Professor Rob Freckleton
School of Biosciences
Chair in Population Biology, Head of School

+44 114 222 0123
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School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- (2021-present) Head of School, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield
- (2018-present) Professor of Population Biology, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield
- (2012-2017) Director of Research and Innovation, Faculty of Science, University of Sheffield
- (2006–2012) Royal Society University Research Fellow and Professor of Population Biology, Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield
- (2004–2006) Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Oxford
- (2002–2004) Departmental Lecturer, University of Oxford
- (2000–2002) Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
- (1998–2000) Postdoctoral Researcher, University of East Anglia
- Research interests
My research focuses on modelling population and community dynamics. I am particularly interested in large scale population dynamics, although have a range of interests, including:
- Plant population ecology, modelling plant populations, modelling weed populations.
- Evolutionary ecology, phylogenetic comparative methodology and its application to ecological problems.
- Theoretical ecology, statistical methodology.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Phylogenetic and Trait-Based Prediction of Extinction Risk for Data-Deficient Amphibians. Current Biology, 29, 1557-1563. View this article in WRRO
- Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds. Science, 362(6415), 680-683. View this article in WRRO
- The factors driving evolved herbicide resistance at a national scale. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2, 529-536. View this article in WRRO
- Variation in helper effort among cooperatively breeding bird species is consistent with Hamilton’s Rule. Nature Communications, 7. View this article in WRRO
- C4 photosynthesis boosts growth by altering physiology, allocation and size. Nature Plants, 2(5). View this article in WRRO
- The evolution of parental cooperation in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(44), 13603-13608. View this article in WRRO
- Divorce and infidelity are associated with skewed adult sex ratios in birds.. Curr Biol, 24(8), 880-884. View this article in WRRO
- Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition.. Nature, 506(7486), 85-88.
- The evolution of sex roles in birds is related to adult sex ratio.. Nat Commun, 4, 1587.
- Unraveling the life history of successful invaders.. Science, 337(6094), 580-583.
- Density-structured models for plant population dynamics.. Am Nat, 177(1), 1-17.
- Testing the Janzen-Connell mechanism: pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree.. Ecol Lett, 13(10), 1262-1269.
- Niches versus neutrality: uncovering the drivers of diversity in a species-rich community.. Ecol Lett, 12(10), 1079-1090.
- Space versus phylogeny: disentangling phylogenetic and spatial signals in comparative data.. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1654), 21-30.
- Relating traits to diversification: a simple test.. Am Nat, 172(1), 102-115.
All publications
Journal articles
- Comparative Analyses and Phylogenetic Dependence in Traits and Trends of the Dipterocarpaceae. Ecology and Evolution, 15(1).
- Pre‐Copulatory Sexual Selection Predicts Sexual Size Dimorphism: A Meta‐Analysis of Comparative Studies. Ecology Letters, 27(9).
- Consequences of Local Conspecific Density Effects for Plant Diversity and Community Dynamics. Ecology Letters, 27(9).
- Transformation of natural habitat disrupts biogeographical patterns of orchid diversity. Biological Conservation, 292, 110538-110538.
- Tree diversity and liana infestation predict acoustic diversity in logged tropical forests. Biological Conservation, 291, 110488-110488.
- Quantifying the impacts of management and herbicide resistance on regional plant population dynamics in the face of missing data. Journal of Applied Ecology. View this article in WRRO
- Enhanced weathering in the US Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(9), e2319436121.
- Monitoring lianas from space: Using Sentinel-2 imagery to observe liana removal in logged tropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 554, 121648-121648.
- Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of floral symmetry in angiosperms. Science Advances, 9(43).
- Egg characteristics vary longitudinally in Arctic shorebirds. iScience, 26(6), 106928-106928.
- Distance and density dependence in two native Bornean dipterocarp species. Ecology and Evolution, 13(4).
- Phylogeny and morphology determine vulnerability to global warming in Pristimantis frogs. Land, 12(1).
- High sensitivity of tropical forest birds to deforestation at lower altitudes. Ecology. View this article in WRRO
- Crop diversification and parasitic weed abundance: a global meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
- The evolution of parental care in salamanders. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
- Quantification of CO2 removal in a large-scale enhanced weathering field trial on an oil palm plantation in Sabah, Malaysia. Frontiers in Climate.
- A deep learning application to map weed spatial extent from unmanned aerial vehicles imagery. Remote Sensing, 14(17).
