Training for University staff

This section is for members of staff of the University of Sheffield.

Close up of student at laptop

Training events

The Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange Service have put together a comprehensive programme of in person training sessions throughout the 2023-24 academic year. Please see here for more information.

If you would like to find out about upcoming training opportunities, or have any specific training or development needs, please email

Online training

Recordings of previous training events and webinars are available online to University of Sheffield Staff via Kaltura Digital Media Hub.

Intellectual Property: What’s it to me?

A one-hour session on Intellectual property (IP), with a focus on the main considerations for writing grant applications. Topics include:

  • What is IP?
  • Types of IP - Patents, know-how, copyright etc.
  • Identifying and distinguishing between Background IP, Foreground IP, Third Party IP.
  • Relevance of IP to grant applications.

Internal funding opportunities

The University of Sheffield has a number of internal funding opportunities for Knowledge Exchange activity. For further information on the funding administered by the Central KE funding team see the KE funding webpages.

To discuss whether your research may be applicable for such funding, contact our team at

Contracts and agreements

The KE team can help you with arranging a variety of different types of agreements to govern interactions with non-academic partners. 

Information about agreements covering confidentiality (non-disclosure agreements), material transfer (material transfer agreements) or collaborative research (collaboration agreements) can be found on the Research, Partnerships and Innovation contracts webpage. These can be requested via the RS Agreements system on MyResearch (via MUSE). Please get in touch with our team at for more information, help or advice.

For information on consultancy and services rendered projects and agreements, visit the staff hub. These project agreements are initiated through the Consultancy and SR system on MyResearch (via MUSE).

For further advice, contact

A global reputation

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.