Meadow Lane

Ash Davis, MA Landscape Architecture

Design work by Ash Davis

Ash says: "3.8 million elderly people currently live alone. Our cities are well connected, accessible and have an abundance of cultural and social opportunities all within walking distance. Surely, they are the perfect places to grow old?"

"Meadow Lane is a landscape-led co-housing project designed to promote health through an environment that entices residents to consciously and subconsciously exercise whilst empowering people to cultivate a culture of health, productivity and wellbeing in their lives."

"Tree selection and planting frames spaces and views, while topographical changes allow for the landscape to become a series of interlinked challenges and opportunities that anyone aged 3 to 103 can find intellectual and physical stimulation with."

This project can found on page 59 of our 2020 exhibition catalogue. Click the link below to access the full catalogue or download a copy of this project.

Proposals for Hopeful Places