- Effects of density, species interactions, and environmental stochasticity on the dynamics of British bird communities. Ecology.
- Dissecting weed adaptation: fitness and trait correlations in herbicide resistant Alopecurus myosuroides.. Pest Manag Sci.
- Removing climbers more than doubles tree growth and biomass in degraded tropical forests. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3).
- Asking the right questions in explaining tropical diversity: response to Cannon and Lerdau. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
- Drought exposure leads to rapid acquisition and inheritance of herbicide resistance in the weed Alopecurus myosuroides. Ecology and Evolution, 12(2).
- Exceptionally high apparent adult survival in three tropical species of plovers in Madagascar. Journal of Avian Biology, 2022(1).
- Author Correction: Degree of anisogamy is unrelated to the intensity of sexual selection. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
- Degree of anisogamy is unrelated to the intensity of sexual selection. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
- Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats.. Trends Ecol Evol.
- Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems. Ecology Letters, 24(9), 1835-1847.
- Evolution of large males is associated with female‐skewed adult sex ratios in amniotes. Evolution, 75(7), 1636-1649.
- Developing hierarchical density‐structured models to study the national‐scale dynamics of an arable weed. Ecological Monographs. View this article in WRRO
- Asking the Wrong Question in Explaining Tropical Diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- Overfishing and habitat loss drive range contraction of iconic marine fishes to near extinction. Science Advances, 7(7).
- Characterizing the environmental drivers of the abundance and distribution of Alopecurus myosuroides at a national scale.. Pest Manag Sci.
- Publisher Correction: Evolution of generalist resistance to herbicide mixtures reveals a trade-off in resistance management. Nature Communications, 11(1).
- Limited contributions of plant pathogens to density‐dependent seedling mortality of mast fruiting Bornean trees. Ecology and Evolution. View this article in WRRO
- Spatial patterns and drivers of angiosperm sexual systems in China differ between woody and herbaceous species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11. View this article in WRRO
- Mapping the drivers of parasitic weed abundance at a national scale : a new approach applied to Striga asiatica in the mid‐west of Madagascar. Weed Research. View this article in WRRO
- Evolution of generalist resistance to herbicide mixtures reveals a trade-off in resistance management. Nature Communications, 11(1). View this article in WRRO
- Climate and mating systems as drivers of global diversity of parental care in frogs. Global Ecology and Biogeography. View this article in WRRO
- C4 photosynthesis and the economic spectra of leaf and root traits independently influence growth rates in grasses. Journal of Ecology. View this article in WRRO
- Comparing life histories across taxonomic groups in multiple dimensions : how mammal-like are insects?. The American Naturalist, 195(1), 70-81. View this article in WRRO
- The costs of human-induced evolution in an agricultural system. Nature Sustainability, 3(1), 63-71. View this article in WRRO
- Ten years of
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), 4-5.
- The circular nature of recurrent life cycle events: a test comparing tropical and temperate phenology. Journal of Ecology, 108(2), 393-404.
- Drivers of large‐scale geographical variation in sexual systems of woody plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(3), 546-557.
- European mushroom assemblages are darker in cold climates. Nature Communications, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Phylogeny and ecological processes influence grass coexistence at different spatial scales within the steppe biome. Oecologia. View this article in WRRO
- Response to Comment on “Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds”. Science, 364(6445), eaaw9893-eaaw9893.
- Phylogenetic and Trait-Based Prediction of Extinction Risk for Data-Deficient Amphibians. Current Biology, 29, 1557-1563. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating the farm-level economic costs of spring cropping to manage Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass) in UK agriculture. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 157(04), 318-332.
- Testing the ability of Unmanned Aerial Systems and machine learning to map weeds at subfield scales: a test with the weed Alopecurus myosuroides (Huds).. Pest Management Science. View this article in WRRO
- Parental care and the evolution of terrestriality in frogs.. Proceedings of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 286(1900). View this article in WRRO
- Comparative Analysis of Experimental Data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. View this article in WRRO
- Evolutionary epidemiology predicts the emergence of glyphosate resistance in a major agricultural weed. New Phytologist. View this article in WRRO
- Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(3), 413-426.
- Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds. Science, 362(6415), 680-683. View this article in WRRO
- The role of breeding system in community dynamics: Growth and mortality in forests of different successional stages. Ecology and Evolution, 8(15), 7285-7296.
