Professor Nicholas Tsagourias
School of Law
Professor of International Law
+44 114 222 6805
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School of Law
Bartolomé House
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
I am Professor of International Law at the University of Sheffield, joining the University in 2012 from the University of Glasgow where I was Professor of International Law and Security. I completed my law studies at the University of Thessaloniki in Greece, obtaining an LL.M. from the University of Bristol and my Ph.D from the University of Nottingham. My teaching and research interests are in the fields of international law and the use of force, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, collective security law, peacekeeping, United Nations Law, international and European constitutional theory and law and cybersecurity. I am widely published in these fields.
I am Director of the Sheffield Centre for International and European Law. I sit on the editorial board for the Journal of Conflict and Security Law and for the Journal on the Use of Force and International Law. I am convenor of the European Society of International Law Interest Group on Peace and Security. I am member of the AHRC Peer Review College. I hold a visiting post at the University of Umea, Sweden and have taught at many Universities in Europe and the USA.
- Qualifications
- PhD, University of Nottingham
- LLM, University of Bristol
- LLB (Hons), University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Research interests
- International Law and the use of Force
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Criminal Law
- Collective Security Law
- Cybersecurity
Member of the Sheffield Centre for International and European Law.
- Publications
- International Humanitarian Law. Cambridge University Press.
- Jurisprudence of international law. Manchester University Press.
- Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Stability and Change. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Research Methods in International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Stability and Change. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Regulating the Use of Force in International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Collective Security: Theory, Law and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
- Transnational Constitutionalism: International and European Models. Cambridge University Press.
- Jurisprudence of International Law: The Humanitarian Dimension. Manchester University Press.
- Introduction – Constitutionalism: a theoretical roadmap. Cambridge University Press.
Edited books
- The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement Challenges and Prospects..
- The Use of Force in International Law. Ashgate.
Journal articles
- Intervention by invitation and the scope of state consent. Journal on the Use of Force and International Law. View this article in WRRO
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Partnered Operations and International Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 27(2), 131-134.
- Cyber peacekeeping operations and the regulation of the use of lethal force. International Law Studies, 99, 37-71.
- Cyber-Peacekeeping and International Law.
- Autonomous Cyber Weapons and Command Responsibility. International Law Studies, 647-673.
- The covid-19 infodemic and online platforms as intermediary fiduciaries under international law. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 1-17. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO Electoral Cyber Interference, Self-Determination and the Principle of Non-Intervention in Cyberspace.
- The slow process of normativizing cyberspace. AJIL Unbound, 113, 71-75. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO Automatic Cyber Defence and the Laws of War. German Yearbook of International Law, 60, 203-237.
- The Crisis in Crimea and the Principle of Non-Intervention. International Community Law Review, 19(2-3), 165-193. View this article in WRRO
- Special Issue: Non-State Actors and Responsibility in Cyberspace: State Responsibility, Individual Criminal Responsibility and Issues of Evidence. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 21(3), 377-381.
- Non-State Actors, Ungoverned Spaces and International Responsibility for Cyber Acts. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 21(3), 455-474. View this article in WRRO
- Self-Defence against Non-state Actors: The Interaction between Self-Defence as a Primary Rule and Self-Defence as a Secondary Rule. Leiden Journal of International Law, 29(3), 801-825. View this article in WRRO
- Cyberwar: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts. Edited by Jens David Ohlin, Kevin Govern, and Claire Finkelstein. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xxxii, 274. Index. $185, cloth; $49.95, paper.. American Journal of International Law, 110(3), 609-614.
- War power, police power. Policing and Society, 25(4), 437-438.
- The law applicable to countermeasures against low intensity cyber operations. Baltic Yearbook of International Law Online, 14, 105-123. View this article in WRRO
- Chapter 2: The Tallinn manual on the international law applicable to cyber warfare: A commentary on chapter II - The use of force. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 15(3), 19-43.
- INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW. Ed by Orna Ben-Naftali Oxford: Oxford University Press (, The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law vol XIX/1, 2011. xxxv + 388 pp. ISBN 9780191001604. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. £60.. Edinburgh Law Review, 16(1), 140-141.
- Intervention. Oxford Bibligoraphies Online.
- The application of public international law to the crisis in Libya. International Community Law Review, 14(4), 305-307.
- Cyber war and international law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17(2), 183-186.
