Dr Emily Noël

School of Biosciences


British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow, Emily Noël
Profile picture of British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow, Emily Noël
+44 114 222 2311

Full contact details

Dr Emily Noël
School of Biosciences
Firth Court
Western Bank
S10 2TN

Brief career history

  • 2017-Present: British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow, University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2015-2017: Independent Research Fellow, University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2009-2015: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Bakkers Lab, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, NL
  • 2005-2009: PhD Student, Ober Lab, National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
  • 2001-2004: BSc Biochemistry, University of Warwick
Research interests

The heart is a highly complex organ that forms very early during embryonic development from a simple linear tube. Problems with heart development often result in babies being born with congenital heart defects, a spectrum of structural heart malformations which affect around 1% of live births. Studying how hearts form when an organism is developing helps us better understand why this process sometimes goes wrong.

Our lab uses zebrafish to understand how the developing heart undergoes complex morphological rearrangements. We are particularly interested in how cells interact with their cellular neighbours or the extracellular matrix in different regions of the heart, and how these regionalised interactions support heart form and function as the embryo develops.

We use a variety of genetic and imaging techniques in zebrafish to link cellular processes/signalling, extracellular matrix composition, and heart morphology and function. These include establishing genetic models through targeted gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9, live light-sheet imaging of transgenic lines with fluorescent tissues or reporters, and quantitative image analyses.


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Research group
  • British Heart Foundation
  • Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust
  • Rosetrees Trust
Teaching activities
  • BMS110 Research Topics in Biomedicine
  • BMS242/3 Advanced Concepts in Developmental Biology
  • BMS356 Biomedical Technology & Drug Discovery
  • BMS336 Modelling Human Disease
  • BMS397 Laboratory Research Project
  • L4/MSc Dissertation and Laboratory Research Supervision