Leonard Weiss

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

PhD Student

A photo of Leonard Weiss.
Profile picture of A photo of Leonard Weiss.

Full contact details

Leonard Weiss
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
45 Victoria Street
S3 7QB

Leonard Weiss studied philosophy (BA, MA) and medicine in Munich. After working for one year as a physician at Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry (Munich) he joined the PhD programme in Philosophy at the University of Sheffield (Supervisor: Robert Stern). His main research interests are metaphysics and German idealism, focussing especially on the conception of individual substances in Hegel and Schelling. Although Kant, Hegel, and Schelling are Leonard’s preferred dead interlocutors he thinks of metaphysics as a perennial project and finds the input from ancient and contemporary analytic philosophy equally helpful for his research.

Research interests

Hegel, Schelling and the Problem of Individuality (PhD project)

Leonard is interested in the history of philosophy, especially in metaphysical problems as they are discussed in the German idealist tradition. In his PhD project, he analyses how Hegel and Schelling conceptualise individual substances. As he hopes, this will not only help to understand better how these philosophers thought about individuals but also contribute to a more nuanced perspective on what sets apart Hegel’s speculative idealism and the so called “Spätphilosophie” of Schelling’s ultimate writing period.

German idealism (Kant, Hegel, Schelling)

History of Metaphysics

Research group

Robert Stern, Eric Olson

Teaching activities

Self and Society 2021 (Sheffield, Tutor)

History of Ideas 2022 (Sheffield, Tutor)

Teleology: History of a Controversial Concept 2022 at LMU Munich (main responsible for course content and delivery)

Professional activities and memberships

Organisation of the “Beyond Idealism” Conference (2022)

Production of the Podcast “The Rabbit Hole of Ideas”