
There are many ways to stay involved with the Department of History after you graduate.

Photo of history graduation

Welcome back to the University of Sheffield's Department of History. We are delighted that you are staying in touch with us, whether you graduated only recently or whether you graduated some time ago.

As soon as you graduate you automatically become a lifetime member of the University of Sheffield.

To access benefits and services as an alumni make sure you register and keep your details up to date.

Update your contact details

Some of the benefits you can receive as an alumni include:

  • Careers advice
  • Free library and e-journal access
  • Reunions and events
  • Free online courses
  • 10% discount on postgraduate courses
  • Lifetime membership to the Students' Union
  • Discounts on sports facilities and University of Sheffield concerts

Sheffield's History graduates are already making a significant contribution to our standing, for example by contributing to scholarships that the department awards to its very best students.

If you are interested in making a contribution, please contact the Alumni Engagement Officer, Tom Jones, or the Head of Department, Professor Adrian Bingham.

Stay up-to-date

To keep informed about everything happening in the History department, follow us:

Share your success

You can view our alumni video profiles, where our alumni talk about their careers and how their degree has helped them professionally, here. If you are an alumnus of the Department of History and interested in completing a video profile for us, please contact Tom Jones.

Alternatively, you can share your story using our alumni profile forms:

You can view our alumni profiles here.

A world-class university – a unique student experience

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.