Dr Manoj Menon
School of Geography and Planning
Lecturer in Soil/Environmental Science
+44 114 222 7993
Full contact details
School of Geography and Planning
Room E8
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
I started my lectureship at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering in 2011 and moved to the Department of Geography in 2015.
Before Sheffield, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nevada (2007-08) and University of Leeds (2009-11).
I completed my doctoral degree in environmental sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich in 2006.
- Research interests
Dr Menon is interested in soil physics, soil-plant-water regime, soil-biotic interactions, nutrient cycling, non-invasive imaging (X-ray and neutrons,) and modelling.
He is the international coordinator of Arsenic in Rice Research Network (ARRNet); Associate Editor of European Journal of Soil Science and the Northern Soil Chair of the British Soil Science Society.
- Publications
- Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography—New Means to Quantify Root Induced Changes of Rhizosphere Physical Properties. The Soil Science Society of America, Inc..
- Applications of Neutron Imaging in Soil-Water-Root Systems. Soil Science Society of America.
Journal articles
- Mineral nutrient elements and their bioaccessibility in hulled organic and conventional lentils (Lens culinaris) sold in the UK. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 132, 106372-106372.
- A comparison of the effects of two cooking methods on arsenic species and nutrient elements in rice. Science of The Total Environment, 914, 169653-169653.
- Investigating root architectural differences in lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. L. with altered stomatal density using high resolution X-Ray synchrotron imaging. Plant and Soil.
- Essential nutrient element profiles in rice types: a risk–benefit assessment including inorganic arsenic. British Journal of Nutrition.
- Living with arsenic in the environment: An examination of current awareness of farmers in the Bengal basin using hybrid feature selection and machine learning. Environment International, 153. View this article in WRRO
- Preferential wheat (Triticum aestivum. L cv. Fielder) root growth in different sized aggregates. Soil and Tillage Research, 212.
- Fungal diversity of selected habitat specific Cynorkis species (Orchidaceae) in the central highlands of Madagascar. Microorganisms, 9(4).
- Assessing the impact of irrigating with saline water on physical properties of a sandy loam soil..
- Improved rice cooking approach to maximise arsenic removal while preserving nutrient elements. Science of The Total Environment, 143341-143341.
- Editorial for the special issue on ‘Opportunities and Challenges in No-Till Farming’. European Journal of Soil Science. View this article in WRRO
- Do arsenic levels in rice pose a health risk to the UK population?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 197. View this article in WRRO
- Pore system characteristics of soil aggregates and their relevance to aggregate stability. Geoderma, 366. View this article in WRRO
- Acceptability and feasibility of a café-based sustainable food intervention in the UK. Health Promotion International. View this article in WRRO
- Wheat root system architecture and soil moisture distribution in an aggregated soil using neutron computed tomography. Geoderma, 359. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of potentially toxic trace element contamination in urban allotment soils and their uptake by onions: A preliminary case study from Sheffield, England.. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 170, 156-165. View this article in WRRO
- A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: pathways to climate change mitigation and global food security. Chemosphere. View this article in WRRO
- Mechanical Properties of Freshly Amended Soils with Miscanthus Biochar. Soil Use and Management. View this article in WRRO
- The abundance of nitrogen cycle genes and potential greenhouse gas fluxes depends on land use type and little on soil aggregate size. Applied Soil Ecology, 125, 1-11. View this article in WRRO
- Temporal variations in the potential hydrological performance of extensive green roof systems. Journal of Hydrology, 558, 564-578. View this article in WRRO
- Smith, K.A., Ball, T., Conen, F., Dobbie, K.E., Massheder, J. & Rey, A. 2003. Exchange of greenhouse gases between soil and atmosphere: interactions of soil physical factors and biological processes. European Journal of Soil Science , 54, 779-791.. European Journal of Soil Science, 69(1), 5-9. View this article in WRRO
- Stabilization of Soil Organic Carbon as Influenced by Clay Mineralogy. Advances in Agronomy, 148, 33-84. View this article in WRRO
- The impact of green roof ageing on substrate characteristics and hydrological performance. Journal of Hydrology, 547, 332-344. View this article in WRRO
- Soil Water Characteristics of European SoilTrEC Critical Zone Observatories. Advances in Agronomy, 142, 29-72. View this article in WRRO
- Soil Functions in Earth's Critical Zone: Key Results and Conclusions. Advances in Agronomy, 142, 119-142. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of Dry and Wet Sieving of Soil on Identification and Interpretation of Microbial Community Composition. Advances in Agronomy, 142, 119-142. View this article in WRRO
- Factors Controlling Soil Structure Dynamics and Carbon Sequestration Across Different Climatic and Lithological Conditions. Advances in Agronomy, 142, 241-276. View this article in WRRO
- Analysing the impact of compaction of soil aggregates using X-ray microtomography and water flow simulations. Soil and Tillage Research, 150, 147-157. View this article in WRRO
- SoilTrEC: a global initiative on critical zone research and integration. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(4), 3191-3195. View this article in WRRO
- Laboratory analysis of the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiration in biological soil crusts. Journal of Arid Environments, 98, 52-59.
