Researchers by period
View a list of our current PhD and MPhil research students grouped by the period in which their studies are focused.
Primary supervisor: Martial Staub | Secondary supervisor: Anthony Milton
Primary supervisor: Casey Strine | Secondary supervisor: Mirela Ivanova
Primary supervisor: Martial Staub | Secondary supervisor: Danica Summerlin
Primary supervisor: Charles West | Secondary supervisor: Martial Staub
Primary supervisor: Charles West | Secondary supervisor: Claire Burridge
Primary supervisor: Colin Reid | Secondary supervisor: Mark Roodhouse (University of York)
(also listed under Post-1800)
Primary supervisor: Mike Braddick
Primary supervisors: Colin Reid & Rob Gaizauskas (Computer Science) | Secondary supervisor: Mike Pidd (Digital Humanities Institute)
Primary supervisor: Phil Withington | Secondary supervisor: Tom Leng
Primary supervisor: Anthony Milton | Secondary supervisor: Mike Braddick
Primary supervisor: Anthony Milton | Secondary supervisor: Mike Braddick
Primary supervisor: Rosie Knight | Secondary supervisor: James Shaw (Also under Post-1800)
Primary supervisor: Anthony Milton | Secondary supervisor: Tom Leng
Primary supervisor: Phil Withington | Secondary supervisor: Tom Leng
Primary supervisor: Phil Withington | Secondary supervisor: Rosie Knight
Primary supervisor: Anthony Milton | Secondary supervisor: Tom Leng
Primary supervisor: Phil Withington | Secondary supervisor: Kate Davison
Primary supervisor: Tom Leng | Secondary supervisor: Caroline Pennock
Primary supervisor: Andrew Heath | Secondary supervisor:
(Also listed under Post-1800)
Primary supervisor: James Shaw | Secondary supervisor: Michael Braddick
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Andrew Heath
Primary supervisor: Colin Reid | Secondary supervisor: Mark Roodhouse (University of York)
(also listed under 1500-1800)
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisors: Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisors: Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid
Primary supervisor: Julia Moses | Secondary supervisor: Colin Reid
Primary supervisor: Andrew Heath | Secondary supervisor: Simon Toner
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Colin Reid
Primary supervisor: Esme Cleall | Secondary supervisor: James Shaw
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Julie Gottlieb
Primary supervisor: Rosie Knight | Secondary supervisor: James Shaw (Also under 1500-1800)
Primary supervisor: Esme Cleall | Secondary supervisor: Julia Moses
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Colin Reid
Primary supervisor: Chris Millard | Secondary supervisor: Esme Cleall
Primary supervisor: Benjamin Ziemann | Secondary supervisor: Laura Almagor
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Chris Millard
Primary supervisor: Mary Vincent | Secondary supervisor: Laura Almagor
Primary supervisor: Miriam Dobson | Secondary supervisor: Sebastian Gehrig
Primary supervisor: Emily Baughan | Secondary supervisor: Hugo Dobson (SEAS)
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Julie Gottlieb
Primary supervisor: Mary Vincent | Secondary supervisor: Colin Reid
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Julie Gottlieb
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Julie Gottlieb
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Esme Cleall
Primary supervisor: Adrian Bingham | Secondary supervisor: Laura Almagor
Primary supervisor: Chris Millard | Secondary supervisor: Saurabh Mishra
Primary supervisor: Andrew Heath | Secondary supervisor:
(Also listed under 1500-1800)
Primary supervisor: Mary Vincent | Secondary supervisor: Lucy Brown
Primary supervisor: Esme Cleall | Secondary supervisor: Julia Moses
Non-period specific
Primary supervisor: Casey Strine | Secondary supervisor: Joshua Forstenzer (Department of Philosophy)
Primary supervisor: Casey Strine | Secondary supervisor: Sara Whiteley (School of English)