PhD student profiles

Find out more about our current and former PhD students.

Alumni Xin Feng standing in front of a tree and a building

I try to make a difference using tools of participatory governance, to bring different interest groups into discussion

Xin (Cissy) Feng PhD in Urban Studies and Planning

After completing her PhD in Sheffield, Xin Feng became a lecturer in Urban and Rural Planning at Suzhou University of Science and Technology.

Jiaxi Yang portrait

Rural development and Governance

Jiaxi Yang Planning, people and place, Urban inequalities and social justice

The Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy (RRS) and Its Impact to the Sustainable Development (SD) of Rural Villages in China.

Katherine Blaker

Cooperation for survival: residents’ perspectives on mutual aid to meet their basic needs in two low-income, post-industrial British neighbourhoods

Katherine Blaker Planning, people and place, Urban inequalities and social justice

Katherine's research explores responses to austerity through cooperation and collaboration in low-income, working-class post-industrial neighbourhoods.

Ryan Bellinson

Doing Things Differently? The Promise & Pitfalls of Co-Productive Urban Climate Policy Development in Greater Manchester, UK

Ryan Bellinson Environment, infrastructure and sustainability

Ryan's research investigates the concept of co-production in an urban climate policy development process in Greater Manchester.

Jeni Vine

What makes a meaningful interaction that builds social cohesion?

Jeni Vine Urban inequalities and social justice

Jeni's research looks at how to build social cohesion through meaningful interaction.

Abdulla Difalla

Toward a relational understanding of the urban margins in Jeddah: informality, group interdependencies, and urbanisation

Abdulla Difalla Urban inequalities and social justice

Abdulla's research mainly focuses on urban informality in Saudi Arabia, particularly on how local residents relate to their groups, their politics, and their society.

Fatima Mohammed

Displacement to the camp vs Displacement to the city: a comparative study of IDP capabilities in Maiduguri, North Eastern Nigeria

Fatima Mohammed Planning, people and place, Urban inequalities and social justice

Fatima's research examines the needs and experiences of Internally Displaced People.

University crest

Municipal bonds, barriers and solutions

Rami Shamseen Planning, people and place

Rami's research looks at applications of municipal bonds in England and its associated implications.

Ruth Lucas

The Housing Crisis and Redefining the Role of the Housing Professional

Ruth Lucas Housing and real estate, Planning, people and place

Ruth's research looks at the impact the housing crisis is having on the skills set of strategic leaders in social housing organisations in England.

Portrait of Tessa Talitha

The Politics of Multi-scalar Governance in Megaproject Development: The Case of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project

Tessa Talitha Environment, infrastructure and sustainability

Tessa is investigating the new developmentalism approach in Indonesia through an exploration of megaproject development agenda.