Professor Paul G Overton


School of Psychology

Professor of Neuroscience

Photo of Paul Overton
Profile picture of Photo of Paul Overton
+44 114 222 6624

Full contact details

Professor Paul G Overton
School of Psychology
Cathedral Court
1 Vicar Lane
S1 2LT

BA, PhD (Sheffield)

Research interests

My research interests largely revolve around the Basal Ganglia (and related structures), a group of nuclei implicated in a wide range of normal brain processes and neurological/ psychiatric disorders. At present, there are three main strands to my work:

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

2. Non-motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease

3. Emotion processing


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Journal articles

All publications

Edited books

  • Powell PA, Overton PG & Simpson J (Eds.) (2014) The Revolting Self: Perspectives on the Psychological, Social, and Clinical Implications of Self-Directed Disgust. Karnac Books. RIS download Bibtex download

Journal articles




Research group

Neuroscience and Cognition


Current grants:

  • Title: Can a dysfunction of the basal ganglia and related low level nociceptive network underlie some central neuropathic pain symptoms in Parkinson’s disease? Coizet, V [PI], Baunez, C., Bandmann, O, Overton, P.G.Total funding (£): 573,868 Funding body: CoEN (MRC)

Past grants:

  • Overton, P.G. [PI], Gluing behaviours together - 'chunking' in the normal brain and its disruption in Parkinson's disease. Rosetrees Trust (£5450; 2018-2019)
  • Overton, P.G., Billington, T. [PI] Attention and behaviour: Transforming achievement and social inclusion following primary-secondary school transition. ESRC Collaborative studentship (£65.983; 2016-2020).
  • Overton, P.G,., Dommett, E.J. [PI], Singer, B., Byrom, N. Investigating the effects of cardio and non-cardio exercise on adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Rosetrees Trust (£59,282; 2019-2020).
Teaching activities

I am module organiser for PSY6306 (Fundamentals of Neuroscience).

PhD Opportunities

I am happy to receive applications for PhD study in my area of research.

We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on

For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.