- Funder Restrictions on Application Numbers Lead to Chaos. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 33(8), 565-568. View this article in WRRO
- Sex-biased breeding dispersal is predicted by social environment in birds. Ecology and Evolution, 8(13), 6483-6491. View this article in WRRO
- Abiotic and biotic determinants of coarse woody productivity in temperate mixed forests. Science of The Total Environment, 630, 422-431.
- The factors driving evolved herbicide resistance at a national scale. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2, 529-536. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluating the potential of Unmanned Aerial Systems for mapping weeds at field scales: a case study with Alopecurus myosuroides. Weed Research, 58(1), 35-45. View this article in WRRO
- Accessibility, reusability, reliability: Improving the standards for publishing code in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), 4-6.
- Defining and delivering resilient ecological networks: Nature conservation in England. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(6), 2537-2543.
- How to quantify competitive ability. Journal of Ecology, 106(5), 1902-1909.
- A critical review of integrated grass weed management in Ireland. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 57(1), 15-28. View this article in WRRO
- Measuring the effectiveness of management interventions at regional scales by integrating ecological monitoring and modelling. Pest Management Science. View this article in WRRO
- Sex Allocation Patterns across Cooperatively Breeding Birds Do Not Support Predictions of the Repayment Hypothesis. American Naturalist, 190(4), 547-556. View this article in WRRO
- Climate change mitigation : potential benefits and pitfalls of enhanced rock weathering in tropical agriculture.. Biology Letters, 13(4). View this article in WRRO
- Complex Relationships between Competing Guilds along Large-Scale Environmental Gradients. American Naturalist, 189(4), 407-421. View this article in WRRO
- Small-scale and regional spatial dynamics of an annual plant with contrasting sexual systems. Journal of Ecology. View this article in WRRO
- Trait Evolution in Adaptive Radiations: Modeling and Measuring Interspecific Competition on Phylogenies. The American Naturalist, 189(2), 121-137. View this article in WRRO
- Thermally buffered microhabitats recovery in tropical secondary forests following land abandonment. Biological Conservation, 201, 385-395. View this article in WRRO
- Variation in helper effort among cooperatively breeding bird species is consistent with Hamilton’s Rule. Nature Communications, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Special feature: 5th anniversary of Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(6), 634-635.
- Uncovering the spatio-temporal drivers of species trait variances: a case study of Magnoliaceae in China. Journal of Biogeography, 43(6), 1179-1191.
- A cautionary note on the use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck models in macroevolutionary studies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 118(1), 64-77. View this article in WRRO
- C4 photosynthesis boosts growth by altering physiology, allocation and size. Nature Plants, 2(5). View this article in WRRO
- A Synthesis is Emerging between Biodiversity–Ecosystem Function and Ecological Resilience Research: Reply to Mori. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(2), 89-92.
- The evolution of parental cooperation in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(44), 13603-13608. View this article in WRRO
- Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystem Functions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(11), 673-684.
- Weed Research- our aims and editorial policies. Weed Research, 55(5), 437-440.
- Sex differences in parental care: Gametic investment, sexual selection, and social environment. Evolution, 69(11), 2862-2875.
- Towards a general framework for predicting threat status of data-deficient species from phylogenetic, spatial and environmental information. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1662), 20140016-20140016. View this article in WRRO
- Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(8), 928-938.
- Agricultural Weed Research: A Critique and Two Proposals. Weed Science, 62(4), 672-678.
- Identifying the effect of density dependence, agricultural practices and climate variables on the long-term dynamics of weed populations. Weed Research, 54(6), 556-564.
- Sex-biased survival predicts adult sex ratio variation in wild birds.. Proc Biol Sci, 281(1788), 20140342.
- Divorce and infidelity are associated with skewed adult sex ratios in birds.. Curr Biol, 24(8), 880-884. View this article in WRRO
- Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition.. Nature, 506(7486), 85-88.
- Links between plant species' spatial and temporal responses to a warming climate.. Proc Biol Sci, 281(1779), 20133017.
- Dynamic species distribution models from categorical survey data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82(6), 1215-1226.
- Why care? Inferring the evolution of complex social behaviour.. J Evol Biol, 26(7), 1381-1391.
- Comment on "Bateman in Nature: Predation on Offspring Reduces the Potential for Sexual Selection". Science, 340(6132), 549-549.
