Our members

The NICAD Network combines the talents of teams in three Academic Departments: Neuroscience, Psychology and Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease.

General contact details

Name Role Department Email address Telephone
Armitage, Dr Paul Senior Technical Specialist (MRI) Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health p.armitage@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 215 9149
Berwick, Dr Jason Reader in Neurophysiology School of Psychology j.berwick@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 6574
Chico, Professor Tim Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health t.j.chico@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 2396
Croall, Dr Iain Postdoctoral Research Fellow Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health I.Croall@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 215 9151
Francis, Professor Sheila Faculty Director of One University Strategy Delivery (FDOU) Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health s.francis@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 215 9501
Hoggard, Professor Nigel Professor of Neuroradiology Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health n.hoggard@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 215 9607
Howarth, Dr Clare Senior Lecturer School of Psychology c.howarth@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 6511
Jones, Dr Myles Senior Lecturer School of Psychology M.Jones@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 6551
Majid, Professor Arshad Head of Neuroscience Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Population Health arshad.majid@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 2290
Martin, Dr Chris Head of Department School of Psychology psy-hod@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 6590
Simpson, Dr Julie Senior Lecturer in Translational Neuropathology Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Population Health julie.simpson@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 2242
Wharton, Professor Stephen B Professor and Honorary Consultant in Neuropathology Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Population Health s.wharton@sheffield.ac.uk