Department committees

The Department of Philosophy has a number of committees representing the interests of our students and staff. These committees play an important role in the departmental life, and make crucial decisions that determine how our degrees and department are run.

Two Philosophy undergraduate students outside the Jessop West building.

Staff-Student Committee

The staff-student committee meets once every semester, so twice per year. These meetings are combined with departmental Learning and Teaching Committee meetings. The staff-student committee is student-led, which is to say that students set the agenda and chair the meeting, so if there is any issue you want to raise you can get in touch with your Academic Rep

Committee staff:

  • Prof Paul Faulkner - Director of Teaching & Learning
  • Niall Connolly - Director of 2nd and 3rd Year Studies
  • Komarine Romdenh-Romluc - Director of First Year Studies
  • Sally Weston - Departmental Administration Manager
  • Anne-Marie Frisby - Student Experience Manager

Postgraduate Affairs Committee

The Postgraduate Affairs Committee consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, Head of Department, MA directors, the postgraduate administrator for the Department, and the postgraduate student reps. It considers any matters of concern to postgraduates, and is the postgraduate counterpart of the Staff-Student Committee.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is made up of undergraduate, graduate and staff volunteers, and exists to ensure that the Sheffield Philosophy Department is as equal, diverse and inclusive a community as possible. More about the EDIC.

Teaching and Learning Committee

This committee discusses all matters concerned with teaching and examining. Its membership is the same as that of the Staff-Student Committee and it meets immediately before the Staff-Student Committee.

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