- Cyber attacks, self-defence and the problem of attribution. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17(2), 229-244.
- Nicolas Politis' Initiatives to outlaw war and define aggression, and the narrative of progress in international law. European Journal of International Law, 23(1), 255-266.
- Noam Lubell, Extraterritorial Use of Force against Non-State Actors, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, xxi + 288pp., ISBN 978-0-19-958484-0, £70.00.. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(4), 1062-1065.
- Security Council Legislation, Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, and the Principle of Subsidiarity. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(3), 539-559.
- The United Nations Security Council and War. By VAUGHAN LOWE, ADAM ROBERTS, JENNIFER WELSH AND DOMINIK ZAUM (eds). Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008. xxi + 640 pp and Appendices. 105.00. British Yearbook of International Law, 80(1), 446-448.
- The Inevitable Independence of Kosovo. Amsterdam Law Forum, 39-41.
- Old Questions and New Challenges for the UN Security System: The Role of the Security Council in the Light of the Charter’s Reform. Journal of International Law and Policy, 1-48.
- Negotiating the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Strategic action in EU Foreign Policy?. JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 44(2), 442-442.
- Consent, neutrality/impartiality and the use of force in peacekeeping: Their constitutional dimension. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 11(3), 465-482.
- Book Review: The European Union: An Ongoing Process of Integration, Necessity, Proportionality and the Use of Force by States. Common Law World Review, 34(3), 287-294.
- Anne Orford, Reading Humanitarian Intervention: Human Rights and the Use of Force in International Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 052180464, 243 pp. Leiden Journal of International Law, 17(3), 642-644.
- Southern Europe and the making of the European Union. JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 42(1), 220-221.
- The Shifting Laws on the Use of Force and the Trivialization of the UN Collective Security System: the Need to Reconstitute It. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 34, 55-87.
- Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 July 1996. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 731-737.
- Martti Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870–1960, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0521623111, 584 pp., £70.00. Leiden Journal of International Law, 16(2), 397-399.
- Globalization, Order and the Rule of Law. Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 247-265.
- Review procedures for community treaties: From international law to constitutional law. JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 40(3), 553-553.
- L'ONU et la démocratisation de l'état; systèmes régionaux et ordre juridique universel, by Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, Editions A. Pedone, Paris, 2000, ISBN 2-233-00366-7, 321 pp., FF 300.00/EURO 45.73. Leiden Journal of International Law, 14(3), 719-721.
- The United Nations and the Development of Collective Security: The Delegation by the UN Security Council of its Chapter VII Powers. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 6(1), 159-160.
- Humanitarian Intervention and Legal Principles. International Legal Theory, 7, 83-98.
- Humanitarian Intervention after Kosovo and Legal Discourse: Self – deception or Self consciousness. Leiden Journal of International Law, 13, 11-32.
- BOOK REVIEWS. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 3(1), 129-131.
- BOOK REVIEWS. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 2(1), 103-104.
- The Nicaragua Case and the use of force : the theoretical construction of decision and its deconstruction. Journal of Armed Conflict Law, 1, 81-93.
- Book review. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 19(6), 537-537.
- Book reviews. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 13(2), 203-204.
- Hacking international organizations: The role of privileges, immunities, good faith and the principle of State sovereignty. International Review of the Red Cross, 1-28.
- View this article in WRRO The League of Nations and Visions of World Order. International Community Law Review.
- View this article in WRRO The rule of law in cyberspace: a hybrid and networked concept?. Heidelberg Journal of International Law.
- View this article in WRRO Cyber Attribution: Technical and Legal Approaches and Challenges. European Journal of International Law.
- Law, borders and the territorialisation of cyberspace. Indonesian Journal of International Law, 15(4). View this article in WRRO
- Necessity and the Use of Force: A Special Regime. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2010, 41, 11-44.
- Cyberwarfare and international law, Research Handbook on Cyberwarfare (pp. 317-334). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Cyber attribution and its challenges, Global Cybersecurity and International Law (pp. 63-86). Routledge
- Introduction, The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement (pp. 1-12). Cambridge University Press
- Fact-Finding and Cyber Attribution, The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement (pp. 439-466). Cambridge University Press
- The protection of nationals as humanitarian action, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- The policy-oriented school in international law and humanitarian intervention, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Series editor’s foreword, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Select bibliography, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Redescription, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Preface, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Positivism and humanitarian intervention, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Natural law and humanitarian intervention, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Introduction, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Humanitarian intervention in a legal context, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Epilogue, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- Critical theory of international law and humanitarian intervention, Jurisprudence of international law Manchester University Press
- The regulation of cyber weapons, Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law (pp. 441-455).