- Soil processes and functions across an international network of Critical Zone Observatories: Introduction to experimental methods and initial results. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344(11-12), 758-772.
- Boron accumulation and toxicity in hybrid poplar (populus nigra × euramericana). Environmental Science and Technology, 45(24), 10538-10543.
- Boron accumulation and toxicity in hybrid poplar (Populus nigra× euramericana). Environmental science & technology, 45(24), 10538-10543.
- Assessment of physical and hydrological properties of biological soil crusts using X-ray microtomography and modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 397(1-2), 47-54.
- Factors contributing to nitrate accumulation in Mesic Desert Vadose Zones in Spanish Springs Valley, Nevada (USA). Journal of Arid Environments, 74(9), 1033-1040.
- Quantitative imaging of infiltration, root growth, and root water uptake via neutron radiography. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(3), 1035-1047.
- Processes controlling the thermal regime of saltmarsh channel beds. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(3), 671-676.
- Quantitative imaging of infiltration, root growth, and root water uptake via neutron radiography. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(3), 1035-1047.
- Processes controlling the thermal regime of saltmarsh channel beds. Environmental science & technology, 42(3), 671-676.
- Initial changes in refilled lysimeters built with metal polluted topsoil and acidic or calcareous subsoils as indicated by changes in drainage water composition. Water Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 8(2), 163-176.
- Effects of heavy metal soil pollution and acid rain on growth and water use efficiency of a young model forest ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 297(1-2), 171-183.
- Visualization of root growth in heterogeneously contaminated soil using neutron radiography. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(3), 802-810.
- Effects of heavy metal soil pollution and acid rain on growth and water use efficiency of a young model forest ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 297(1-2), 171-183.
- Visualization of root growth in heterogeneously contaminated soil using neutron radiography. European journal of soil science, 58(3), 802-810.
- Phytoremediation for the management of metal flux in contaminated sites. Forest, Snow Landscape Resesearch, 80(2), 221-234.
- Influence of metal contamination on soil parameters in a lysimeter experiment designed to evaluate phytostabilization by afforestation. For. Snow Landsc. Res, 80(2), 201-211.
- Phytoremediation for the management of metal flux in contaminated sites. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 80(2), 221-224.
- Influence of heavy metal contamination on soil parameters in a lysimeter experiment designed to evaluate phytostabilization by afforestation. Forest, Snow Landscape Research, 80(2), 201-211.
- Water regime of metal-contaminated soil under juvenile forest vegetation. Plant and Soil, 271(1-2), 227-241.
- Soil Studies for Fungal Diversity to Enable the Conservation Translocation of Green-Winged Orchid. Diversity, 16(6), 327-327.
- Fungal Community Composition at the Last Remaining Wild Site of Yellow Early Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. ochroleuca). Microorganisms, 11(8), 2124-2124.
