About the Knowledge Exchange Team
The Faculty of Health's Knowledge Exchange team provides a key point of access for businesses to our healthcare facilities, academic researchers, expertise and ideas.
Working with us
The University of Sheffield has an extensive source of expertise, innovative ideas and facilities to help healthcare, pharmaceutical, life sciences and biomedical organisations develop new and existing products, and services.
Sheffield is host to the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust and to the Sheffield Children’s Hospital. Together they provide care to over a million patients every year.
Our broad expertise makes us an ideal partner and over the past few years, we have collaborated with over 2,000 organisations keen to harness our expertise, technology and insight. These have ranged from some of the world’s largest corporations to smaller regional companies. We are happy to support you if we can, whatever your needs.
There are several ways of partnering and collaborating with the university:
- Consultancy
- Contracted work, where we carry out a service on your behalf
- Working together on collaborative projects.
- Accessing our facilities
If you are interested in working with us in any of the ways listed or have any other enquiries, contact FH-KE@sheffield.ac.uk
Research and development (R&D)
The University of Sheffield is a research intensive institution. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) assesses the quality and impact of research taking place in UK universities. Our REF 2021 results confirm our research is changing lives and shaping the world we live in. To read more about our REF2021 results please see here
The Faculty of Health research covers a broad range of areas including Clinical Medicine, Dentistry, Neuroscience, Healthy Lifespan, Population Health, Allied Health, Nursing & Midwifery. See here for full details of our research areas, or get in touch with us (FH-KE@sheffield.ac.uk) and we can help you to identify expertise relevant to your specific needs.
There are two main ways in which we can work with you to conduct research:
Collaborative R&D
We can partner with you on funding proposals (led by you, or led by us). Our experienced team can work with you and the Faculty of Health researcher/s to work up your proposal to fit the requirements of the funding body.
Contract research
Contract research puts you in the driving seat. This is paid for directly by your organisation and focuses on finding a solution that will specifically benefit your business and you will own any intellectual property created.
Consultancy activities are usually short, non-research based and flexible, where you need access to expertise within the University, such as
- technical knowledge
- specialist opinion
- contribution to Advisory Boards
- expert witness services
- production of specialist reports or literature reviews
You may already have an academic contact, but if you need help identifying an appropriate expert to discuss your requirements, contact the Faculty of Health Knowledge Exchange Team (FH-KE@sheffield.ac.uk).
For Population Health or SCHARR enquiries, contact ikt-enquiries@sheffield.ac.uk
If you are a University of Sheffield member of staff, visit the staff hub for more information regarding consultancy (login required).
Facilities, testing and analysis
Many of our world-class facilities are available for use by external organisations and universities. All of our equipment is maintained and used by experts in their area. We can provide a service which ranges from routine testing and analysis to answering your specific research questions.We possess a wide range of up-to-date equipment to enable us to service an internationally leading research organisation. These facilities are available for collaborative projects and contract research.
See our list of core facilities
If you would like to access these services, contact FH-KE@sheffield.ac.uk.
If you are a University of Sheffield member of staff, visit the staff hub for more information regarding our ‘services rendered’ contracts (login required).