Mustafa Kavas

Programme Director for Management (International Business)

Mustafa Kavas.

As your Programme Director, my primary role is to guide you through your transformative journey here at our renowned Management School. I, along with our dedicated team, work closely with you to ensure that your academic needs are met and that your experience in Sheffield is truly enriching.

Part of my role involves overseeing the course structure and ensuring it continues to provide the comprehensive management and international business education we are committed to. I'm also responsible for facilitating regular interaction between students and faculty members, organising insightful cohort meetings, and working on your queries and feedback to constantly enhance the programme's quality. 

In addition, I am here to support you with all aspects of your programme – whether it's advice on academic performance, understanding the rich tapestry of global business, or thinking about potential career opportunities post your studies. Our programme is designed to arm you with the skills and understanding necessary to navigate and thrive in today's complex and fast-paced global business environments.

Welcome to the MSc Management (International Business) programme! We have an exciting journey ahead, filled with new challenges, friendships, and discoveries. Remember, active participation and hard work, coupled with an open mind, are key to success. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance - we're here to support you every step of the way. Looking forward to a great journey together at Sheffield!

Mustafa Kavas