Creating author profiles

Make it easy for people to find you and your work. If people find your work it can help to boost the number of citations you receive and enable you to keep track of who’s citing you. We’ve suggested ORCID and Google Scholar as useful starting points.


Distinguish yourself from other researchers using ORCID, a free tool. Over four million IDs have already been claimed and it is increasingly being required by research publishers and funders. ORCID is open to all researchers, in any discipline and at any career stage.

Learn more about ORCID

Google Scholar

You can enhance your discoverability by creating an account and telling Google which publications in their database are yours. Subsequent searches on your name in Google Scholar will show matching profiles at the top of the results.

See how to create a Google Scholar profile

Useful tips

Once you have set up some author profiles follow our guidance to help you maximise their potential.

Read our tips

Further support

Whether you’re a postgraduate researcher or a student on a taught course we have workshops and webinars designed to give you a head start.

Information and Digital Literacy Webinar (taught)

Doctoral Development Programme (postgraduate research)