- Comment on "Bateman in nature: predation on offspring reduces the potential for sexual selection".. Science, 340(6132), 549.
- Spatial and temporal variability in positive and negative plant-bryophyte interactions along a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Ecology, 101(2), 465-474.
- Testing the roles of competition, facilitation and stochasticity on community structure in a species-rich assemblage. Journal of Ecology.
- What do we need to know to enhance the environmental sustainability of agricultural production? A prioritisation of knowledge needs for the UK food system. Sustainability (Switzerland), 5(7), 3095-3115.
- Testing for enemy-mediated density-dependence in the mortality of seedlings: Field experiments with five Neotropical tree species. Oikos.
- Mechanisms driving an unusual latitudinal diversity gradient for grasses. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
- Empirical test of an agricultural landscape model: The importance of farmer preference for risk aversion and crop complexity. SAGE Open, 3(2), 1-16.
- Interspecific differences in stochastic population dynamics explains variation in Taylor's temporal power law. Oikos.
- The evolution of sex roles in birds is related to adult sex ratio.. Nat Commun, 4, 1587.
- Identification of 100 fundamental ecological questions. Journal of Ecology, 101(1), 58-67.
- Fast likelihood calculations for comparative analyses. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 3(5), 940-947.
- Unraveling the life history of successful invaders.. Science, 337(6094), 580-583.
- Consequences of changing rainfall for fungal pathogen-induced mortality in tropical tree seedlings.. Ecol Evol, 2(7), 1408-1413. View this article in WRRO
- Phylogenetic niche conservatism in C4 grasses.. Oecologia, 170(3), 835-845.
- An objective, niche-based approach to indicator species selection. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 3(2), 317-326.
- Megacycles of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration correlate with fossil plant genome size.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 367(1588), 556-564.
- MOTMOT: models of trait macroevolution on trees. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 3(1), 145-151.
- Environmental factors determining the phylogenetic structure of C4 grass communities. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 39(2), 232-246.
- Making predictive ecology more relevant to policy makers and practitioners.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 367(1586), 322-330.
- Assessing the role of competition and stress: A critique of importance indices and the development of a new approach. Journal of Ecology, 100(3), 577-585.
- Changes in the large-scale distribution of plants: Extinction, colonisation and the effects of climate. Journal of Ecology, 100(2), 519-529.
- Phylogenetic conservatism of environmental niches in mammals.. Proc Biol Sci, 278(1716), 2384-2391. View this article in WRRO
- Problems formalising the concept of importance in ecology.. Trends Ecol Evol, 26(10), 498-499.
- Comparative methods as a statistical fix: the dangers of ignoring an evolutionary model.. Am Nat, 178(1), E10-E17.
- From meso- to macroscale population dynamics: a new density-structured approach. METHODS ECOL EVOL, 2(3), 289-302.
- Model averaging, missing data and multiple imputation: A case study for behavioural ecology. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(1), 103-116.
- Dealing with collinearity in behavioural and ecological data: Model averaging and the problems of measurement error. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(1), 91-101.
- Density-structured models for plant population dynamics.. Am Nat, 177(1), 1-17.
- Rarity, life history and scaling of the dynamics in time and space of British birds.. J Anim Ecol, 80(1), 215-224.
- Phylogenetic comparative approaches for studying niche conservatism.. J Evol Biol, 23(12), 2529-2539.
- Who cares? Quantifying the evolution of division of parental effort. METHODS ECOL EVOL, 1(3), 221-230.
- Testing the Janzen-Connell mechanism: pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree.. Ecol Lett, 13(10), 1262-1269.
- Can phylogenetics identify C(4) origins and reversals?. Trends Ecol Evol, 25(7), 403-409.
- Understanding the role of species dynamics in abundance-occupancy relationships. J ECOL, 98(3), 645-658.
- The origins of C4 grasslands: integrating evolutionary and ecosystem science.. Science, 328(5978), 587-591.
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution. METHODS ECOL EVOL, 1(1), 1-2.
- Constant final yield. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 41, 173-192.
- Niches versus neutrality: uncovering the drivers of diversity in a species-rich community.. Ecol Lett, 12(10), 1079-1090.
- Critical parameters for predicting population fluctuations of some British passerines.. J Anim Ecol, 78(5), 1063-1075.
- The seven deadly sins of comparative analysis.. J Evol Biol, 22(7), 1367-1375.
