News and updates for our East Asian alumni

We're proud to welcome many students from all over East Asia. On this page we bring together alumni stories, planning information and departmental news relevant to our East Asian alumni.

Aerial view of hexagonal Geography and Planning, green Weston Park and the Arts Tower

Alumni profiles

Alumni Xin Feng standing in front of a tree and a building

I try to make a difference using tools of participatory governance, to bring different interest groups into discussion

Xin (Cissy) Feng PhD in Urban Studies and Planning

After completing her PhD in Sheffield, Xin Feng became a lecturer in Urban and Rural Planning at Suzhou University of Science and Technology.

USP alumni Yixin Lau

My research topic is gated communities in China, which seeks to understand the impact of private commodity housing estates and society

Yixin (Eason) Liu MA Urban Design and Planning

Yixin Liu completed an MA Urban Design and Planning and is staying on to do a PhD at the University of Sheffield.

Alumni Dorothy Hoh visiting a fairground

Studying at Sheffield is definitely a highly rewarding experience in my life

Dorothy Hoh MA Town and Regional Planning

Dorothy Hoh chose to study her for MA at Sheffield after seeing some of the urban issues in her home city of Hong Kong.

USP alumni Caia Yeung against a backdrop of mountains

My day-to-day work involves developing strategic requirements for brownfield and greenfield sites

Caia Yeung MPlan Urban Studies and Planning

Caia Yeung studied our integrated undergraduate masters degree, MPlan Urban Studies and Planning.

USP alumni Xuanye Hua

The University of Sheffield has an outstanding reputation in the field of urban planning, which is why I chose to study here

Xuanye Hua BA Urban Studies

Xuanye Hua reflects on her experience as an undergraduate in the School, and discusses her dissertation topic and future plans.

Mengjie Li

Sheffield has taught me the importance of scientific and objective research methods

Mengjie Li MA Urban Design and Planning

After completing a masters in Urban Design and Planning, Mengjie Li now works on urban renewal projects for a think tank based in Shenzhen.

Hang Li

All the modules studied at Sheffield are useful to my job

Hang Li MA Urban Design and Planning

Hang now works in Shanghai but travels extensively for site visits and international conferences.

Jingyi Wang

The University of Sheffield is a diverse university that is friendly to international students

Jingyi Wang BA Urban Studies

Jingyi left Sheffield with a BA in Urban Studies, enabling her to continue her studies specialising in smart cities.

Yueh-Sung Weng

I cherish my time with my classmates and tutors

Yueh-Sung Weng MSc Cities and Global Development

Yueh-Sung has gone on to study a PhD in community-led housing and community governance.

Professional development opportunities