Professor Sarah Blandy
School of Law
Emerita Professor
+44 114 222 6776
Full contact details
School of Law
Bartolomé House
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
- Professor, School of Law, University of Sheffield, 2012-2020
- Co-Director of the FreeLaw legal advice clinic
- Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, conferred in 2019 for contribution to the social sciences
- Member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association
- Qualifications
- LLB, University of Warwick
- Solicitor of the Supreme Court
- Research interests
My research is socio-legal, interdisciplinary and empirical. It focuses on collective and individual property rights, and the spatial boundaries of law in relation to fortified homes and gated communities.
I am a member of the Utopian Legalities, Prefigurative Politics, and Radical Governance group, and of the International Research Forum on Multi-owned Properties:
- Publications
- View this article in WRRO Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Gated Communities. Routledge.
Edited books
- Researching Property Law. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Multi-owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice. Routledge.
- Gated Communities: International Perspectives. Taylor and Francis / Routledge.
Journal articles
- The Properties of Self-Managed Collective Housing. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 31(3), 68-83.
- Enhancing employability through student engagement in pro bono projects. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 26(1), 7-45.
- Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front Response. URBAN STUDIES, 55(2), 483-486. View this article in WRRO
- Gated communities revisited: defended homes nested in security enclaves. People, Place and Policy Online, 11(3), 136-142. View this article in WRRO
- The Dynamics of Enduring Property Relationships in Land. The Modern Law Review, 81(1), 85-113. View this article in WRRO
- Rowland Atkinson and Sarah Blandy 2017: Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front . Manchester: Manchester University Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41(6), 1035-1037.
- Susan Bright and Sarah Blandy (ed), Researching property law. The Law Teacher, 51(4), 529-531.
- View this article in WRRO Socio-legal approaches to property law research. Property Law Review, 3(3), 166-175.
- View this article in WRRO Editors' Introduction and survey. Property Law Review, 3(3), 139-151.
- Curbing the power of developers? Law and power in Chinese and English gated urban enclaves. Geoforum, 47, 199-208.
- Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Private Residential Government. Housing Studies, 28(3), 520-522.
- The right to buy: an examination of an exercise in allocating, shifting and re-branding risks. Critical Social Policy, 33(1), 17-36.
- Sarah Blandy, Ann Dupuis and Jennifer Dixon (eds): Multi-owned housing: law, power and practice. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 27(4), 551-553.
- Anna Minton (2009), Ground Control: Fear and Happiness in the Twenty-First Century City. London: Penguin. £9.99, pp. 240, pbk.. Journal of Social Policy, 40(3), 635-636.
- Book Review: Community, Conflict and the State: Rethinking Notions of ‘Safety’, ‘Cohesion’ and ‘Wellbeing’. Urban Studies, 47(11), 2475-2477.
- Law, boundaries and the production of space. Social and Legal Studies, 19(3), 275-284.
- Gated Communities: International Perspectives Edited by Rowland Atkinson and Sarah Blandy. Journal of Urban Affairs, 31(4), 511-512.
- A Review of “Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies”. European Journal of Housing Policy, 9(4), 480-482.
- A picture of the floating world: Grounding the secessionary affluence of the residential cruise liner. Antipode, 41(1), 92-110.
- Fear of crime and of anti-social behaviour and their relation to the spread of residential gated communities in England | La peur de la délinquance et du désordre et l'extension des quartiers résidentiels sécurisés en Angleterre. Deviance et Societe, 33(4), 557-572.
- Incivilities: Regulating Offensive Behaviour by A. von Hirsch and A.P. Simester (Eds.).. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 47(5), 563-564.
- Researching the judiciary: Exploring the invisible in judicial decision making. Journal of Law and Society, 35(SUPPL. 1), 76-90.
- Gated communities in England as a response to crime and disorder: context, effectiveness and implications. People, Place and Policy Online, 1(2), 47-54.