- Predictive models of weed population dynamics. WEED RES, 49(3), 225-232.
- Ecological selection pressures for C4 photosynthesis in the grasses.. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1663), 1753-1760. View this article in WRRO
- Measuring the importance of competition in plant communities. J ECOL, 97(3), 379-384.
- Seed mass, abundance and breeding system among tropical forest species: do dioecious species exhibit compensatory reproduction or abundances?. J ECOL, 97(3), 555-566.
- Integrating socio-economics and ecology: a taxonomy of quantitative methods and a review of their use in agro-ecology. J APPL ECOL, 46(2), 269-277.
- Are parental care trade-offs in shorebirds driven by parental investment or sexual selection?. J Evol Biol, 22(4), 672-682.
- Space versus phylogeny: disentangling phylogenetic and spatial signals in comparative data.. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1654), 21-30.
- Missing inaction: the dangers of ignoring missing data.. Trends Ecol Evol, 23(11), 592-596.
- Environment, migratory tendency, phylogeny and basal metabolic rate in birds.. PLoS One, 3(9), e3261. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling the effects of management on population dynamics: some lessons from annual weeds. J APPL ECOL, 45(4), 1050-1058.
- Does double-blind review benefit female authors?. Trends Ecol Evol, 23(7), 351-353.
- Relating traits to diversification: a simple test.. Am Nat, 172(1), 102-115.
- Future novel threats and opportunities facing UK biodiversity identified by horizon scanning. J APPL ECOL, 45(3), 821-833.
- Parental conflict in birds: comparative analyses of offspring development, ecology and mating opportunities.. Proc Biol Sci, 275(1632), 301-307.
- What use is an infertile sperm? A comparative study of sperm-heteromorphic Drosophila.. Evolution, 62(2), 374-385.
- The role of ecological theory in microbial ecology.. Nat Rev Microbiol, 5(5), 384-392.
- Introducing Population Ecology: Key Concepts And Current Research Directions. Ecology, 88(4), 1070-1072.
- Biogeographical basis of recent phenotypic divergence among birds: a global study of subspecies richness.. Evolution, 61(4), 942-957.
- Phylogenetic evidence for deleterious mutation load in RNA viruses and its contribution to viral evolution.. Mol Biol Evol, 24(3), 845-852.
- Only half right: species with female-biased sexual size dimorphism consistently break Rensch's rule.. PLoS One, 2(9), e897. View this article in WRRO
- Should conservation strategies consider spatial generality? Farmland birds show regional not national patterns of habitat association.. Ecol Lett, 10(1), 25-35.
- Abundance-occupancy dynamics in a human dominated environment: linking interspecific and intraspecific trends in British farmland and woodland birds.. J Anim Ecol, 76(1), 123-134.
- Pathogens, density dependence and the coexistence of tropical trees.. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1604), 2909-2916.
- Detecting non-Brownian trait evolution in adaptive radiations.. PLoS Biol, 4(11), e373. View this article in WRRO
- Why do we still use stepwise modelling in ecology and behaviour?. J Anim Ecol, 75(5), 1182-1189.
- The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK. J APPL ECOL, 43(4), 617-627.
- Ecology predicts large-scale patterns of phylogenetic diversification in birds.. Am Nat, 168(2), 220-229.
- Comparative analyses of the influence of developmental mode on phenotypic diversification rates in shorebirds.. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1594), 1619-1624.
- Census error and the detection of density dependence.. J Anim Ecol, 75(4), 837-851.
- Plant pathogens drive density-dependent seedling mortality in a tropical tree.. Ecol Lett, 9(5), 569-574.
- Phenotypic plasticity in the scaling of avian basal metabolic rate.. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1589), 931-937.
- Distributions of habitat suitability and the abundance-occupancy relationship.. Am Nat, 167(2), 260-275.
- Special profile: Making better biogeographical predictions of species' distributions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(3), 385.
- Ecology. Population dynamics: growing to extremes.. Science, 309(5734), 567-568.
- Habitat selection by yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella on lowland farmland at two spatial scales: implications for conservation management. J APPL ECOL, 42(2), 270-280.
- Large-scale population dynamics, abundance-occupancy relationships and the scaling from local to regional population size. J ANIM ECOL, 74(2), 353-364.
- Laws of Population Ecology. Ecology, 86(1), 271-272.
