Masters student profiles

Meet current students and recent graduates from our masters courses in chemistry as they share their experiences of studying at Sheffield and what they went on to do after their degree.

Bryony Parker

A boost in my career

Bryony Parker BSc Chemistry; MSc Chemistry

Bryony worked with Professor Steve Armes on a polymer science project during her masters course, which led to a publication in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. She's now working at the interface of chemistry research and the chemical industry.

Tom Bailey

My path to a PhD

Tom Bailey MSc Chemistry

Tom boosted his practical while completing a research project based around catalysis and, as a result, has secured a PhD position at a different university.

CHEM Dayang Fazirah Abg Ahmad

One of the best places to study the subject

Dayang Fazirah Abg Ahmad MSc Chemistry

Once she had adjusted to life in the UK, Dayang Fazirah started to develop lots of new skills and use a range of specialist equipment to prepare her for a PhD or chemistry job after graduation.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International Merit Scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students including 75 undergraduate scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee and 125 postgraduate taught scholarships worth £5,000 towards the tuition fee. Applications are now open for existing offer holders.