About the school

The School of Computer Science was founded in 1982 and is housed in the Regent Court building. The school is a member of the Faculty of Engineering.

About the school

The school is housed in the Regent Court building on Portobello. Regent Court is a pleasant purpose-built building, completed in 1993, and built around a grass courtyard. It contains the offices of our staff, most of our research laboratories, seminar/tutorial rooms, and flexible teaching/study space. Students also have access to dedicated state-of-the-art computer labs in the nearby Diamond.

Lecture theatres are situated nearby on the campus. Regent Court is a 10 minute walk from the city centre, and a similar distance from the Students' Union Building. Much of the surrounding area has been developed by the University. It is difficult to see where the University ends and the city begins, and the area is particularly well furnished with eating places, pubs, bars and shops.

Discover more about our facilities and the city of Sheffield.

Teaching, research and student satisfaction

The school has an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching. In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework 99 per cent of our research was rated in the highest two categories, meaning it is classed as world-leading or internationally excellent. We are rated as 8th nationally for the quality of our research environment, showing that the School of Computer Science is a vibrant and progressive place to undertake research. 

We are number one in the Russell Group for student satisfaction in computer science according to the latest National Student Survey (NSS).

We celebrate and reward academic success with a number of prizes awarded to our students each year.

Experience a range of Engineering disciplines

We take an interdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching, so that our students work with a range of disciplines as they would in industry. These opportunities for collaboration extend across wide-ranging subjects within the School but also across the whole of Engineering and Computer Science:

  • Our Science and Engineering Foundation Year (SEFY) provides a grounding for students who need an extra year of study to progress onto our degrees, including a choice of subjects from across the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science
  • Our General Engineering course is for students who want to study a wide range of engineering disciplines. You will be taught by experts from across all four of our schools in the Faculty of Engineering, giving you the skills and knowledge to shape your future career path

The Diamond Building is the heart of our collaborative approach, providing teaching spaces and specialist laboratories for students from all our courses to work together on practical learning

Our work with industry

We have key relationships with major companies which support our learning, teaching and research. Some of these include: IBM, Amazon, and VoiceBase. We have a dedicated Industrial Advisory Board that meets annually to discuss matters related to the curriculum, employment and research collaborations. 

We are committed to providing our students with the skills they will need to succeed in the workplace. Our module, Genesys, gives fourth year and MSc students the opportunity to gain industrial experience.