Research skills and critical thinking

Information about how the Library supports the development of your research skills, critical thinking, and digital capabilities for education, employment and citizenship.


The University Library supports the development of your research skills, critical thinking and digital capabilities. These are key elements of the myLearning section of the Sheffield Graduate Attributes

The Library’s offer to support these attributes aims to develop your skills in discovering, understanding, questioning, referencing, creating and disseminating information in a digital world. 

Workshops, tutorials and guides

We work with academic departments to provide tailored support for your discipline, including teaching in your modules. 

We also provide a range of workshops and online tutorials, videos and guides that are accessible to all students. 

Our online tutorials, videos and guides are accessible from your Library Subject Guide and StudySkills@Sheffield, and they may also be embedded within your Blackboard courses.

Access the Library Guide for your subject


Research skills and critical thinking workshops

A full list of our online tutorials can be found on our tutorials A-Z.


The skills you develop throughout your course are transferable to employment and life beyond University. You are encouraged to assess, record and track your skills development using the mySkills portfolio

View the Library Guide for Employability

The Library’s support for research skills, critical thinking and digital capabilities is framed by our Information and Digital Literacy Framework. This framework is comprised of six literacies which are all included in the descriptions of the Sheffield Graduate Attributes; these are the literacies of discovering, understanding, questioning, referencing, creating and disseminating.

The University of Sheffield’s Information and Digital Literacy Framework

Further resources

Case studies: Embedding IDL as part of a programme level approach