Managing the use of water during the domestic hosepipe ban

Whilst the University isn't directly affected by the domestic ban, our Landscape Management team explain their plans to water vital trees and planting - using water as efficiently as possible.

Showing the planting and young trees in the Hicks Building Pocket Park
Hicks Triangle Pocket Park, Hounsfield Road

On Friday 12 August Yorkshire Water announced a hosepipe ban starting from Friday 26 August. 

The regulations for commercial use is different to that of residential customers and so the University is able to continue using a hosepipe for essential needs.

Our Landscape Management team work hard to ensure all of our trees and planting are sustainable and promote biodiversity.  Our green spaces make a big positive contribution to support, wildlife habitats and food chains as well as the wellbeing of students, staff and those who visit or travel through our estate.  

We will continue watering these essential spaces, but will be doing so sustainably - minimising the amount of water used.  The team are working flexibly during periods of hot weather to water young trees and plants in cooler hours so the water is taken up by the roots and surrounding soil as much as possible opposed to heat evaporation.  

This approach is in addition to the actions we already take to use water efficently - including planting new and improved areas within cooler months wherever possible, to lower the amount of water needed during the summer and warmer months when plants and trees establish. We also use a PAS100 compost with water retention properties to promote the healthiest and most efficient growing environment for the plants we use across the estate. 

Further information from Yorkshire Water 

Further information on Yorkshire Water's regulations for business use of hosepipes can be found on their website:

Our Priority watering plan 

The following high footfall and wellbeing areas on the watering route have been identified as the most necessary for the continuation of watering during the ban (and incorporate young trees and planting)

  • The Front of Firth Court and the inner square
  • 66 Leavygreave Pocket Park and Brookhill car park
  • Rain Gardens
  • Hicks Triangle
  • Blue planting boxes in high priority areas

If you have any queries please contact EFM's Relationship Manager Rachel Parnham