- Regulating social housing: Governing decline. HOUSING STUDIES, 22(4), 622-624.
- Panic rooms: The rise of defensive homeownership. Housing Studies, 22(4), 443-458.
- Book Review. European Public Law, 12(Issue 3), 495-497.
- District judges and possession proceedings. Journal of Law and Society, 33(4), 547-571.
- Gated communities in England: Historical perspectives and current developments. GeoJournal, 66(1-2), 15-26.
- Theorising power relationships in multi-owned residential developments: Unpacking the bundle of rights. Urban Studies, 43(13), 2365-2383.
- Gated cities of today? Barricaded residential development in England. Town Planning Review, 76(4), 401-422.
- Introduction: International perspectives on the New Enclavism and the rise of gated communities. Housing Studies, 20(2), 177-186.
- Gated communities: (Ne) Gating community development?. Housing Studies, 20(2), 287-301.
- Relationship breakdown, women and tenants' rights - choice or paternalism. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 16(2), 165-174.
- Reforming Leasehold: Discursive Events and Outcomes, 1984-2000. Journal of Law and Society, 28(3), 384-408.
- Cedric Pugh. Housing, Theory and Society, 18(3), 97-97.
- Freedom, governance and questions of global environmental control. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 3(1), 58-58.
- From tenure to rights: Conceptualizing the changing focus of housing law in england. Housing, Theory and Society, 16(1), 31-42.
- Gated communities in England : rules and rhetoric of urban planning. Geographica Helvetica, 58(4), 314-324.
- Boundaries, fortresses, and home ownership, The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society (pp. 146-155). Routledge
- Narratives of property and the limits of legal reform in the English leasehold system and its counterparts in other jurisdictions In Lippert R & Treffers S (Ed.), Condominium Governance and Law in Global Urban Context (pp. 13-28). London: Routledge.
- Gated Communities, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 259-263). Elsevier
- Real property on the ground: the law of people and place, Research Handbook on Private Law Theory (pp. 237-253).
- View this article in WRRO Ownership and belonging in urban green space In XU T & Clarke AC (Ed.), Legal Strategies for the Development and Protection of Communal Property; Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- View this article in WRRO Precarious Homes: the Sharing Continuum In Carr H, Edgworth B & Hunter C (Ed.), Law and the Precarious Home: Socio Legal Perspectives on the Home in Insecure Times Hart Publishing
- Withdraw, defend or destroy, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- The fortress archipelago, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- Invasions of privacy, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- History of key terms, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- Complexes of the domestic fortress, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- A shell for the body and mind, Domestic fortress Manchester University Press
- Socio-legal Approaches to Property Law Research, Researching Property Law (pp. 24-42). Macmillan Education UK View this article in WRRO
- Property Law Research Now and into the Future, Researching Property Law (pp. 180-195). Macmillan Education UK
- Gated Communities: (Ne)Gating Community Development?, Gated Communities (pp. 97-111). Routledge
- Collective Property: Owning and Sharing Residential Space, Modern Studies in Property Law (pp. 152-172).
- Applied Research Methods and Law Reform: The Leeds Experience, Integrating Socio-Legal Studies into the Law Curriculum (pp. 37-53). Macmillan Education UK
- Legal frameworks for multi-owned housing in England and Wales: Owners’ experiences, Multi-owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice (pp. 13-34).
- Introduction, Multi-owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice (pp. 1-12).
- Gating as governance: the boundaries spectrum In Crawford A (Ed.), Social and Situational Crime Prevention: International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance (pp. 519-544). CUP
- Legal Frameworks for Multi-Owned Housing in England and Wales: Owners experiences In Blandy S, Dupuis A & Dixon J (Ed.), Multi-owned Housing: Law, Power and Practice (pp. 13-34). Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Gated Communities/Privatopias, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 297-301). Elsevier
- Secession or cohesion? Exploring the impact of gated communities, Community Cohesion in Crisis? (pp. 239-258). Policy Press
- Secession or cohesion? exploring the impact of gated communities, Community Cohesion in Crisis?: New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference (pp. 239-257).
