Dr Matt Mears

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Senior University Teacher in Physics

Dr Matt Mears
Profile picture of Dr Matt Mears
+44 114 222 4289

Full contact details

Dr Matt Mears
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
Research interests
  • Physics education in HE
  • Directed motion of self-motile cells
  • Cellular adhesion in male factor infertility
  • Glass transition of thin films
  • Polymers at surfaces and interfaces

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Teaching activities
  • PHY101
  • PHY120 (module leader)
  • PHY230 / PHY231
  • PHY341 project supervision
  • PHY407 (module leader)
Professional activities and memberships
  • Head of second year lab
  • Member of departmental Equality and Diversity committee
  • Member of the Sheffield Physics Higher Education Research and Development (ShePHERD) group.
  • Senior Fellow of the HEA