The Peaceful Settlement of Cyber Disputes
Russell Buchan, Daniel Franchini and Nicholas Tsagourias
The UN Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security identified as of central importance ‘the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered’. Cyber disputes span diverse issues and areas involving states but also private entities. They also give rise to questions as to whether the traditional international law means and methods of settlement are still adequate or whether new mechanisms should be created.
This project - beginning with an international conference and leading to an edited collection of essays - will construct an analytical and explanatory framework according to which the peaceful settlement of cyber disputes can be understood and practised. It examines the nature and content of cyber disputes in their political and legal dimension, the meaning and content of their peaceful settlement, assesses the adequacy of existing means and methods of dispute settlement and considers alternatives, explores the contribution of domestic courts and the private sector as well as the contribution of the UN and EU.
A two day online international conference was held on Thursday 4 March and Friday 5 March 2021 and included speakers and participants from government, academia, civil society and the private sector. A report providing an overview of the discussions at the conference will be written and disseminated and, longer term, an academic publication will be produced.