Ella-Rosa Twyman

Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions

UK Student Recruitment Officer - South East and East Midlands

Profile picture of Ella

Full contact details

Ella-Rosa Twyman
Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN

Sheffield is my home city so I love talking about all that it has to offer as a city and a university. After studying for my Psychology BSc, I moved back to Sheffield where I worked in a number of schools across the region. My previous role was as a Support Supervisor, helping to provide support for students with disabilities at university.

I am currently the UK Student Recruitment Officer for the South East and East Midlands. I represent the University at careers fairs in schools and colleges and deliver a range of workshops to students and parents, both in schools and on our campus. My role is to give prospective students advice on Higher Education and to convey all my favourite things about Sheffield!

In my spare time I like visiting new restaurants, reading, walking and swimming - in that order! My other hobbies include museums, cats and Harry Potter.