Dr Greg Wells
BSc (Hons), PhD.
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
Ex vivo Project Lead
+44 114 215 9077
Full contact details
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
FU03, F Floor
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
For enquiries, please contact - ClinMed-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk
I studied biomedical science at Sheffield Hallam University where I was awarded the President’s Prize from the Institute of Biomedical Science, the Undergraduate Prize from the British Society for Immunology, and the Pfizer Global R&D Prize for best performance in Analytical Science.
Following this I worked in industry, designing and validating genetic based assays for clinical trials in a GLP compliant laboratory. I then undertook a PhD between the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Diagnostics Genetics Services NHS and AstraZeneca, under the supervision of Prof Sarah Danson, Dr Gill Wilson, Prof Ann Dalton, and Dr Alexander Kohlmann. My PhD investigated the functional relevance of aberrations in the NF1 gene in clinical cases of non-small cell lung cancer using genetics and transcriptional signatures to measure MAPK and PI3K pathway activation.
I joined the Helleday group at the University of Sheffield in 2019 as the ex vivo drug screening project leader.
- Research interests
My research interests are developing and advancing clinically relevant methods of patient stratification to targeted oncology therapeutics. Genetic biomarkers have dominated personal medicine for the last 20 years, but it is becoming clear that one molecular aberration may not drive the whole neoplastic process, so this approach does not always result in responses to molecular targeted therapy.
At the University of Sheffield alongside collaborators we are developing a phenotypic drug screen which can be used directly on a patient’s biopsy or surgical tissue to generate a pharmacological profile of the patient’s tumour. We are currently testing this methodology in the proof of concept Ex VIvo DEtermiNed cancer Therapy (EVIDENT) trial. Our aim is to develop this into a predictive diagnostic test used to direct cancer patients’ treatment, adding an extra dimension to precision medicine.