Completed projects

An overview of the completed projects and other outputs by the Public Health Review Team, including conferences and peer-reviewed publications.


Completed projects

The impact of home working on the health of working people and health inequalities in the population

The overall aim of this review is to identify, appraise and synthesise existing research evidence that explores the impact of home working on health outcomes for working people and health inequalities in the population.

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Mapping report (PDF, 369KB)

Review protocol (PDF, 234KB)

Final report currently in production.

Winter fuel payments/warm home policies

This briefing summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for reducing the health impact of cold homes, particularly during UK winter months.

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Briefing (PDF, 1.1MB)

Appendices (PDF, 864KB)

Accessibility of Local Authority services for ethnic minority groups

Report summarising current UK research. Research questions include:

  • What are the factors and/or mechanisms affecting accessibility to local authority and third sector services?
  • H ow might interventions counter negative factors (or activate mechanisms) to enhance accessibility?
  • Are there potentially any negative consequences? 

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Rapid scoping review (PDF, 1.91MB)

Parenting engagement and support interventions

Report summarising current UK research, where we will address the research question 'what are the best parenting engagement and support interventions for different population subgroups?'

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Short report (PDF, 933KB)

Evidence review of the factors that influence the mental health of university and college students in the UK

The poor mental health of tertiary education students is a growing public policy concern with recent evidence suggesting that the prevalence of mental health problems (including self-harm and suicide) among university students is increasing.

This work has been commissioned to provide an independent review of existing research to establish what is known, what gaps exist in the evidence base, and to provide national and local policymakers with the best available evidence to identify policies and interventions which will best prevent and reduce poor mental health amongst tertiary-level students in the UK.

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Rapid mixed methods systematic review (PDF, 2.3MB)

Review protocol (PDF, 262KB)

Plain English summary (PDF, 77KB)

Evidence review of gambling-related harms

An independent review of existing research into the effectiveness of interventions to reduce gambling-related harms, in order to provide policymakers with the best available evidence.

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Evidence review (PDF, 507KB)

Plain English summary (PDF, 81KB)

Screening research briefing (PDF, 280KB)

Mapping research briefing (PDF, 298KB)

Public health implications of extending working lives

The extension of working lives is happening at a time when there are considerable changes taking place in the nature of work. The removal of the default retirement age potentially gives employees more choice regarding when to retire. However, the choice may not be available to those with poor health or in poverty, with the potential for extending work to impact inequalities in older age and act differentially in population sub-groups.

This work has been commissioned to provide an independent review of existing research in this area to establish what is known, where there are clear gaps in the evidence base, and to provide national and local policymakers with the best available evidence on the public health impacts of longer working lives.

For more information about this project visit the NIHR Funding and Awards website.

Report (PDF, 536KB)

Research briefing (PDF, 181KB)

Plain English summary (PDF, 90KB)

Review protocol (PDF, 244KB)

Peer-reviewed publications


Factors that influence the mental health of university and college students in the UK: a systematic review

Campbell, F, Blank L, Cantrell A, Baxter S, Blackmore C, Dixon J, Goyder E

BMC Public Health, 22


Is working in later life good for your health? A systematic review of health outcomes resulting from extended working lives

Baxter S, Blank L, Cantrell A, Goyder E (2021)

BMC Public Health, 21.

Interventions to reduce the public health burden of gambling-related harms: A mapping review

Blank L, Baxter S, Buckley Wood H and Goyder E

The Lancet Public Health, 6.


Tackling gambling-related harms as a public health issue

Goyder E, Blank L, Baxter S and van Schalkwyk M C

The Lancet Public Health, 5.



Society for Social Medicine & Population Health, Annual Scientific Meeting (University of Exeter, 7-9 September 2022)

The relationship between homeworking and health and wellbeing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review

Lindsay Blank, Emma Hock, Anna Cantrell, Susan Baxter, Liddy Goyder.

View poster (PDF, 750KB)

Factors associated with poor mental health and wellbeing amongst university students in the UK: a systematic review

Fiona Campbell, Lindsay Blank, Sue Baxter, Chris Blackmore, Anna Cantrell, Liddy Goyder.

View poster (PDF, 890KB)


Public Health England annual conference (University of Cambridge, 9–11 September 2020)

Screening interventions for problem gambling in health, care and support settings: a systematic review

Lindsay Blank, Sue Baxter, Helen Buckley-Woods, Liddy Goyder (NIHR Public Health Review Team).

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, September 2020, 74 (Suppl 1), A16-A17. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-SSMabstracts.35

Read the article

Mapping interventions to reduce the public health burden of gambling-related harms

Lindsay Blank, Sue Baxter, Helen Buckley-Woods, Liddy Goyder (NIHR Public Health Review Team).

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, September 2020, 74 (Suppl 1) A83-A84. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-SSMabstracts.178

Read the article


Public Health England annual conference (University of Warwick, 10-11 September 2019)

What is the evidence to support effective interventions to reduce gambling-related harm?

Liddy Goyder, Lindsay Bank, Sue Baxter, Helen Buckley-Woods and the NIHR Public Health Review Team.

Gambling workshop slides (PDF, 222KB

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