A letter of thanks from The Azraq Education and Community Fund
Thanks to the incredible response of our supporters, the Desert Garden team have been able to set up a second garden in the Azraq refugee camp. Martine Stillwell from The Azraq Education and Community Fund recently wrote to Professor Tony Ryan expressing their gratitude to the Sheffield community.

February 2021:
Email from Martine Stillwell, The Azraq Education and Community Fund:
Dear Prof. Ryan,
I want to express my sincere thanks to you and the University of Sheffield for making it possible for us to have some of our staff trained in hydroponic farming by Dr Meselmani. He has been extremely helpful, instructing four members of our staff in the small school in South Azraq.
We are hoping that our staff in turn will teach the older children who come to our school and that they, with their parents, will further your extremely worthwhile project.
We realize that this takes time out of Dr Meselmani's work schedule at the university and that your whole undertaking is costly and that it, like our school, is funded by charitable donation.
Our staff thank you, Dr Meselmani, the University of Sheffield and your donors.
Your project fits in so well with the aim of our centre, namely to make sure that the refugees (and other deprived children of Azraq) get a good education, with as many as possible gaining their Gr 12 certification, and in the process we hope to give them as many skills and enriching experiences as possible.
Again, we are very grateful to you and the University of Sheffield and its donors for this gift of interest, time and skill.
On behalf of all of us, thank you!
Martine Stillwell, The Azraq Education and Community Fund