Dr James Meiring


Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health

NIHR Clinical Lecturer

+44 114 215 9518

Full contact details

Dr James Meiring
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Glossop Road
S10 2JF

For enquiries please contact - ClinMed-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk

I originally came to Sheffield in 2003 for medical school. I stayed in South Yorkshire for my junior doctor jobs and then started specialist training in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. I went to Oxford University in 2015 to work on typhoid human challenge models and then got my PhD, based in Malawi studying typhoid epidemiology and vaccination in Africa and Asia. I have worked across Africa and Asia including the West Africa Ebola Virus Outbreak in 2014.

I am currently an academic clinical lecturer in the department of infection and immunity interested in measuring the vaccine preventable burden of infectious diseases in at-risk populations and using vaccines to prevent antimicrobial resistance.

  • MBChB
  • MRCP
  • PhD
Research interests

My research interests are vaccination, AMR, epidemiology, sero-epidemiology, global health, enteric fever


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Teaching interests

I teach on the Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Sheffield. I also teach on the Clinical Neurosciences MsC, in addition to undergraduate medical student lectures and microbiology practicals.