- Sexual selection explains Rensch's rule of size dimorphism in shorebirds.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 101(33), 12224-12227.
- Seeing the jungle for the trees. Journal of Biogeography, 31(8), 1377-1377.
- The Future of GM Crops. Science, 304(5673), 959c-963c.
- Coral reef cascades and the indirect effects of predator removal by exploitation. ECOL LETT, 7(5), 410-416.
- Amelioration of biodiversity impacts of genetically modified crops: predicting transient versus long-term effects.. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1536), 325-331.
- Erratum: Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation (Science (December 19) (2112)). Science, 303(5661), 1138.
- Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation.. Science, 302(5653), 2112-2114.
- Ecology. Deciding the future of GM crops in Europe.. Science, 302(5647), 994-996.
- Bergmann's rule and body size in mammals.. Am Nat, 161(5), 821-825.
- Relative testis size and sperm morphometry across mammals: no evidence for an association between sperm competition and sperm length.. Proc Biol Sci, 270(1515), 625-632.
- Honesty and cheating in cleaning symbioses: evolutionarily stable strategies defined by variable pay-offs.. Proc Biol Sci, 270(1512), 299-305.
- Phylogenetic analysis and comparative data: a test and review of evidence.. Am Nat, 160(6), 712-726.
- Declines in the numbers of amateur and professional taxonomists: implications for conservation. ANIM CONSERV, 5, 245-249.
- Evolutionary transitions in parental care and live bearing in vertebrates.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 357(1419), 269-281.
- Do in-hospital waiting lists show self-regulation?. J R Soc Med, 95(3), 164.
- Hospital waiting-lists. Do power laws imply self-regulation?. Nature, 413(6854), 382.
- Nonmanipulative determination of plant community dynamics.. Trends Ecol Evol, 16(6), 301-307.
- Predictions of biodiversity response to genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops.. Science, 289(5484), 1554-1557.
- Biological control as a learning process.. Trends Ecol Evol, 15(7), 263-264.
- Determinants of the abundance of invasive annual weeds: community structure and non-equilibrium dynamics.. Proc Biol Sci, 267(1448), 1153-1161.
- A Course in Demographic Analysis. Ecology, 80(5), 1784-1785.
- A Course in Demographic Analysis. Ecology, 80(5), 1784-1784.
- Applied Population Ecology: A Supply-Demand Approach.. The Journal of Applied Ecology, 33(6), 1588-1588.
- Black-Grass Monitoring Using Hyperspectral Image Data Is Limited by Between-Site Variability. Remote Sensing, 16(24), 4749-4749.
- Anisogamy and sex roles: a commentary. Evolution Letters.
- Species richness and evenness of European bird communities show differentiated responses to measures of productivity. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- The evolution of exceptional diversity in parental care and fertilization modes in ray-finned fishes. Evolution.
- Revealing uncertainty in the status of biodiversity change. Nature.
- Acting pre-emptively reduces the long-term costs of managing herbicide resistance. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
- Evolution of reproductive modes in sharks and rays. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
- Evolutionary history and climate co‐determine the geographical variation in pollination modes of angiosperms in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
- Identifying existing management practices in the control of
Striga asiatica
within rice–maize systems in mid‐west Madagascar. Ecology and Evolution.
- The occurrence of herbicide-resistant Avena fatua (wild oats) populations to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in Ireland. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 60(1).
- Are evolutionary transitions in sexual size dimorphism related to sex determination in reptiles?. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
- The Epidemiological Framework for Biological Invasions (EFBI): an interdisciplinary foundation for the assessment of biosecurity threats. NeoBiota, 62, 161-192.
- Thermal tolerance and the importance of microhabitats for Andean frogs in the context of land‐use and climate change. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- commentary: A Darwinian approach to community ecology. Frontiers of Biogeography, 1(2).
- Ecophysiological traits of grasses: resolving the effects of photosynthetic pathway and phylogeny. Nature Precedings.
- 12. Transforming Practice, Transforming Conservation (pp. 367-386). Open Book Publishers
- 2. Gathering and Assessing Pieces of Evidence, Transforming Conservation (pp. 31-74). Open Book Publishers
- Conservation decisions in the face of uncertainty, Conservation Research, Policy and Practice (pp. 183-195). Cambridge University Press
- Stochasticty, nonlinearity and instability in biological invasions, Conceptual Ecology and Invasion Biology: Reciprocal Approaches to Nature (pp. 125-146).
