Megan Blomfield joins the Department of Philosophy

We are looking forward to welcoming our new Lecturer in Political Philosophy, Dr Megan Blomfield, to the department from July 2018.

The Jessop West building

Megan will teach the Global Justice module (for Level 3 and MA) and run and teach on the Political Theory MA. She is also teaching a new Level 3 and MA module entitled "The Political Philosophy of Climate Change".

Megan studied philosophy at the University of Bristol and the University of Toronto. She finished her PhD in 2014 and returned to the University of Bristol as a lecturer the following year, after a postdoc at Stanford University. She was born and raised in Sheffield and is excited to be moving back to her hometown.

Megan's research concerns global justice and the environment, focusing on the political philosophy of climate change. She is currently finishing a book on this topic, in which she asks what the world would look like if natural resources were shared fairly and what this can tell us about the kind of problem that climate change presents and what a just response would involve.

In related work, she investigates the connections between climate change and historical injustices such as colonialism.

She is also interested in human-land relationships, territorial rights, climate geoengineering, and connections between knowledge, uncertainty, learning and fairness.