IACHE 2022 conference live stream recordings—available now!

The local planning group are very excited to announce that we have made arrangements in the last few days to live stream or share videos of all the keynote addresses and two panels from the Liberty, Legacy, Leadership: IACHE 2022 global conference.

A close up image of the Women of Steel statue
Sculptor: Martin Jennings

We already have 8 of our 11 keynotes available to view, plus 3 of our 4 special events and an interview with our conference facilitator also available. We expect keynotes 2, 5 and 10 and Special Event 1 will be available by 30 June.

Keynote 1: available now!
Adam Dinham: ‘What keeps university leaders and chaplaincies awake at night?’
Part One / Part Two

Conference Facilitator: available now!
Jeremy Clines with Adam Dinham: 'Adam asks Jeremy about the hopes and aspirations for IACHE 2022'

Keynote 2: available soon!
Grace Davie: ‘Changing universities, Changing Religion, Changing Chaplaincy’
Webinar available soon

Special Event 1: available soon!
Opening Ceremony: ‘Sheffield—sanctuary: conference—sanctuary’
Video available soon

Keynote 3: available now!
Pádraig Ó Tuama: ‘The Borders of our Lives’
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four

Reflection: available now!
Pádraig Ó Tuama: ‘Poems to Warm the Chaplaincy Heart”.

Keynote 4: available now!
Jana Bennett: ‘Religion, disability and embodiment in a virtual world’
Video  (final 30 minutes, full video available soon.)

Keynote 5: available soon!
Harold G. Koenig: ‘How spirituality is relevant to good mental health’
Webinar available soon

Keynote 6: available now!
Lindsay van Dijk: ‘Non-religious provision and faith-based chaplaincy’

Keynote 7: available now!
Anthony G. Reddie: Colonial legacies, Brexit and anti-racism

Special Event 2: available now!
Roundtable: ‘Peaceful campus dialogue in the context of anti-hate, anti-racism and anti-violence’
With Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Kristin Aune, Sophie Dunoff and Anthony G. Reddie with Lord Parekh as chair

Keynote 8: available now!
Kristin Aune: ‘University chaplaincy as relational presence’

Keynote 9: available now!
Linda Woodhead: ‘A place for religion when no religion is a big bit of the mix’

Keynote 10: available soon!
Mohammed Abu-Nimer: ‘Peacebuilding and Interfaith Dialogue in University Context and Beyond’
Webinar available soon

Special Event 3 :available now!
Plenary Panel: ‘Leadership, Conflict and the Post-Secular University’

Keynote 11: available now!
Harvey Belovski with Jana Bennett: ‘Conference Reflections’

Special Event 4: available now!
Closing Ceremony: ‘Women of Steel—the heart of the town’

We are a little nervous about the live-stream, it is not always a certainty to work, but we are definitely recording all the sessions listed, so if you cannot view in real time it will be there afterwards, uploaded to the conference channel.

We are also very grateful to the Chaplaincy at the University of Sheffield for being the hosts of the streamed video.

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