- Introduction, Research Methods in International Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- Comparative international constitutional law and its methodology In Deplano R & Tsagourias N (Ed.), Research Methods in International Law: A Handbook (pp. 283-301). Edward Elgar View this article in WRRO
- Introduction, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- International law on the use of force: quo vadis?, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- Table of treaties and other documents, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- Table of cases, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- Responsibility of non-state rulers in areas of limited statehood In Hamid L & Wouters J (Ed.), Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood: Domestic and International Dimensions (pp. 162-182). Edward Elgar Publishing View this article in WRRO
- Other forms of the use of force: humanitarian intervention, armed reprisals and intervention by invitation, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 79-113). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Peacekeeping operations, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 191-211). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Responsibility of non-state rulers in areas of limited statehood, Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood: Domestic and International Dimensions (pp. 162-182).
- The United Nations collective security system and the use of force, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 132-151). Edward Elgar Publishing
- The right of individual and collective self-defence, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 41-78). Edward Elgar Publishing
- The prohibition on the threat or use of force, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 16-40). Edward Elgar Publishing
- The legal status of cyberspace: sovereignty redux?, Research Handbook on International Law and Cyberspace (pp. 9-31). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Regional organisations, collective security and the use of force, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 152-190). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Cyber attacks, use of force and self-defence, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 114-131). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Historical development of the jus ad bellum, Regulating the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 1-15). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Introduction, Research Methods in International Law: A Handbook (pp. 1-7).
- The US Intervention in Panama—1989, The Use of Force in International Law (pp. 426-438). Oxford University Press
- Recommendation 13 (j). Nicholas Tsagourias, Civil Society and Disarmament (pp. 241-264). UN
- Risk and the Use of Force In Ambrus M, Rayfuse R & Werner W (Ed.), Risk and the Regulation of Uncertainty in International Law OUP Oxford
- Contributions of British international lawyers to the law on the use of force, British Influences on International Law, 1915-2015 (pp. 300-316).
- R2P: An Inquiry into its Transformative Potential, Beyond Responsibility to Protect (pp. 435-448).
- Cyber-Threats and International Law, SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (pp. 365-390).
- Self-defence, Protection of Humanitarian Values and the Doctrine of Impartiality and Neutrality in Enforcement Mandates In Weller M (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law Oxford University Press
- Self-defence, protection of humanitarian values, and the doctrine of impartiality and the neutrality in enforcement mandates In Weller M (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (pp. 398-415). OUP Oxford
- The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare: A Commentary on Chapter II—The Use of Force In Gill TD, Heinsch R, Geiß R, McCormack T, Paulussen C & Dorsey J (Ed.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (pp. 19-43).
- Scotland: Independence and Membership of the UN and EU In Rec IFI (Ed.), German Yearbook of International Law (pp. 509-536).
- Whither the Veto: The Responsibility to Protect and the Security Council Veto In Sancin V & Dine MK (Ed.), Responsibility to Protect in Theory and Practice (pp. 157-174). Zalozba
- The Prohibition of Threats of Force In White ND & Henderson C (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law (pp. 67-88). Edward Elgar Publishing
- The morphology of collective security, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 20-38).
- The management of normative conflicts, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 319-341).
- Law as internal facilitator, regulator or constraint, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 281-296).
- Accountability in Collective Security, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 345-364).
- Law as external facilitator, regulator or constraint, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 297-318).
- International responsibility and liability, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 365-384).
- Collective Security: a historical journey, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 3-19).
- Individual criminal responsibility, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 385-410).
- The settlement of disputes and preventive security, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 163-192).
- States and Collective Security, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 63-90).
- State-building, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 193-218).
- Triggers, actors and institutions, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 39-59).
- Regional organisations, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 115-137).
- Private military and security companies, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 138-159).
- Military security, COLLECTIVE SECURITY: THEORY, LAW AND PRACTICE (pp. 247-277).
- The Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity to International Legislation with Reference to Security Council Counterterrorism Resolutions In Lindholm J & Derlén M (Ed.), Festskrift till Pär Hallström: volume in honor of Pär Hallström (pp. 341-352).