- Gated communities: a response to, or remedy for, anti-social behaviour?, Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour (pp. 239-256). Policy Press
- Gated communities: A response to, or remedy for, anti-social behaviour?, Housing, Urban Governance and Anti-Social Behaviour: Perspectives, Policy and Practice (pp. 239-255).
- Judicial attitudes to landlord and tenant law: different policies for different sectors In Bright S (Ed.), Landlord and Tenant Law: Past, Present and Future (pp. 41-63). Hart
- Housing standards in the private rented sector and the three Rs: regulation, responsibility and rights, Two steps forward (pp. 73-92). Policy Press
- Gating as governance: the boundaries spectrum in social and situational crime prevention, International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance (pp. 519-544). Cambridge University Press
- Conclusion, Journeys in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema Palgrave Macmillan
- Private Cities Routledge
Conference proceedings papers
- Gated communities and urban planning: Globalisation or national policy. CULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION, AND SUSTAINABILITY (pp 255-266)
Dictionary/encyclopaedia entries
- Research group
My following supervisees have successfully completed their PhDs
Molly Matthewman, whose research investigates the role of law in graduate housing in London ('Generation Rent'), and the relationship between tenure, identity and home.
Richard Goulding, funded by ESRC / White Rose, whose research investigates the financial, legal and social geographies of low income urban housing in Britain.
Edward Mitchell, funded by ESRC, whose research investigates the role law plays in retail-led urban regeneration schemes, through an actor network approach.
- Grants
Title/Description: Awarding Body: People Involved: Dates: Amount: Advisory Board member for research project on Materialising Kinship: Cycles of life at the Norwegian cabin Norwegian Research Council Marianne Lien, University of Oslo and Simone Abram, University of Durham 2016-2020 £667,000 Invited seminar on 'Enduring Property Relations' Modern Law Review
Professor Susan Bright (University of Oxford) and Professor Sarah Nield (University of Southampton) May 2016
£5000 Homelessness Prevention for Women and Children Who Have Experienced Domestic and Family Violence: Innovations in Policy and Practice Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Dr. Angela Spinney, Swinburne University, Australia 2010-2012
AUS $101,570
- Teaching interests
I enjoy teaching at all levels, and aim to convey my enthusiasm for the subjects I teach and to encourage students in creative thinking and critical analysis. I bring a socio-legal focus to my teaching based on my research, so that the material covered is related to the real world.
- Professional activities and memberships
Recent invited papers and keynote lectures
- ‘Commonhold finances, and preventing insolvency’, Law Commission consultation event on Reinvigorating Commonhold, Manchester, 19 February 2019
- ‘The wrong starting point? Multi-owned properties and the English leasehold system; common problems across jurisdictions’, International Research Forum on Multi-owned Properties, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 17-18 January 2019
- ‘Property 'from the ground up’', International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, 24 November 2018
- Understanding ‘space’ in law: gardens and gardening’, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, 19 February 2018
- ‘Copropriété in England and Wales’, Séminaire sur la copropriété (workshop on multi-owned property), PUCA, Paris, 26 January 2018
- ‘The Dynamics of Enduring Property Relations’ (with Susan Bright and Sarah Nield) keynote talk at the annual conference of Australasian Teachers of Property Law, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 26-29 September 2017
- ‘Defended homes and enclaves: causes and consequences’, research seminar at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, 20 September 2017
- 'Sharing in the high-rise: law and place', keynote talk at the Symposium on Comparative Social Sustainability: Condominium Law, Living and Landscapes, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Europe), Barcelona, 21-22 November 2016
- 'Ownership and belonging in urban green space' (with Simone Abram, Anthropology, Durham), Symposium on Legal Strategies for the Development and Protection of Communal Property, School of Law, University of Sheffield, 23-24 May 2016.