- Recent advances in comparative methods, Social Behaviour (pp. 110-126). Cambridge University Press
- Weed invasions of Australian farming systems: from ecology to economics Edward Elgar Publishing
Conference proceedings papers
- War-induced behavioral change in spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) populations in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, Authorea, Inc..
- Enhanced weathering in the U.S. Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits, arXiv.
- Managing herbicide resistance doesn't pay - but acting pre-emptively does..
- Overconfidence undermines global wildlife abundance trends, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Egg Characteristics Vary Longitudinally in Arctic Shorebirds.
- Identifying cultural, climatic and temporal factors influencing Striga asiatica abundance within rice--maize systems in mid-west Madagascar, Authorea, Inc..
- Trait evolution in adaptive radiations: modelling and measuring interspecific competition on phylogenies, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Bias and measurement error in comparative analyses: a case study with the Ornstein Uhlenbeck model, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Phylogenetic and Trait-Based Prediction of Extinction Risk for Data-Deficient Amphibians. Current Biology, 29, 1557-1563. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
Postdoctoral reseachers
- Dr Helen Hicks (2014-2017) Herbicide resistance in Blackgrass
- Dr Daniel Bearup (2016-2017) Modelling soil quality in arable fields and landscapes
- Dr Shaun Coutts (2015-2018) Modelling Blackgrass populations
PhD students
- Ronan Byrne (2016-2019) The spread of arable weeds in Ireland
- Robert Goodsell (2014-2018) Monitoring farmland arthropod communities
- James Lambert (2014-2018) Using UAVs to monitor weeds
- Nazarin Mohammed (2015-2019) Modelling forest restoration
- Pamela Gonzalez del Pliego Castaneda (2013-2017) Tropical conservation
- Simon Rolph
Former group members
- Kwadjo Ahodo
- Magnus Clark
- Vian Hamed
- Monica Ortiz
- Dr Tom Webb Royal Society University Research Fellow at APS Sheffield
- Dr Simon Queenborough Research fellow at NCEAS
- Dr Colin Harrower Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
- Dr Rémi Vergnon University of Waageningen
I also have collaborative projects with the following:
- Walter Jetz – phylogenetic & spatial analysis of comparative data (Yale:
- Tamas Szekely – Sexual conflict in birds (University of Bath
- John Pannell – Large scale dynamics and sexual systems in annual mercury (University of Oxford, Plant Sciences
- Owen Lewis – Density-dependence and pathogens in tropical forests (University of Oxford, Zoology
- Bill Sutherland – Developing models for arable farming systems (University of Cambridge).
- Andrew Watkinson – Plant population and community ecology (University of East Anglia).
- Teaching activities
At Level 1 I lecture for APS121 (Evolution) and at Level 3 I lecture for APS342 (Evolutionary Ecology).
At level 3 I teach on a 10-day residential course in Borneo (APS 306 - Tropical Biology Rain Forest Field Course) and I supervise Projects (APS330) on herbivore-plant interactions, spatial ecology and plant population dynamics, usually field-based.
I have supervised Level 4 Research Projects (APS 406) on conservation, macroecology and evolution.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Academy of Finland Panel Chair (2017)
- NERC Panel C member (2016)
- Global Food Security Programme Panel member (2016)
- BBSRC/Newton Joint Research Centres, Panel co-chair (2015)
- NERC Neonicotinoid Experiment Project Advisory Group (2015-present)
- DEFRA Rural Development Plan Expert Evaluation Panel (2014-present)
- Founding Editor in Chief, Methods in Ecology & Evolution (2009-present)
- FORMAS (Swedish Research Council) Grant Panel (2014-2017)
- NERC Panel D Core Member (2013–present)
- Senior Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology (2004–2009)
- Academy of Finland Grant Review Panel (2009-present)
- Swedish Academy Biodiversity Review (2010)
- NERC Ecology and Hydrology Funding Initiative moderating panel (2008)
- Professorial appointment panel, NTNU, Norway (2008)
- NERC peer review college (2004-2007; 2011-2012).
- NERC small and standard grants panels committee member (2005, 2012)
- PhD external examiner (Imperial College, London; UCL; University of Birmingham; University of Aberdeen; University of Reading; University of Newcastle, Swedish Agricultural University; University of Lausanne)