Enabling Social Action (ESA) programme

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is working in partnership with the universities of Sheffield and Hull on Phase 2 of the Enabling Social Action programme between March 2018- March 2020.

The Enabling Social Action programme aims to support local authority commissioners to co-design, co-produce and co-deliver services with local people, service users, and civil society organisations, to embed social action in their routine working.

The programme plans a range of activities:

  • Action learning partnerships with 6 local authorities to support the development of new ways of delivering services with communities
  • 6 national events across the programme will build on the findings of the partnerships
  • Commissioner Champions who will share their learning and insights, as well as galvanise local networks through events and workshops
  • A peer network to enable commissioners, VCSE organisations, and councillors to share information, learning, and good practice across the country to create a long term culture change in local authorities.

Here you will find our findings reports to date and these will be updated over the programme.

Please also find us on Twitter: @Enabling_SA

For any queries including how to join our mailing list please contact: j.m.mcneill@sheffield.ac.uk

Upcoming events

There are no current upcoming events.