Developing understanding about the possibilities for leading and researching business-as-unusual in times of ecological emergency

The project involved the recording and production of interviews with progressive green business leaders and the delivery of two events. These developed understanding for academics and business people about the possibilities for leading, organising and researching in times of ecological emergency.

Planet Earth taken from space.

Project overview

Given the urgent messages about the need for radical changes personally, organizationally and societally for ecological sustainability, and the ongoing dominance of varieties of capitalism around the world, it is important to explore radical organizational possibilities that exist within capitalist market economies.

The progressive green business leaders interviewed are identified from their public communications as people who do business differently, by working uncompromisingly for ecological sustainability. The voices of these leaders are generally neglected in the mainstream media and in university teaching. The recorded interviews have been produced and uploaded for others to use in their learning and teaching.

Watch and listen to the interviews.

The project involved an online international event on 30 June 2022 for academics and business people at which the interviews premiered. This was followed by a second event - a workshop held in Sheffield on 18 July 2022 with Early Career and Doctoral Researchers to explore the dilemmas and challenges of critically researching organization, leadership and management for sustainability.

Funding details

Funder Dates
Society for the Advancement of Management Studies 2022

Staff involved

 Alongside Dr Charles Barthold, Senior Lecturer in HRM and Organisation Studies at The Open University Business School.

Find out more about the Organization Studies Research Cluster that Stephen Allen is a member of.

Organization Studies

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