- A Longitudinal Microcosm Study on the Effects of Ageing on Potential Green Roof Hydrological Performance. Water, 10(6), 784-784. View this article in WRRO
- Physical and Hydrological Processes in Soils Under Conservation Tillage in Europe, Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach for Soil Health and Food Security (pp. 391-406).
Conference proceedings papers
- Hydrological performance evolution of extensive green roof systems. Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conf on Urban Drainage (ICUD), 10 September 2017 - 15 September 2017.
- Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Enhances Carbon Sequestration of Dryland Soil Microbial Communities. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vol. 15 (pp 10933)
- Simulating rhizosphere structure alterations using finite element calculations. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna
- A Step Towards Unraveling Rhizosphere Physics. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1 (pp 05)
- Visualizing the impact of living roots on rhizosphere soil structure using X-ray microtomography. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vol. 11 (pp 11102)
- Modeling Rhizosphere Soil Mechanics and Hydraulics-An Overview.. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting
- Mitigating Vadose Zone Nitrogen Transport Under Land Use Change and Urbanization. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1 (pp 0908)
- Impact of Vegetation on Nitrate Accumulation In Desert Vadose Zone. 2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM
- Visualizing Rhizosphere Soil Structure Around Living Roots. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1 (pp 0897)
- The Role of Vegetation on Elevated Soil Nitrate Concentrations in Northern Nevada. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1 (pp 0652)
- Modelling the Fate of Heavy Metals in the Vadose Zone: Preferential Flow Effects and the Role of Vegetation. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1 (pp 1419)
- Lysimeter Study of Plant Water Uptake in a Model Forest Ecosystem on Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Vol. 1 (pp 13484)
- Influence of Heavy Metal Stress On Water Regime of A Model Forest Ecosystem. EGS General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vol. 27 (pp 3542)
- Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Impact and Nutrient Content of Sandwiches and Beverages Available in Cafés in a UK University. Sustainability, Vol. 11(11) (pp 3190-3190)
- Visualisation and quantification of wheat root system architecture and soil moisture distribution in an aggregated soil using neutron computed tomography. Proceedings of EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online. Vienna, Austria, 4 May 2020 - 8 May 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Root induced changes in physical properties of desert soils
- Engineering Global Soils to Sustain Planet Earth. The Octagon Centre, University of Sheffield. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
If you are interested in doing a PhD in our group, please have a look our current and previous research topics please do get in touch.
Current PhD Projects
- Bioavailability of heavy metals to urban agricultural food and biofuel crops and their remediation potential (Ms M. Crispo)
- Impact of climate variability on maize (Zea mays L) production in agro-climatic zones of Cross River State, Nigeria (Mr S. Achua)
- Assessing the Potential of No-Till Farming across European Soils (J. Veenstra)
- Plant-Soil Interactions: The impact of plant water use on root architecture and soil structure (T.Mawodza)
- Molecular biology approaches for teh characterization and the enhancement of PAH biodegradation in coke oven effluents (J. Barry).
- Reducing environmental impacts through sustainable food choice (F.Graham)
Completed PhD Projects
- Substrate ageing & root growth: quantifying the impacts upon hydrological performance in an extensive green roof (S.De-Ville)
- Applying Optimal Foraging Theory to Understand Plant Root Proliferation in Heterogeneous Soils (A. van Doorn)
- Teaching activities
Undergraduate courses
- GEO113: Earth, Wind, Fire and Ice
- GEO119: Our Environment (convener)
- GEO277: Environmental Pollution and Quality (convener)
- GEO390 - Professional Skills for Environmental Science
- GEO248: Research Design for Geography and Environmental Science
- GEO356: Dissertation for Geography & Environmental Science
- GEO389: Geo-Environmental Project
Postgraduate Courses
- GEO413: Research Project
- GEO6807: Science of Environmental Change (convener)
- GEO6804: International Development Field class Nepal
- GEO6805 - Dissertation with Placement
- HAR6024 Dissertation