- Chapter 9 The Responsibility of International Organisations for Military Missions, International Military Missions and International Law (pp. 245-265). Brill | Nijhoff
- The Responsibility of International Organisations for Military Missions In Odello M & Piotrowicz R (Ed.), International Military Missions and International Law (pp. 245-266). Martinus Nijhoff
- Non-state actors and the use of force In D'Aspremont J (Ed.), Participants in the International Legal System (pp. 326-341). Routledge
- Conceptualizing the Autonomy of the European Union In Collins R & White ND (Ed.), International Organizations and the Idea of Autonomy (pp. 339-353). Routledge
- Command Responsibility and the Princile of Individual Criminal Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of International Jurisprudence In Eboe-Osuji C (Ed.), Protecting Humanity (pp. 817-838). Martinus Nijhoff
- Cosmopolitan Legitimacy and UN Collective Security In Pierik R & Werner W (Ed.), Cosmopolitanism in Context (pp. 129-154). Cambridge University Press
- The Constitutional Role of General Principles of Law in International and European Jurisprudence In Tsagourias N (Ed.), Transnational Constitutionalism (pp. 71-106). Cambridge University Press
- Constitutionalism: a theoretical roadmap In Tsagourias N (Ed.), Transnational Constitutionalism (pp. 1-13). Cambridge University Press
- EU Peacekeeping Operations: Legal and Theoretical Issues In Trybus M & White N (Ed.), European Security Law (pp. 102-133). Oxford University Press
- International Community, Recognition of States and Political Cloning In Warbrick C & Tierney S (Ed.), Towards an International Legal Community: The Sovereignty of States and the Sovereignty of International Law (pp. 211-240). British Inst of International & Comparative
- Irrational Governance: The Use of Force In Heere WP (Ed.), From Government to Governance: The Growing Impact of Non-State Actors on the International and European Legal System (pp. 472-478). Cambridge University Press
- The Will of the International Community as a Normative Source of International Law, Governance and International Legal Theory (pp. 97-121). Springer Netherlands
- The Shifting Laws on the Use of Force and the Trivialization of the UN Collective Security System: The Need to Reconstitute It, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (pp. 55-87). T.M.C. Asser Press
- The will of the international community as a normative source of international Law In Dekker IF & Werner WG (Ed.), Governance and International Legal Theory (pp. 99-124). Springer
- Humanism and the Mandates System: Its Modern Revival In Lammers (Ed.), Hague Yearbook of International Law (pp. 97-110). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
- The Regulation of Cyber Weapons In Myjer EPJ (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law (pp. 440-415).
- CYBER THREATS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (pp. 145-146). Edward Elgar Publishing
- The legal status of cyberspace (pp. 13-29). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Table of legislation (pp. xx-xxviii). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Table of cases (pp. xiv-xix). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Military Intervention in International Law Oxford University Press
- Participants in the International Legal System Routledge
Book reviews
- Cyberwar: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 110(3), 609-614.
- Research group
Areas of research supervision
- International law and the use of force
- International humanitarian law
- International criminal law
- Collective security law
- Peacekeeping
- International and European constitutionalism
- Cybersecurity
- Grants
Title/Description: Awarding Body: People Involved: Dates: Amount: Collective Security: law, theory and practice British Academy Professor Nicholas Tsagourias and Professor Nigel White (Nottingham) 2010 - 2012 £7,450
- Teaching interests
My main objective is to guide students and facilitate them in developing their own intellectual potential. This is achieved through enquiry-based teaching and learning.
- Teaching activities
The modules I teach are:
- Principles of International Law
- International Criminal Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Security Institutions and Law
- Theoretial Foundattions of International Organisations
- Professional activities and memberships
- Editorial Board: Journal of Conflict and Security Law and Journam on the Use of Force and International Law
- Member of the Use of Force Committee of the International Law Association
- Member of the Institute of International Humanitarian Law (San Remo, Italy)
- Member of the American Society of International Law
- Member of the European Society of International Law
- Member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law
- AHRC Peer Review College
Recent invited papers and keynote lectures
- Gouvernance et régulation de la société numérique : quel rôle pour chacun ? UNESCO
- Self-Defence and Non-State Actors. Annual Meeting, European Society of International Law, Oslo
State Responsibility for Cyber Operations: International Law Issues, BIICL - The jus ad bellum aspects of cyberwar, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom