Campus Wayfinding Project

The Campus Wayfinding Project will help improve our campus for visitors, staff and students.

Students on the University concourse next to a signpost


In collaboration with Placemarque (a wayfinding and graphic design company), the Campus Wayfinding Project will deliver a wayfinding strategy for the University. The strategy will focus on the following areas:

  • Improving the user experience of people who work and study on campus on a regular basis by making it easier to navigate around campus.
  • Improving the user experience for campus visitors by providing clearer signposting and more distinct entry points
  • Creating a clearer sense of place on campus and within the city
  • Creating clearer links between the University’s main campus and its satellite sites
  • Ensuring our approach to wayfinding is accessible
  • Ensuring our approach to wayfinding is delivered in a sustainable way

Phase one - Strategy (Complete)

Placemarque will perform a comprehensive audit of the University’s current wayfinding system in order to analyse its current performance and identify where improvements can be made. 

Placemarque will consult with staff and students from across the University. These will take the form of targeted focus groups, digital surveys and on-campus drop-in sessions. 

This stage is now complete.

Download the Executive Summary from this phase.

Download the Summary Report from this phase.  

Phase two - Design (Active)

Starting in early 2024, this phase will focus on the design of a mapping, information and external signage suite. 

Placemarque will be hosting a drop-in session in the Students’ Union (opposite the Welcome Desk) between 10am and 3pm on 21st May. They’ll be sharing some design proposals for our campus wayfinding system. Staff and students are invited to attend to offer feedback.

Updates on the project will be provided on this page