I really enjoy interacting with patients and we get a lot of opportunities to do so right from first year.
I knew that I wanted to study Medicine so I had a look at a list of medical schools in the UK and that’s when I first heard about Sheffield. I came across it again on The Student Room website and that’s when I looked at the University website to learn more about it.
I love good views and there’s no shortage of that in Sheffield! There are many places to explore and relax in too. I’ve been here for over two years and I’m still discovering parts of Sheffield I hadn’t come across before. The layout of the city and campus and its close proximity to the many green spaces and Peak District are some of things I like best. . I liked how compact and walkable the campus was, I walked through Weston Park and Longshaw Estates in the Peak District and was taken aback by how beautiful Sheffield was.
I really enjoy interacting with patients and we get a lot of opportunities to do so right from first year. We also get to do a full-body dissection in first year which helps with our understanding of anatomy. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to become a doctor. I really enjoy studying science and I like the humanitarian side of interacting with people from all backgrounds and Medicine provides a perfect blend of the two.
The course structure is very clear, organised and makes logical sense. That really helps when studying a vast subject like Medicine where it can easily get confusing on how to approach studying this field. I think the Medical School is good size where you feel like a close-knit group and are recognisable without it being too small or limiting.
I’m starting my third year and I’m still just as excited as I was in my first year. Sheffield provides a very good balance of work and play, the city is big enough to be interesting without being distracting. There are many cool cafes where students can sit and work for hours. The libraries have great facilities and the Students’ Union has loads of activities, every little bit helps in making student life here amazing.
This course has provided a logical manner in which to approach the subject. There are clear handbooks for various modules which are very helpful. The lecturers and doctors are great and approachable and help build my knowledge base. The student selected components have allowed me to undertake research at SITraN and also work with a local charity, both experiences will further enrich my CV. The early and continued patient contact has played the biggest role in preparing me for my future career as a doctor as all of the opportunities to talk to patients has made me more confident.