environment Committee on Meeting Housing Demand. UKH0059
- Capturing Increases in Land Value
- The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2018-19,
- Additional evidence piece for the UK 2070 Commission
- Planning for the future: challenges of introducing a new Infrastructure Levy Need to be addressed
- The White Paper on planning reform: Will the proposals increase housebuilding and improve affordability in England? October, 2020
- Evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Housing Communities and Local Government Inquiry into The future of the planning system in England
- Proposed Infrastructure Levy: projections of income Additional evidence submitted to House of Commons Housing Communities & Local Government Select Committee inquiry into the Planning Reform White Paper
- Local authority land acquisition in Germany and the Netherlands: are there lessons for Scotland? A discussion paper.
- The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2016-17,
- First memorandum of evidence to House of Commons Select committe on Housing, Communities & Local Government on Land Value Capture
- Second memorandum of evidence to House of Commons Select committee on Housing, Communities & Local Government on Land Value Capture
- Inquiry into the New Homes Ombudsman
- How local authorities can foster investment by corporate landlords in new private rental housing: a report for Sigma Capital
- A New Framework for Housing in the North: The report of the Commission on Housing in the North
- Memorandum of evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Inquiry into the Economics of the United Kingdom Housing Market
- Memorandum of evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Inquiry into the Economics of the United Kingdom Housing Market
- Oral evidence on planning to House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Inquiry into the Economics of the United Kingdom Housing Market.
- Review of the governance of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (chair Professor ADH Crook CBE)
- The Report of the Lloyds Banking Group Commission on Housing
- The nature of planning constraints: report to House of Commons Select Committee on Communities & Local Government.
- The changing delivery of planning gain through Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy.
- Institutional investment in the private rented sector
- Funding affordable housing through planning obligations
- New affordable homes: what, for whom and where have registered providers been building between 1989 and 2009?
- New Homes Bonus and S106 obligations
- The incidence value and delivery of planning obligations in England, 2007-08
- Decent homes in the private rented sector
- Review of the Private Rented Sector: Volume 3: Views and experiences of landlords in the Private Rented Sector
- Valuing Planning Obligations in England: Update Study for 2005-06
- Common starting points for Section 106 Affordable Housing Negotiations
- The use and value of planning obligations in Wales
- How local planning authorities are delivering policies for affordable housing
- S106 and affordable housing The supply of rented housing
- Response to the Green Paper ‘Homes for the Future’ and the 2007 Comprehensive Review a response on behalf of the Joseph Rowntree Foundatio
- Valuing planning obligations in England
- Delivering affordable housing through S106: outputs and outcomes
- Value for money in delivering affordable housing through S106
- Land and finance for affordable housing: the complementary roles of Social Housing Grant and the provision of affordable housing through the planning system
- Opportunity knocks? Institutional investment in the private rented sector in Ireland
- Supporting research staff: making a difference
- Disrepair in the private rented sector in Scotland: a review of policy options in reserved areas
- Financial institutions and private rented housing: a submission to the Barker Review of Housing Supply
- Private developers and affordable housing: the impact of planning gain: a submission to the Barker Review of Housing Supply
- The provision of affordable housing through the planning system
- Investment returns in the private rented housing sector
- Planning gain & affordable housing: making it count
- Planning and Affordable Housing
- Planning policies for affordable housing: how are they working
- Repair & Maintenance by private landlords
- The private rented sector & institutional investment: lessons from overseas
- Financial institutions and private rented housing
- Revision of Planning Policy Guidance Note 3
- Repairs and improvements to private rented dwellings in the 1990s.
- Private landlords in England.
- A new lease of life? Housing association investment on local authority estates
- The framework for private renting
- The supply of privately rented homes today and tomorrow.
- Private Renting at the Crossroads. An economic model of rent determination,
- Inquiry into Planning for Housing: Submission of evidence to the Inquiry of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- The Business Expansion Scheme and Rented Housing
- The business expansion scheme: a preliminary analysis.
- Housing Finance in Sheffield: the impact and incidence housing subsidies
- Property dealers, local authority policy and the repair and improvement of unfurnished private rented housing.
- Evidence of Royal Town Planing Institute Housing: PPG3 - 17th Report of House of Commons Select Committee on Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs 1998-99, Volume I: Report and Proceedings, together with minutes of evidence and appendices
- Decline and change: Investment and disinvestment. Patterns of change in private rented housing in inner Sheffield since 1979.
- Houses in multiple occupation: should local authority powers be discretionary or mandatory?
- Conditions in the private rented sector. Evidence submitted to the Inquiry into British Housing Chaired by HRH Duke of Edinburgh
- The six low cost home ownership initiatives: a note for information
- Sharrow General Improvement Area: the case for more investment. Report of a survey commissioned by Sharrow Street Residents' Association in consultation with Sheffield City Council.
- Strengthening Committees. Whom do housing associations want to sit on their committees of management?
- Havelock Housing Action Area. Achievements after five years: the resident's perspective. Report of the 1982 HAA survey Commissioned by Sheffield City Council and the Broomhall Community Group
- Government intervention in private rented housing: lessons from the Canadian experience,
- Private rented housing in South Yorkshire: Investment in the 1980s and the impact of deregulation in the 1990s.
- Observations on review of Hong Kong Planning Ordinance
- Local Authorities and Private Landlords, A Case Study,
- Membership of Housing Associations and their Committees
- Fair Shares for North East
- Homeless Families in Sheffield
- A population projection for Bassetlaw
- Havelock - the Case for Priority Treatment
- Greater London Development Plan Report of Studies
Theses / Dissertations
- Improving the private rented sector: the impact of changes in ownership and of local authority policies..
Working papers
- Land value capture (LVC) and developer contributions: what can we learn from other countries?.
- Land use and planning reforms: strategic context, challenges and policy recommendations.
- Housing policy needs a more coherent approach,.
- The election campaign must address the housing crisis.
- published Oral evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee:The finances and sustainability of the social housing sector, HC 1268, 12th June 2023..
- Evidence to Competition & Markets Authority Housebuilding Market Study , June 2023..
- Supplementary written evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee: The finances and sustainability of the social housing sector, HC 1268,.
- Supplementary written evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee: The finances and sustainability of the social housing sector, HC 1268,.
- CPiAP evidence to House of Commons Levelling Up, Homes and Communities Select Committee Inquiry on Reforms to national planning policy, July 2023..
- Evidence to House of Lords Land Use Committee inquiry on ‘How should we respond to increasing demands on land? LUE0046,.
- Response to DLUHC consultation on compensation for compulsory purchase.
- CPiAP evidence to House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Levelling up & Regeneration Bill,.
- CIC evidence to House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Levelling up and Regernarion Bill, October 2022..
- Evidence to the House of Commons Levelling Up, Homes and Communities Select Committee Inquiry on Rental Reform, August 2022, RSS 203.
- Evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Housing Communities and Local Government Inquiry into permitted development rights. PDR 072 May 2021.
- Evidence to the House of Lords Built Environment Committee on Meeting Housing Demand. UKH0062.
- Construction Industry Council submission Evidence to the House of Lords Built Environment Committee on Meeting Housing Demand. UKH0059.