Language - Communication - Journalism publications
This list includes all publications from the last three years by our academic staff who are researching Language – Communication – Journalism.
For older publications please see the profiles of individual researchers.
- The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017.
Journal articles
- Foreword. East Asian Popular Culture, Part F1456, vii-viii.
- Martin Conboy 'The majority of the local press no longer functions as a resource of record'. HISTORY TODAY, 73(5), 9-10.
- Book Review: The Media, European Integration and the Rise of Euro-Journalism, 1950s–1970s by Martin Herzer. Journal of Contemporary History, 57(3), 836-837.
- Empire News: The Anglo-Indian Press Writes India, by Priti Joshi. Library & Information History, 38(1), 75-76.
- News Over Five Millennia: News Reporters, Historians, Messengers and Dramatists NEWS OVER FIVE MILLENNIA: NEWS REPORTERS, HISTORIANS, MESSENGERS AND DRAMATISTS Michael Palmer, 2023, Newcastle upon TyneCambridge Scholars Publishing, 242 pp.,ISBN: 9781527504547, Hbk £64.99. Media History, 1-2.
- Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice.
- Conspiracy on Cato Street: A Tale of Liberty and Revolution in Regency London. The London Journal, 1-2.
- United Kingdom. By Adrian Bingham (pp. 849-851). Oxford University Press (OUP)
- Journalism, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 27-46). Routledge
- Television journalism, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 85-107). Routledge
- The recurring issue of the image in news, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 47-67). Routledge
- Print's gestation, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 108-126). Routledge
- Profit and control in the digital era, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 127-150). Routledge
- Print and journalism, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 1-26). Routledge
- Consumption and contribution in the digital era, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 151-174). Routledge
- Radio journalism, Journalism, Technology and Cultural Practice (pp. 68-84). Routledge
- From News Writers to Journalists: An Emerging Profession?, The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017 (pp. V1-129-V1-144).
- Case Study 3: Daniel Defoe, The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017 (pp. V1-144-V1-147).
- Concluding Comments, The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017 (pp. V3-660-V3-663).
- The Sunday Press, The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017 (pp. V3-538-V3-555).
- The Press and Radical Expression: Structure and Dissemination, The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640–1800, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900, Volume 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017 (pp. V2-507-V2-525).
- Trust and Ethics in Local Journalism, Responsible Journalism in Conflicted Societies (pp. 15-29). Routledge
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